
Villain in Shepherd's cloth

AU. (Sorry for any cringe) A world of superpowers named Quinx or Quinxez (pl) has the casual hero, villain, and everything in between. With some crooked Heroes and misunderstood Villains someone has to "Have the moral high ground"

Mystice · SF
16 Chs

The Tortuous Reveal of the Universe's Eolienne

"So..." A wolf and a fox walk into a bar "...Right?" and sit down before ordering drinks. "So. . ." Dauze smirks with a twinkle in is eyes I'mma enjoy fuckin with him.

 "Bitch you've said the word "So" about fifty times on the way here!" Zylax says in an annoyed tone that equally matches his face. 

"Like. . ." Dauze says with a more noticeable smirk . 

"You've been fucking with me for the last hour haven't you?" Zylax realizes making Dauze erupt into a hearty laughter. "For a man with a mellow voice you got one deep ass laugh." hearing these words Dauze stops laughing causing a small chuckle in Zylax

 "Alright so I do have an actual plan, I'm not just meme'in. I've been spendin' most of my free time looking back at how earth used to solve their uhh "Flawed viewpoints"-" Dauze make air quotes after each word "and one of the ways I'd find rather easy is speeches." Dauze waits for Zylax to say something

"... Like the Equilibrium?"

E-Z Read Dauze nods his head with a wide but close smile "Kinda." he leans "As you know saying yeah may get us both arrested because of what they wrote the speeches with; but they had some strategic placin'." He goes back to his semi slouched position and guzzles down a golden drink that looks like smooth honey "But yeah doing these in a low key way like poetry contests, public speaking events1. You know shit like that." he ushers for the waitress to come over with his fingers "Just prepare for enemies. I ain't talking on stage; studio, and my bedroom that is it."

The waitress looks to Zylax expecting an order, he just shakes his head gently. "You take care of yourself and Shade and I won't give a damn about enemies. Whatever it takes to get the job done, as long as it doesn't break any ethical or legal line." Zylax nods at the end That'll do for me.. but what about those who've done so much to keep me alive, those who gave up their existence to keep mine hidden? I want to say it's too late to be thinking about this but now it feels like the perfect time

She got an alright ass, C-tier; lil' flat at the chest.. but she's blonde and a beast person, might be gettin some when I dump this boi Dauze stops eyeing the waitress and see's Zylax is still in deep thought "I get you want to be cautious and all that, but we don't got long before the police sweep this place for curfew." Dauze guzzles down the bottle he was given "Come on, before I have to drag ya out" as he gets up 

"What did you see when you woke up this morning dearest Quinzell2." Zylax's voice was coy but his face was very serious as he leans back

Dauze takes a pause in the middle of getting up before continuing to do "The path you'll be walking down is.... fucked, but you're one of the few who could do this. here's a spoiler for your lif..." as he spoke his words began to fade out of reality in an echo as Ms.Vertige's voice began to fade in piercing through Dauze's echo 

"...Shit! Does he have a naturally high blood pressure. Damn it wouldn't have been ta first time. I wanted some answers too. This bastad neva even answered my question!" Ms.Vertige's accent grows as she talks faster and faster.

Hearing these words Zylax resists the temptation to chuckle. I might be dead and you're still trying to get a use out of me? I hope I can knock her out quickly. Maybe my Quinx is a Ctrl C type? Maybe Shade's shackles didn't just disappear. That would give her a reason to kill me. Only two people have a perfect Ctrl C type, anyone else with one always has some type of a severe condition and/or drawback. And I don't think I have one, meaning that if I'm right!...Fuck.... as Zylax's thoughts rush, Ms.Vertige leans closer to Zylax hearing now faint breathing.

"Maybe I should kill him to be on the safe side. I don't know what I'm dealing with this time, plus that lying bastad wouldn't mind." Ms.Vertige rolls her eyes then continues "I could just tell him that the boy fell onto my claw, not like he could do anything about it." she ends with a smirk. 

CALM YOURSELF! OK,Ok.ok, I'll distract her with a nonviolent approach then follow up with a full power punch. That should do. But fuck seeing her from this angle, I can officially say she's got a body. FOCUS! But what is my. .. Distraction? Zylax's internal voice finishes with a bit of hunger but before Zylax could think about what his distraction would be his body moves on its own, as it takes a knee with its left hand cradling Ms.Vertige's now wide eyed face. The water's waves begin to grow aggressive crashing against the boats of the pier, terrifying the people inside of the building as they thud against the lower windows, Zylax, unknowingly, grins at her as if he's won right before a strike of yellow lightning hits the woman not only setting her hat on fire but frying her, fusing the polyester of her hat and vest into her skin.

"HOLY FUCK!" Zylax leaps back taking a defensive pose *People have survived getting struck by lightning before. Yeah sure they have brain damage most of the time but they survived.* Zylax thinks looking down at the downed and drooling Ms.Vertige.

"She still looks fuckable tho, wanna get some revenge in my name? Maybe give me a kid to revive in? That happened to someone before didn't it? Since we're going on reasons to justify crimes. Face it you didn't like serving Justice. You like feeling higher than everyone else." Dauze says walking around the body.

And NOW I'M HALLUCINTAIONG! Zylax's thought was so loud he covered his mouth.

"Usually murderers go away from their kills, you know to not bring attention to them being the obvious suspect. But hey with my death you just covered it up and told shade "It happened, My bad." don't know why you did that, could've just let her find out on her own." Dauze says smiling at Zylax, now ghost white with his steadily bleeding wound "But hey, don't have to deal with that problem in the future right? Selfish Dick"

" I'm starting to think I hate you, only because I started down this road Because of you. If it weren't for the timing your story would've been different. But hey I at least know you enough to know The real you wouldn't want her to suffer with the possibility of what happened to you, but then again I'm talking about the same dumbass who wanted to rush into danger to save me, The same danger He Caused!" Zylax says turning his back towards the fading Dauze and leaving in a glitched rush.

Yeah, did he forget I said I saw this coming or? Anyway everything is not going the way I saw it, you weren't supposed to go down "THIS" path Dauze disappears immediately after Zylax glitches back out of reality 


The world is blindingly white with a Wolf man crouching down with their lips moving. "o!..i!... OI!" They say as there voice finally becomes audible to the collapsed Ms.Vertige "Jeez Le (Lay) you really got to understand you can't change what may or may not happen. Do you really believe that your actions will make fate change?" He stops waiting for a response. ". . ." only to get nothing, Le (Ms.Vertige) moves her lips but no words come out.

"Oh right, I forgot you can't talk here. Well I'll assume you said yes or something along the lines of "not wanting to let things continue the way they have." So I'll just tell you this, your mission is now to to be on standby so if you so much as make him trip, I will eliminate you when you become boring because I can do with you as I please after that point. Understood? Great! I'll see you in a couple of months, Don't do something I wouldn't!" he says before snapping his fingers, seemingly making the world come back, then snaps his fingers again "Also, you'll get what you want. You'll be very far from wrong this time, but also very far from right. Think of this as... Punishment for doing something moral for once. See ya!" he ends in a chirpy tone then snapping his fingers.