
Villain Is on Vacation

"Every day is so annoying and tiring. Just working, eating, and pooping. I rarely get any peace of mind." Rain grumbled. "I want some rest and go on vacation. It's good I am going on vacation tomorrow. Goodbye to annoying work for a few days," he cheered. As he was crossing the road, he saw a truck coming towards him. "Looks like, my life suc--" Whether gratifying or pathetic, almost the next moment, he got crushed by the truck, died, and transmigrated into the world of the game "Saga of the Magical Knight" as a mid-tier villain, Rain Holmes. "Welcome to the fantasy world, I guess." Fortunately, the system was there to help him. [Host should choose one choice among the following three choices.] | 1. Supporting Character | | 2. Villain | | 3. Extra Character | "Supporting Character sucks, and being a villain is tiring and risky. I choose to be an extra character." Rain answered. [Okay.] 'Who cares about that protagonist and heroines, I rather go on vacation and live a free life.' Rain scoffed. He didn't care about the plot, he wanted [vacation]. However, soon he realized it won't be as easy as he thought. "Hey, runaway Young master, spar with me!" The musclehead Villain roared. "Rain, you are only my friend, I won't let other bitches have you." One of the heroines declared. "But didn't he say he love me?" A mysterious beauty appeared. "Is getting vacation that hard?" Rain said in an exhausted tone.

Madwriter_2377 · ファンタジー
171 Chs

Looks Like I Really Got Transmigrated

After taking his first and final flight, Rain quickly came down to the ground.


However, he performed the crash landing, but it's unclear if it was because of his first time or the result of his inexperience.

His body was a wreck, with multiple broken ribs and blood seeping from his wounds. In such a state, he couldn't even move a muscle.

'Ahh... Goodness, gracious. This warmth is the finest, I guess I can sleep now.'

The warmth around him felt comforting, and for a moment, he forgot about his injuries. But soon, the pain returned, and he couldn't even turn his neck. He shifted his eyes to see his surroundings, noticing the heavy bleeding.

'Oh, I appear to be bleeding heavily.'

Despite the pain, Rain's mind held no worry. It was an opportunity to rest, even if it meant facing the possibility of passing away at a young age. "I should have enjoyed my life more," he murmured, regret lacing his voice. His brows furrowed, and his eyes glistened with a mix of longing and sorrow.

"Too much work, always pushing myself... I should have known better," he continued, his voice barely a whisper.

"Will I get a second chance?" Rain asked himself, but there was no answer.

"Maybe... at that time, I will try to enjoy my life," he muttered softly, his voice barely audible over the distant sounds of the city. A faint smile played at the corners of his lips as he imagined a future where he could savor simple pleasures.

His voice grew softer, as if fading away. "No more tiring work... I'll get the rest I deserve," he whispered, his eyelids heavy with exhaustion. His body relaxed, sinking into the pavement, surrendering to the weariness that enveloped him.

Rain wasn't bothered by the fact that he was dying, nor did he care where the truck went after hitting him. Strangely, he found his impending death to be a liberation from his monotonous life.

'There's a chance that a miracle may occur and I'll come back to life with a bang.' Rain thought. He soon started thinking about different scenarios like,

'I may be an heir of some secret ancient family, so some shadow-type group will come and save me by giving me an elixir,

or my past life's memories will suddenly come back to me,

or a miracle doctor will treat me, then I will be cured by him.'

As he lay there, reality seeped in, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

'Nah, just kidding. Nothing like this will happen.'

As Rain was thinking all this, his body was getting colder per second. Soon, Rain's consciousness started leaving his body. 

'Ah, it's all dark.' The dazzling world, which was filled with colors - started losing them until only darkness remained.

'Seems like I passed away. I'm free to rest now. Let's put my mind to rest and sleep. Maybe my next life will be filled with more colors.' And like that, he closed his eyes.


[Unknown Place]

In a room filled with soft, warm light, a 19-year-old boy lay soundly asleep, signs of exhaustion from hard work etched on his face. He rustled on the bed. Perhaps he already took a rest and might wake up soon.

"Ah.." as he roused, he raised his torso and sat up, yawning heavily. Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Rain gradually opened them, a sense of confusion washing over him.

Rain's eyes blinked as he took in the unfamiliar surroundings. The room, though modest, exuded a clean and orderly charm. Its walls were bathed in a soothing beige hue, and adorned with tasteful decorations. A plush, cream-colored carpet adorned the marble floor.

