
Villain: The Play of Destiny

Update Schedule: Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday on WN, SH, MSB, and RR. As for the Patrons, almost Daily updates with guaranteed 25 new Chapters each month. Discord: https://discord.gg/t2gPEt3 Synopsis: Keith, a vieux riche, spoiled and cherished, heir to the Demiliore Consortium, lives his life at large. Power, Wealth, Fame; He has it all. But is it all just a dream? With a set of memories, the knowledge of the future, in a play orchestrated by Destiny, knowing well that he is born to be a Villain, will he prevail? Or is he going to fall at the hands of the Child of Destiny just like he did in the nightmare that haunts him? Author's Note: Yes, the story is heavily influenced by Urban-Fantasy Chinese Novels. Don't read if you have a problem with those types of plots. 'Cliche' plot elements are bound to appear, so if you easily get triggered by such things, keep away. And I would advise you to not even start the story if you are an ardent believer of 'Good shall prevail over the Evil'. Keep away! MC here is a Villain! But yes, he is not someone deprived of emotions, even though he is a Scum. So, do not expect an outright Evil MC either. I don't write Netorare. Don't worry about it! Warnings: > Incest > Dark Elements > Sexual Content > Traumatising Content > Gore > Manipulative MC > Sexual Abuse > Parallel World (Almost a New World) > Fantasy Elements (Full-fledged Fantasy later) > System > Slavery

FateDevilAce · ファンタジー
430 Chs

Chapter 233

Life is unfair.

Everyone knows it and tells it, but they only ever truly understand it when they experience this unfairness themselves. And the truth was that life was more unfair to some than the rest. But then again, life is unfair to all.

Kylian walked down the forest woods, keeping his head low, holding back the tears that threatened to brim out of his vacant, yet attentive blue eyes.

In his mind was the face of his mother, disappointed, and sad, having learned everything that he did and had been up to.

"Please leave."

Her words echoed in his mind again, and a pang of guilt ached his heart.

At that time, he had been angry after hearing her words and immediately turned around to leave her cottage, but now, he regretted it.

Those pearl-like tears that had slipped out of her eyes were in pain at losing her son yet again.

And Kylian knew that deep in her heart, she wanted him to stay by her side and be with her.

Mother's love was a strange thing. She could never truly hate her child. And if given a choice, she would always choose her child over her husband.

However, his mother had no choice.

The Sect wanted him gone. They did not care how talented he was. To them, he was a shame and a disgrace to the name of Dusk, and to them, he was a cursed pot of endless troubles.

A mirthless chuckle escaped his lips as he could not really refute anything the Elders said right to his face. And his father had not even raised his head to look at him.

Kylian regretted not listening to his father's warning. He had been warned and asked to not do exactly what he did. He was stupid and too impulsive that he failed to contain his emotions and desires.

For a girl, a strange girl, whom he did not even know, who did not even care for him, he destroyed all his familial relationships.

His steps grew heavier as he kept walking because all that guilt and regret started turning into anger once again.

No matter what it was. No matter how stupid he was. His family had not stood by his side. They stood by the side of the man whom they considered a benefactor and a potential ally they could not give up on.

To please him, they even sold his Intended to him. The girl who was meant to be his bride was thrown in another man's arms, and that bitch had been enchanted by that Devil's pretty face.

She deemed becoming Keith's maid an honour instead of becoming his lawful wife.

"Dumb bitch. You will regret your decision one day..." He hatefully grumbled, and then suddenly stopped and looked back.

There was a rustle of leaves in a bush under an old tree, and when he narrowed his eyes, just about to look at what was hiding inside it, two playful squirrels swiftly climbed up the tree, making squeaking noises.

Kylian just stayed there, watching the two of them disappear into the thick crown of the tree. He had a hunch, a very strange hunch that someone was watching him, keeping their eyes on him at all times.

The feeling had been with him since the afternoon when he left the Sect's premises, and now, it was dark if you did not count the bright stars and the moon in the sky, which provided ample illumination. Well, at least, he had no problems seeing things.

Sighing and suppressing the unease in his heart, he turned back, treading on the path that led to a crystal lake several miles away.

He did not even bother scanning his surroundings this time. He had done it several times by now, and every time, he had found no one but little animals curiously looking at him or doing their things.

There was no trace of another person in the vicinity, and Kylian just wanted to reach the lake as soon as possible now. He was going to camp there tonight and then take a good sleep.

He was homeless now.

There was no place for him in the cities, and there was no place for him at his home Sect. However, the world was a big place, and he already had a few things in mind.

There were bound to be people who would take a fancy to his talent, and he was quite tempted to approach one of the rival Sects of the Sect of Dusk.

He wanted to do it out of spite that one day his family would regret letting him go. He wanted them to feel ashamed about their decision. And he wanted to prove to them that the 'Disgrace' they did not want in their lives could have been their greatest asset and strength.

Kylian had already vowed to see that day come, and he was going to do everything to make it happen.

He smiled slightly when he imagined that day, but once again, there was this foreboding feeling of hollowness in his stomach that scared him a little, but he immediately shook it off.

