
Villain in Shepherd's cloth

AU. (Sorry for any cringe) A world of superpowers named Quinx or Quinxez (pl) has the casual hero, villain, and everything in between. With some crooked Heroes and misunderstood Villains someone has to "Have the moral high ground"

Mystice · SF
16 Chs

Ashes of Yue Part One

Zylax wakes up with Shade wrapped around his waist by the side; "Dauze" she whispers. That's cute. There's a not so subtle throb in Zylax's pants as Shade nestles her head on his thigh . . . I should probably stop tempting my body and take my meds before my instincts do something regrettable he thinks before hastily getting out of bed.

The sun begins to rise through the dining room's recently added window illuminating the white and oak colored themed kitchen with it's orange hue, thus shedding light upon a Mother and a Father. "Are you seriously thinking of persuading him to go ahead and go on LIVE TV, AFTER an attempt on his life was made! Cause letting people know exactly where he is at the exact moment will keep him safe. Come the Fuck on Vick" Melia looks tiredly at her husband but her anger is revealed with a loud whisper.

"Come on Melia, this would be the best way for us to gain some human and or other non threatening species followers. Plus me and Gesitcht will be there, who is going to risk pissing off government officials especially when those officials are War heroes?" Libraire smirks as he jostles his upper body

Melia sighs in relief " Gesitcht will be there I forgot. Did he tell you how the security will be?"

I hate that you trust Him, more than ME, Your own husband. Libraire slurps on his coffee and stares out to the sun "No." he says in a slightly quieter whisper

 Zylax walks in rubbing his eye and going straight for the fridge. "Morning, you two can keep arguing about today, but I'm going no matter what. The question is-" He opens the fridge and goes into a stalking crouch "-Will you be with me or not? Cause it'd kinda be an insult for me to not go today." He scratches his head before grabbing a protein shake Or would it? Wouldn't it be fitting for him to be the end of it?

He looks like a monkey with the way he's squatting. A Smile creeps on Melia's lips A lanky monkey


Zylax walks onto the TV set where Libraire sits across from a female whose black hair hides strands of cotton candy pink dye. When he notices Zylax Libraire waves in his brown leather seat, sticking out even more in the blue and gray color scheme of the set. Zylax looks around as he walks towards the two They only left enough people in here to run the equipment and Average security. . . Something tells me this won't work

"Hey Zylax I was thinking after this me and you could hit up the café we saw on the way here." Libraire gives Zylax a hand shake.

"So we're gonna let people know?" Zylax looks at Libraire with a raised brow 

"When you say it like that I realize that I should've texted this to you." Libraire replies scratching the back of his head "I don't think anyone would want to kill you if I'm around though. They'd be signing up for anger handed justice." he says making a fist engulfed in a blue flame that turns Violet.

Zylax makes a chuckle "Sure."

After a couple of minutes the news woman makes a sudden movement towards Zylax ending with her standing in front and looking down on him "We'll be starting in Ten minutes so you still have time to leave if you're having second thoughts. Gesitcht Will be arriving shortly after we start."

That was cold, usually she's very warm. She doesn't like that we've gotten this far does she? UGH I shouldn't be caring about this so much. So why am I? Maybe I did enjoy fighting for justice. Even though I'm not the one who planned most of this out. smiles at the woman then cusps her hand and nods "Thank you. I know it isn't easy to put your life in danger like this." She looks at him before snatching her hand out of his, and subtly but hastily going back to her chair.

A ring pierces the atmosphere, signifying the beginning. "We're on live in 3. 2. 1!" The purple haired camera man says. "Good morning everyone this is the channel 3 news. And as you know we have some special guests for today's afternoon news, but before we get to our special guests let's go over the weather. Schluzle, will today increase my electric bill?" The news woman looks over to a neon pink haired cat male whose height is just enough to see on to a counter

"Today let alone this week won't be that bad Rachel, actually we might just see a lot of rain for the weeks to come. So fire elementals please stay under cover, and water elementals do stay at least Two and A half meters away from each other and don't do anything that may require you to use your element." The cat male finishes his segment with a bright smile.

The camera goes back to Rachel (the News woman) and she does a little head nod "Thank you Schluzle. But there is still a lot of heat when it comes to recent media.-" Gesitcht enters on those words as if it was his que "- Last night not only Was Zylax Draken invited onto today's News by Mr.Suclos, one of our savior's that saved us from the equilibrium's brutal assault Eight-teen years ago, but alongside his brother in arms in the war, Libraire Vlam." When Rachel finishes her words Gesitcht stops waving and greets Zylax with a head nod and Libraire with a bear hug before siting between Libraire and Zylax.