His gaze fixed upon the headboard, a dark wood masterpiece with intricate carvings that added a touch of elegance to the room. The bed was neatly positioned against the wall, with a large window above it, allowing the room to bathe in natural light.

Surveying his surroundings, Rain noted the room was meticulously furnished. A wooden wardrobe stood in one corner, a small writing desk in another, and a cozy armchair near the window.

A framed painting on the wall opposite the bed showcased a tranquil landscape.

'Oh, where am I?' The room bore no resemblance to a hospital, and he couldn't recall being in one. His last memory was of dying due to a truck accident, leaving him puzzled about his current location.

As Rain sat up, he noticed the luxurious bed he had been lying in. It was covered with silky, white sheets and fluffy pillows. It was one of the finest quality.

Although he quickly wanted to take sweet sleep on it, there were countless questions in his mind, and getting answers of them was necessary at this moment.

'Is it true that I passed away?' 

'If yes, then this is the so-called afterlife?'

Rain was pretty much confused. Because it differed from what he heard.

When he was on earth, some people claimed that a demon from hell would hold you accountable for all of your misdeeds after you pass away.

Or you must cross the Styx River,

Or you must consume some aunt's soup.

But when Rain saw his surrounding space, he didn't find anything of this.

It was a room.

A simple but luxurious room.

There were numerous pricey decorations and works of art. It was well organized. Everything was so neat and clean that you couldn't find even a speck of dust.

Rain was shocked, as he had never seen this kind of sight.

He started pondering where he was, and soon he concluded two possibilities.

Either this is heaven or he is transmigrated like in those novels...

Pretty fast, right? Rain didn't waste much time in thinking. 

'I have to find where I am,' he thought to himself.

Rain attempted to stand up from the bed, but his legs buckled beneath him, unable to support his weight.

Frustrated and helpless, he tried again and again, but each attempt ended in the same result.

He couldn't understand why his body was failing him so miserably. Was it related to his recent death, or was something else at play?

"Come on, Rain, you can do this," he said to himself, trying to calm down. But his attempts were in vain. 

"There ought to be someone close by," he reasoned, looking around for help. But the room was empty, and the silence was deafening.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" he called out, but his voice was hoarse and barely audible.

Rain searched for a mirror, hoping to see his reflection and assess if he still had injuries from the accident.

"Where's a damn mirror when you need one?" he muttered, growing increasingly frustrated. He wanted to see if his face was still intact, or if the accident had left him disfigured. The uncertainty was too much to bear.

Just when he was about to give up, he saw a reflection of an attractive man in the window. Rain's heart skipped a beat, and his pulse quickened. "Who's that? Is he here to help me?" he wondered, hopeful for the first time in a while.

As he was pondering the man's sudden appearance, drowsiness struck him, and his vision started blurring. He felt his eyelids droop, and he realized he was losing consciousness.

"No, no, stay awake, Rain," he whispered to himself, but his efforts were in vain. The darkness engulfed him, and he was left alone with his thoughts and fears.

'This is so annoying.' Rain clicked his tongue and frowned.

'I will see what this is and if this place is really heaven or not.'

As he was getting sleepy, he didn't bother much and thought he would rest for some time.

Like that, Rain fell asleep again.


After a while, Rain woke up again. 

He opened his eyes and gradually tried to move his legs. As he got out of bed, he let out a simple, "Hmm..." 

'I can speak smoothly and move now.' Rain felt relieved.

Still, he had many doubts.

Is this really heaven?

Who is that man?

What is the reason behind all of this?

Therefore, he looked at the glass window again.

He could see that the man's every move was a replica of his own, leaving him puzzled and bewildered.

'This can't be transmigration, right?'

Although Rain had already guessed what was happening, he couldn't accept it.

The closer the man got, the more Rain's confusion grew. His mind was racing with thoughts, he was gradually accepting the reality.

As that man had a mirror-like appearance or you can say it was just a reflection of Rain.

"Looks like I really got transmigrated." 

Rain finally accepted the reality.


║Some references║:

-►Meng Po (lit. 'Old lady Meng') is the goddess of forgetfulness in Chinese Mythology, who serves Meng Po Soup on the Bridge of Forgetfulness or Naihe Bridge.

This soup wipes out the memory of the person so they can reincarnate into the next life without any burdens of the previous life.

-►Styx River is one of the rivers of the underworld. 

In Greek mythology, the Styx River is one of the five rivers that flow through the underworld. It is the river that separates the world of the living from the world of the dead. According to mythology, when a person dies, their soul must cross the river to enter the underworld.

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