
Live Demonstration Part 2

Garon stepped forward, his confidence rising as he soared to the center of the clearing.

"I'll test you," he declared, cracking his knuckles. The muscles in his arms flexed, showcasing his strength. "Let's see if you can back up your words—"


Everyone was momentarily stunned as Garon was sent hurtling through the air, vanishing into the swirling miasma. 

Lyra's jaw dropped, her playful demeanor shifting to shock. "Did he just—?"

Elizabeth felt a rush of conflicting emotions—fear for Garon's fate. "Is he okay?" she asked, glancing nervously toward the miasma.

"You see that? That's my boyfriend!" Anna shouted, her voice bright with excitement. She cheered loudly. 

Just as they celebrated, a whooshing sound filled the air, drawing their attention back to the miasma.


It parted dramatically, revealing Garon transformed, his form now radiating a powerful aura.