Kylian did not know what this feeling was about, but just as he was about to take another step, a word came to his mind that froze.


The entire world seemed to have suddenly turned cold and silent, and in the next moment, he felt a scorching pain in his eyes.

"Ahhh!!!" He screamed out in agony, covering his eyes, and screamed again when he felt blood coming out of his eyes.

The Aura inside his body had started depleting at a terrifying rate, and Kylian could not understand what was happening to him.

Unbeknownst to him, right behind his back, a tear in space started forming, and Kylian only sensed it when he experienced an almighty pull into it.

However, to his relief, and dread at the same time, he looked down with his bleeding eyes that could see more clearly than ever that his feet were bound into their place with a strange dark flame.

And the more he looked at it, the more his intuition told him that it was not there to save him.

Now, he wished he would break free and be sucked in by that strange swirling tear in space right behind, trying to pull him in.

He struggled to get free, but he was already out of Aura now, and the realisation was soon followed by a wave of dizziness.

Kylian soon lost consciousness, unaware of everything that was happening to his body.

Had he been awake, he would have been utterly shocked by what appeared in front of him.

It was a person, shrouded in a black flame, and his eyes were mystically glowing in an amethyst colour.

"You can not save him..." A soft but determined voice sounded out, and then a terrifying pressure dawned at the place Kylian was bound.

The darkness at Kylian's feet started climbing up his legs, soon it had surrounded all of its victim's body except the head, where two very mystical eyes were glowing and bleeding at the same time, and the light from those eyes warded off the darkness.

Keith knew exactly what was happening, and even though he had managed to cover Kylian in his Darkness, he was unable to enter his skin to truly harm him.

He tried to reach forward and strike the vital points on Kylian's body, but there was an invisible shield guarding the Child of Destiny now which prevented him from causing any serious harm.

The swirling tear in space started spinning faster, and Keith felt his heart sink.

He had already expected such a thing to happen, but it was not what he ever wanted to happen.

The moment he arrived and was about to use his Powers to kill Kylian in one swift move, the Spirit Eyes sensed him and initiated this space warp to take its owner out of this world.

It was a good thing that he was prepared, but even after successfully capturing Kylian, it was only a matter of time before the portal would pull Kylian in.

"No." He whispered and then used all the Mana and Aura inside his body to explode his Darkness, engulfing everything, including the portal that simply sucked it in as if it was a bottomless pit.

But it helped him get closer to Kylian, and he proceeded to lock his arm around his victim's neck, and then used all his strength to break it.

His eyes glowed again as he used his Godly powers to disturb the Space around them, and it seems to work a little until the portal started spinning at a blinding speed and Keith felt being pulled into it as well.

He had long realised that he had no other way to kill Kylian than to wait for this portal to close.

All he had to do was play tug of war and to win, he might just prevent Kylian from escaping.

His heart sank further when Kylian's feet left the ground and were pulled into the portal, but he refused to let go and unleashed his Godly presence even more.

He knew that even if he failed, he would survive this portal and would not get pulled into it thanks to the God Ring in his hand. It isolated him from the laws of Space and Time to an extent, but he also knew that if he ran out of strength, he could suffer some serious harm too.

Seconds passed, and then minutes, and little by little, Kylian's body entered the portal.

Keith had never before in his life felt being pressed so hard, and his furious amethyst eyes were glowing eerily now.

The portal had started getting smaller too, and at this pace, it was inevitable that he would fail to keep the child of Destiny in this world.

However, Keith was hell-bent on not letting that happen. The consequences would be dire, and it was not about the loss of experience points, but the dangerous enemy Kylian would make for him and his family in the future.

Nothing he could not deal with in the future, but such danger was better dealt sooner rather than later.

In the very last moment, when he felt his rage hit its peak, something inside of him clicked.

His eyes locked onto the portal, and he could feel the phenomenon, feel the law of Space itself.

"Stop." He commanded the portal in his mind, which tried to resist him, another thing that he found a little too natural, but then the resistance vanished as if it was never there.

The portal immediately closed, leaving behind a swishing sound and the upper body of the Child of Destiny, which had been cut cleanly from his upper chest.

The rest of his body, which had entered the portal, disappeared along with it, including the heart and half of his lungs.

Kylian Dusk was undoubtedly dead, but Keith was too far gone to revel in joy.

"You said it was an easy quest." He complained to the System when he heard a prompt in his mind, which he knew was about the successful completion of the task even without listening to it or viewing it.

{It was an easy mission, Host. You could have killed him the very first time you met him, and all of this would not have happened. The Spirit Eyes kept waking up as you pushed the Child of Destiny further and further into a corner, and since he still had a decent Fate Value left, the law of Destiny extended some help to him.}

Keith knew that every opportunity had a cost, and if he had killed Kylian sooner, he would have wasted more Fate Value. And he was not really complaining, it was just something that popped into his mind in the heat of the moment and he voiced it.

"Minami..." He whispered right before he caved into the weakness that was creeping in and fell unconscious.

The task was done. And he wanted a good sleep now.