
Villain XP : Unwanted Son, Unstoppable Villain

Aamon Desmond, known as the top player "Isis" in The Battle of Righteous, the illegitimate child of the powerful Desmond family. Cast aside and underestimated, Aamon yearns for his father's love. But, his will to become a worthy son crumbles as he is killed by his own family assassins. So, what happens when he’s the first person to transmigrate into The Battle of Righteous Version 2.0 Beta program as a character who shares the same fate as his previous life? The Useless Son of The Noctis Duchy. Valac Noctis. — [DING! NEW HOST DETECTED! Would you like vengeance against those who have crushed you? Would you like to change, explore history and become The Greatest Villain To Exist? Get your very own personalized system : I Was The Greatest Villain System! Would you like to spin the lucky wheel? ] [ Yes ] [ No ]

Larsena · ファンタジー
8 Chs

How Can I Trust You

"I am Xavier, Master Valac. The knight assigned to be by the Duke."

By the Duke… I can't trust him with my mother. If he's assigned by the Duke he must be solely loyal to the Duke. 

"Valac… I'll return to my room now. Take care."

Valac watched as his mother, Darina, slowly turned, guided by the maid's gentle touch. He felt a pang of guilt as she walked away, her frail figure disappearing into the shadows of the dimly lit hallway. 

His fists tightened by his sides as Xavier, the knight assigned by the Duke, stepped into the room.

Valac didn't move, barely acknowledging Xavier's presence. If this man is loyal to the Duke, then he's not my ally.

The knight's steel-gray armor clinked softly as he approached. 

"Master Valac," Xavier greeted in a low, formal tone. His expression was unreadable, the helm tucked under his arm revealing sharp features. "I will be stationed outside your room until further notice. If you require anything, let me know."

Valac gave him a blank stare. "Anything I require?" His voice held a trace of bitterness. "Do you take requests for my freedom, Sir Knight?"

Xavier's face remained stoic, but Valac noticed the brief flicker of tension in his jaw. "You know I don't have the authority to fulfill that. I'll pretend I didn't hear it."

Valac chuckled, though the sound was hollow.

"Then what's the point of asking?" He leaned back against the bedpost, his body slumping slightly as the venom continued to weaken him. "Just do what you're told. It seems to be what you're good at."

The knight didn't reply, standing stiffly by the doorway, arms crossed over his chest.

Lav peeked out from under the bed, his small body trembling. Valac could feel the dragon's fear, but he couldn't risk comforting him while Xavier was around. He needed to maintain an appearance of control.

"You may leave," Valac muttered, waving his hand dismissively at Xavier. "I don't need a babysitter in my own room."

Xavier hesitated, his eyes narrowing slightly as if weighing the risks. "I'll be right outside, should you need me."

Valac scoffed. "I'm sure the Duke's orders didn't include small talk with his 'cursed' son."

Without another word, the knight turned on his heel and exited the room, closing the door behind him with a resounding thud.

The silence that followed was suffocating, broken only by Lav's soft whimper as he crawled out from under the bed, his tiny wings drooping.

"I'm sorry, Lav." Valac sighed, rubbing his temples. "I can't protect you properly right now."


The dragon let out a soft chirp, nudging Valac's leg with his snout. Despite his small size, the creature's gesture was warm, making Valac chuckle.

"Haha! Are you sure you're demonic? I'm starting to have doubts, Lav."

Valac sat back down on the bed, his mind racing. 

His mother's words echoed in his head: "Elenora might play more tricks to get rid of you now that you're vulnerable."

I have to act fast. If Elenora really was planning something, it wouldn't be long before she made her move. He couldn't afford to wait around for the Duke's next command or for Elenora's cruelty to unfold further.

"First things first," he muttered to himself. "I need to regain my strength. Without that, I'm useless."

He closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing, trying to push the pain and dizziness aside. The venom had weakened him far more than he anticipated, but Valac wasn't one to give up easily.

"But, I also cannot go to Moonlit Cavern in this state."

Lav climbed onto the bed beside him, curling up next to his leg. Valac reached down, stroking the dragon's smooth scales, finding some comfort in the creature's presence.

The door creaked open slightly, and Valac immediately tensed, his hand instinctively covering Lav. Xavier wouldn't dare enter again, would he?

But it wasn't Xavier. 

The maid from earlier, the one who had spoken up timidly, slipped inside, her face pale, eyes darting nervously to the hall before she shut the door.

"Master Valac," she whispered, wringing her hands together, her gaze dropping to the floor. "I… I… Please don't fire me. I won't think of stealing anything again."

Valac narrowed his eyes. "And, what good will that do me?"

"I heard the other maids gossiping. You might be interested." The maid swallowed hard, stepping closer to him, her voice barely audible. "Lady Elenora… she's been in contact with the Dark Mage Tower."

Oooooh! That now explains the venom!

Valac's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't let it show on his face. He remained calm, though inside, a storm was brewing.

"I see. Is that all?" he asked quietly, his eyes never leaving the maid's face.

The maid's hands trembled. "Please don't fire me. I have two siblings to take care of."

She might look dumb. But, it's quite useful while I recover my health.

"How can I trust you?" Valac's voice was low, laced with suspicion. 

The maid shook her head vigorously, tears welling up in her eyes. "No, Master Valac. I swear, I don't want to see you hurt. I've… I've served your mother since before you were born. I— I owe her my life. I would never lie to you."

Valac studied her face for a moment before nodding slowly. "Do a mana oath."

Mana oaths were deadly life oaths. If you break them, you die faster than the breeze blowing.

The maid bowed her head, tears spilling down her cheeks. "I'll do it. I'll do anything. Just please, don't fire me." The green screen appeared above the maid's head.

[Sub Quest : Every villain needs his own group of supporters.]

[Description : Bring The Maid And Knight Xavier on your side.]

[Rewards : Stamina +115, Health +75, Venom Suppression Pill]

Valac raised an eyebrow at the quest prompt that materialized before him. A strange thrill coursed through him. 

Is it because it's been a while since I did quests?

This was more than just an opportunity to gain allies… It was a chance to regain some control over his precarious situation. 

Since, System is suggesting Xavier. It should be alright for now. I do need someone to take care of mom.

"Very well, then," he said, his voice steady. "Let's make this official. I will grant you my protection, but you must swear the oath."

The maid nodded fervently, her hands shaking as she took a step closer. "I swear on my life and my magic that I will serve you faithfully, Master Valac. I, Serphine, will never betray you or your trust." 


That infamous crazy assassin!?