
Villainous Heiress And Her Ex's Tyrant Boss

Participating in Cupid quill contest!! Please show your support! "He lied, cheated, and dared to reject me with utter disrespect!" This is the fury of a vengeful soul, who shows no mercy. Hailey Gao's whole being is fueled by an unrelenting fury. She's out for the blood of her boyfriend : Mason He, who spurned her in the most degrading manner, igniting a hatred she can't ignore. This is when Hailey's path crosses with Adrian Zhan, a tyrant in the business world whose very name instills fear. • • "Together, we'll crush our enemies," Adrian proposes, sparking a risky alliance. "And make them regret ever trying to ruin us," Hailey retorts with a sly smile and a mischievous glint in her eyes. • • What begins as a supposed fake relationship, a transaction of mutual use, takes an unexpected turn. • • "We're in a relationship now. You are mine alone; remember that." • • Hailey is startled as Adrian seems to invest genuine emotion into this charade. Is her ex's boss truly in love with her, or is he skillfully playing a game of deceit to make their faux relationship disturbingly real?

Kuchi_G_ · 都市
29 Chs

A Wedding Invite's Impact

Hailey's nonchalant demeanor shifted as she delicately retrieved the envelope, unfolding its contents with a subtle intrigue. Her gaze danced across the intricacies of the invitation, absorbing the embellishments that adorned its surface. The engraved names, Eliza and Mason, held her captive, prompting a myriad of thoughts to whirl within her, ' So you both have finally decided to show yourselves. '

In a moment of internal reflection, she contemplated, 'Let's just act surprise.' A calculated decision to mask her true sentiments. Her mouth subtly formed an 'O' of astonishment, eyes widening as the corner of her lip curled into an amused smile, accompanied by a derisive scoff.

"Why extend an invitation to me?" she inquired, a hint of skepticism woven into her words. Hailey, in her own mental realm, feigned astonishment. Her lips molded into a perfect 'O', eyes expanding to convey a semblance of genuine surprise. A faint smirk played on the corners of her mouth, a subtle manifestation of amusement. With a skeptical air, she scoffed and questioned, "What's the reasoning behind this invitation?"

Mason, seemingly unfazed, offered a simple explanation, "I just thought it would be nice to have you attend... you're her sister after all."

The corners of Hailey's lips descended into a pronounced frown, and her eyes, now narrowed with suspicion, delved into a scrutinizing gaze. Her eyebrows converged, forming a sharp line as she meticulously analyzed him, attempting to unearth the underlying motivation behind his decision to extend the invitation.

A silent narrative played in her mind: 'Eliza must have influenced him to invite me personally. How amusing. Does she believe I would be genuinely hurt?' A sly grin stealthily traversed her face as she shook her head, envisioning the potential revelation awaiting Mason if he were to discover he had been set up. A dark chuckle escaped from the depths of her throat, signaling a certain amusement in the intricacies of the unfolding situation.

Her countenance underwent a transformation, evolving from a playful grin to a hardened, stoic expression. Unwavering, she locked eyes with him, an unspoken determination resonating within her, 'They want to see me in pain, huh? I will show them just how much pain I'm in.'

"You're orchestrating this to rub salt on my wounds, right?" she finally voiced, her tone laced with a potent mix of defiance and bitterness. Her words lingered in the air, echoing with a weight that seemed to suffocate the room.

Silence ensued and was thick with tension, a palpable weight that settled in the room, casting an uneasy atmosphere. Mason's countenance underwent a discernible transformation, his face paling in response.

His response, when it came, was measured and soft. "No, Hailey. I just wanted to make sure you'd come," he uttered, the words floating into the charged space.

Hailey's retort sliced through the silence, her voice rising with each word until it verged on a vehement yell. "And why is that? So you can cause me more pain?" And she continued, "it hasn't been a month since we broke up and you're already talking about marrying that bitch and you have the audacity to came here and invite me to your wedding?"

A bitter laughter accompanied her words as she reclined, hand rubbing her temple.

A tidal wave of emotions surged within her, fueling her accusation. "What is wrong with you? Don't you dare insult Eliza like that. She's your sister and the woman I love; you have no right to insult her like that in front of me. I made my choice to be with Eliza because she is better than you will ever dream of being," Mason asserted, a mix of conviction and defiance in his voice.

Mason's retort was laced with disdain, his nostrils flaring as he glared at Hailey, who continued to laugh maniacally as she said, "You think she is better than me? You really don't know what a 'whore' your soon-to-be wife is. But it doesn't matter because even if I tell you the hell I went through because of Eliza and her mother, you won't believe me, so I won't waste my time. "

Mason's gaze shifted away from her, anger simmered beneath the surface, manifesting in clenched fists, tensed shoulders, and an arched back. A deep breath escaped him, and in a calmer tone, he began, "Eliza is a good person, with a beautiful personality, and I love her that way, and if..."

Before he could conclude his sentence, Hailey's voice cut through the air, her laughter dissipating. She interjected, "You can forget it; I'm not coming." The abrupt dismissal hung in the air, leaving a lingering tension between them.

