
Villain: Destiny Transfer System

Wang Chen, a sore loser, was on his way back to his apartment after being rejected by his company boss once again. As he approached the alleyway leading to his apartment, he was suddenly knocked out by the most beautiful woman he had ever seen from the blue star planet. The woman kissed him and then threw him into a void that led to another world. When Wang Chen woke up, he realized that he had been transmigrated into the body of another nobody loser in this new world. He thought that his new life would be even more tragic than his previous one, but suddenly something strange happened. [Ding! Found a suitable successor for Destiny Transfer System] [Does the successor want to bind with the system?] How could Wang Chen miss this opportunity to turn his life around? He quickly responded with a "yes." [Congratulations, host, for binding with the Destiny Transfer System.] [With the help of the system, you can loot other people's chances. If you manage to loot the chances of the protagonist, conquer the heroines, and steal their luck, you will receive additional benefits.] "Hahaha," Wang Chen laughed, thinking that his life would be amazing from now on. However, little did Wang Chen know that he was now a crucial piece in a mysterious conspiracy involving powerful immortal beings who controlled the cosmos. Would Wang Chen be able to survive in this new world and uncover the truth behind the conspiracy, or would he become a pawn in a much larger game? -----×-----×-----×------×------×------×------×------×------×---- A/N:- I'm a newbie author who has just started writing. I'm on a journey to learn more and create an interesting story that you can all enjoy. As English is not my native language, I understand that the starting chapters may be a little hard to read. However, I assure you that I am working hard to edit them and make them more understandable for everyone. So please bear with me as I improve my skills and continue to bring you my story. I appreciate your support and feedback along the way. Thank you! Monthly Goals:- 100GT - 1 Bonus Chapter 200GT - 2 Bonus Chapter 500 PS - 1 Bonus Chapter 800 PS -2 Bonus Chapter 1 Magic Castle - 5 Bonus Chapters

YAMRAAJ_021 · ファンタジー
147 Chs

Elite Disciples End-4

A group of disciples trekked through a labyrinthine maze of corridors and courtyards, their destination shrouded in mystery. Finally, after what seemed like hours of walking, they arrived at a massive hall with four towering entrances, each guarded by fierce-looking statues of mythical beasts. As they stepped inside, they beheld a sight that left them awestruck - a round stone platform, at least 10 metres in diameter, stood in the centre of the hall. As they approached, the hushed conversations of several of their peers could be heard. 

Suddenly, the leader of the arriving group caught their attention, his gaze locking onto Zhu. "Brother Zhu, you are as fast as ever, even completing the mission given by Young Master Mingluan," Mu Lan announced, as he and his companions entered the hall.

"It is my duty to complete the mission so that I can protect my fellow disciples," Zhu replied, his voice ringing with a strange laugh.