
Villain Retirement

16 years old-- most boys would be falling in love, as their hormones all rise to unprecedented levels. Riley, however, at age 16... killed the world's number 1 superhero. Warning: MC is in the spectrum. Very Edgy.

Romeru · 都市
1132 Chs

Chapter 200: Time Bomb

"Uh, guys? Might need a little back up here."

Tempo dropped the hard chunk of flesh in his hand; pressing his neck and seemingly trying to contact other members of the Hope Guild. But seeing as he didn't say anything more, no one was responding.

"We have a big V problem," Tempo then said as he turned his attention towards V, whose mecha suit was slightly damaged by the earlier attack, "Guys?"

And with him trying again and having no one to respond, the only thing he could do was let out a sigh before his entire body flickered; soon returning to cast a shadow of himself, Riley, and the Crimson Paladin as he carried V to their position.