Mason's eyes widened, grappling with the ramifications of Hailey's decision. A thought flickered in his mind, 'If Hailey doesn't attend, then Madam Gao won't attend, which will undoubtedly sadden Eliza. I don't want that.' Driven by this realization, he blurted out, "Please, if you don't attend, what do you think your family members and everyone attending would think of you."

Hailey let out a dismissive scoff, her defiance apparent as she swiftly added, "I don't care about what they think of me besides I already have made a bad place for myself in their hearts." Her features hardened, and her eyes gleamed with a menacing glint as she declared, "I will not attend, so leave."

Caught in the intensity of the moment, Mason took a hesitant step closer to Hailey. His voice softened to a low plea as he asked, "What about Madam Gao?" Hailey paused, a pregnant moment hanging in the air as she thought, ' I can't believe this guy, he is using grandma to convince me.'

She then replied, "I can bring as many people as I want along, right?"

Mason nodded hesitantly, acknowledging the possibility. "Are you coming?" he asked, seeking clarity amidst the murky waters of their exchange.

Hailey's response came with a slight smirk, "You may leave," she uttered, waving her hand dismissively as if signaling the end of their conversation.

As Mason pondered his next move, uncertainty gnawing at him, Hailey's intentions remained shrouded in mystery. 'I'm not sure if she's coming or not... What do I do?' he ruminated, his thoughts echoing in the silence. With a final nod, Mason left without uttering another word, the soft closing of the door reverberating through the room.


In the heart of a vibrant studio, pulsating with the creative energy of the fashion industry, every corner tells a story. Adorned walls showcase a visual feast of past photoshoots and magazine covers, proudly displaying the studio's remarkable portfolio.

The main area stands as the nucleus of creativity, a spacious and well-equipped expanse where the magic of photoshoots unfolds. High ceilings and expansive windows invite the embrace of natural light, casting a warm glow on the neutral-colored walls that serve as a clean and versatile backdrop for the photographic artistry.

In this dynamic environment, Eliza emerges as the epitome of grace and elegance, commanding attention in the main area. With an effortless grace, she seamlessly moves from one pose to another, exuding confidence and charisma that captivate the onlookers. The photographer orchestrates the symphony of clicks, capturing moments that freeze in time.

Amidst the clicks and flashes, stylists flit in and out, tending to Eliza's every detail. They delicately adjust her clothes, ensuring perfection with each frame, or orchestrate quick changes, transforming her look to align with the evolving theme of the photoshoot.

Eliza's expressions, a delicate dance of intensity and playfulness, mirror the dynamic mood and theme of the photoshoot. With each pose, she effortlessly showcases the clothing, infusing the brand's unique style and aesthetic with her innate flair. Her professionalism radiates throughout the session.

"That was amazing, Eliza," the photographer praised, his admiration evident in the tone of his words.

"You did great, Eliza," echoed the stylist, their collective commendation creating a harmonious affirmation of her stellar performance.

As Eliza basked in the praise, a radiant smile graced her face, and a surge of joy threatened to burst from her heart. Every aspect of her being exuded perfectionism at its finest – her radiant skin glowed, and the dress clung snugly to her body, accentuating every curve with impeccable precision. Her eyelashes fluttered against the light as she blinked, and her flowing black locks framed her shoulders, rendering her a living work of art.

'My beauty knows no bounds,' Eliza thought, a subtle acknowledgment of her own allure. Despite the external commendations, she recognized the innate grace she brought to every frame.

Feeling the need for a respite, she suggested, "Can we take a quick break? My neck is killing me, and I need to stretch." The photographer responded with a smile, nodding in agreement. The stylist, in turn, guided Eliza to a lounge adjacent to the styling area, where plush couches and chairs awaited, creating a cozy and inviting space for relaxation.

Seated luxuriously on one of the plush couches, Eliza sank back into its inviting fabric, a sigh of contentment escaping her lips as the stylist carefully arranged pillows behind her for added comfort. Closing her eyes, she embraced a moment of relaxation, the soft surroundings cocooning her in bliss.

However, her peaceful interlude was abruptly interrupted by the familiar chime of her phone. With a gentle sigh, she reached for the device, noting the caller ID indicating it was Mason. A smile graced her lips as she answered the call, her tone softening, "Hey, babe," accompanied by a loving smile cast upon her surroundings.

On the other end, Mason's voice carried concern as he inquired, "Hey, did I disturb you?"

Eliza reassured him, "I was about to take a short nap after my photoshoot. What's up? Did Hailey say she would come?"

Mason hesitated momentarily before revealing, "She agreed to come."

Eliza's expression shifted to one of confusion, "What? She agreed to come?"

Mason sighed, "It wasn't easy, to be honest. You know how Hailey can be."

Understanding Hailey's stubborn nature, Eliza nodded and hummed in response. "Well, at least you convinced her," she replied with excitement, sensing the significance of Hailey's attendance.

"Yeah..." Mason trailed off, his tone now carrying a hint of apprehension.

Eliza then said with excitement, "I should tell my mom so she can inform grandma immediately. Bye."

As she swiftly disconnected the line before Mason could utter another word.