The hue of the lights changed from classic bright L.E.D white to a dim Halloween orange. Gesitcht begins to speak with his psychic voice. "When I saw how Mr.Draken fought for the right of our minorities, I always wanted to have a talk with him. And ask questions about why he does it. To be a teen-ager and balancing such a heavy task with your school life, I mean it must be very difficult to have time to yourself." Gesitcht turns to Zylax

This voice sounds familiar Zylax readjusts the collar on his yellow polo before clearing his throat "It would've been difficult if I didn't have a handful people by my side since the beginning. They've been my support team for the last ten years and as time went on things became easier to handle." Zylax's voice is low but confident as he nods his head at the end.

"I see, you've done outstanding work in these recent years. Going from people completely hating our minorities to some of them actually seeing them as fellow people." Gesitcht's voice sounds as if he was smiling "I'm sure your parents are proud of you."

"Thank you. You said you had questions for me." Zylax's word were as to the point as his voice.

"Well my first question would be; How can you be so peaceful when there's people wanting the downfall of your cause and a painful end for yourself?" Upon Gesitcht's question Libraire buds in.

 "Surely fighting fire with fire would more beneficial" Leaning over the left side of his chair stabilizing himself with his left arm on the arm rest.

Zylax leans back and looks at the ceiling light before returning back to his original position "Well while I don't openly promote violence, I'm not against it if your doing it for something you truly believe in. But nobody can get the message if that person can't talk, and because it's easy to twist words and violence I choose to not speak of or plan on any acts of violence." finishing his answer Zylax looks at Gesitcht with a small smile.

Seemingly satisfied with the answer he received Gesitcht nods "That's relieving, I was worried we were going to have another incident." he looks over at Libraire "Say do you two know each other? You two just seemed to have clicked before we got on air." Gesitcht's ears move up and back almost as if he's smiling while moving his head back and forth between the two.

"Well we did start playing chess against each other, it started back when we were negotiating with at The World Tree. There was a community chess tourney, which I couldn't join sadly, but they had some boards outside and he was just sitting there playing against himself. I asked if he'd like to play and he agreed without knowing who I was, after a while we talked and I found out he went to the same school as my daughter and was actually friends with her-" before Libraire could continue Zylax crashes in.

"I knew her dad was a hero but I didn't know her father was The Hope Phoenix from The Balance War!" finishing his intrusion with hesitant nostalgia.

"You know if you're gonna interrupt me you could at least call me by my name. Victor" Libraire says tiredly as he points his hands towards his chest.

A voice adds to the excitement in the air with a bit of shock "Wait you two have known each other for over a year and a half and you still haven't called him his name?" the voice was coming from Gesitcht.

"Noo. Libraire is a respectable man and father but as a hero he's even more respectable, it's hard to find a hero who truly seems to believe in justice nowadays. So many are in it for the fame or money that the public trusts the police more than the Heroes." Zylax comments, finishing by shaking his head. Which defeats the way the system was made; Heroes should be trusted more than the police, the police should be feared. This make it so that no one does crime "just to past time"

The lights dim and the room grows silent apart from some foot steps, Zylax looks towards Libraire who looks at him sharing the same look of confusion, and right as Zylax's mouth opens Gesitcht's voice emits "Are your parents Samit Radrekolin and ... Ikenam Nahz?" The words that slaughtered the atmosphere had an equal amount of scorn behind them.

There's the ball. I knew I was being buttered. Zylax's confusion fades with a soft sigh as his train of thought continues. I Just Knew you might've did something like this. There was too much Shit eating. But it is your job to protect the people. So I can't truly blame you. Zylax begins speaking with his body in a now, relaxed and defenseless position. "I won't be dodging so I'll openly admit that yes, they were my parents, and yes that is why I refused to declare my true last name to the public until long after there was no evidence of them having a child. I'm fine with my name being erased as long as these efforts weren't in vain, but in order to have efforts I had to also dedicate any identity to this as well." Meaning I haven't been able to see myself since I was around Four? Damn...

Zylax's tone shifts as the sound of creaking can be heard "But incase I didn't say this clearly enough, I didn't want people to judge my cause off of what I did outside of it or my past. When ever I found myself in a fight I'd try not to make a scene, even if that meant not fighting back. It gets tiring, but someone has to do it right? If no one does than we'll just go back to being on the edge of war, with heroes killing more parents. We may not get lucky enough for that anger and sadness to be used correctly if that does happen." With Zylax seeming to be on the verge of tears, Libraire and Gesitcht look down as the staff looks at either Zylax or each other.

Everyone's faces, different side of the fence. As we should be I suppose, I am interrogating him on live T.V after all. He has influence that's for sure, but he doesn't hold much power. He has too low of a chance making the mistakes that his parents did... But still Gesitcht twitted his thumbs as he faced the floor intensely

That manipulative mutt. A peach haired male thinks as he jams something in place with a muffled grunt, it makes a clink sound.

 I've heard that sound before, how the ever living Bela did they get one in silently? A bunny male's eyes bounce around the room with that thought repeating in his head, and as he finds his target everything goes black.

 But FINALLY! FINALLY I am Going TO FINALLY PUT THIS MUTT DOWN! The peach haired mentally declares as he pulls the trigger.