

After accepting the mission, Reign made his way back to Delon's office to gather more information. Something about the job didn't sit right with him, so he needed clarification. 

Thanks to their partnership, Delon was more than willing to address his concerns. 

In fact, he seemed relieved that Reign had accepted the mission, as many other members were avoiding it. 

He patiently answered all of the questions, providing Reign the clarity he needed.

<Outside the Bar>


The door opened, revealing the night sky. 

While the area around the bar was illuminated, the adjacent street appeared deserted, typical for the late hours in the slum. 

It wasn't that the residents were early sleepers; rather, during these late hours, criminal activities ran rampant. 

Only those confident in their abilities dared to walk the streets. The danger was visible, with shootings occurring almost nightly.