'Ashtra! I need your help!'
After which, a colossal frost wyrm now hovered to the bright sky as it formed from the particles of light.
With a nudge on his snout, thick walls of ice rose around the perimeter of the tar that spread throughout the courtyard. Simultaneously, he pushed the ones who were still incapacitated with a gust of wind, dropping them to a safer vantage point.
There was no guarantee of this beautiful courtyard, but she's more than willing to take responsibility.
[Keith! Ask for help on the rest to aid those who are injured and still sick—]
"I'll take charge!"
This time, Athan stepped up for what he wanted to do that would help her.
[You're unwell—]
"This isn't much of a big deal. Don't worry, I got company."
Withal, more and more of them stood up to him, holding the same amount of resolve about the issue that needed to tackle right now.