
Villain Ascendence

In a world teeming with superpowers, where most 16-year-olds aspire to be heroes or seek solace in friendship and romance, Avery Reed stands as a chilling exception. The notorious villain, known as "The Harbinger," possesses unimaginable power, making him both feared and sought after. His path is one of unrelenting darkness and sadistic pleasure. Avery, devoid of emotions and empathy, revels in the torture and merciless killing of his victims. His reputation as a malevolent force looms large, his identity shrouded in secrecy. Known as "The Whispered Nightmare," his name echoes through the hearts of millions he has slain. With each life taken, his infamy grows, leaving a trail of unimaginable destruction in his wake. While heroes strive to bring justice and peace, Avery relishes in his role as the antithesis of morality, a shadowy figure unmatched in power. His carefully concealed identity grants him the freedom to roam the world with calculated precision, forever eluding capture. In the darkest corners of society, whispers of his vile deeds spread like wildfire, leaving a spine-chilling aura in their wake. "Villain's Ascendance: Reign of Shadows" is an R18-rated webnovel that delves into the depths of darkness and unapologetic villainy. It presents a riveting exploration of a teenage villain who embodies terror and chaos, captivating readers with his sinister charisma. Brace yourself for a journey into the abyss of the human psyche, where power and cruelty intertwine, and the boundaries of morality are shattered. Note: "Villain's Ascendance: Reign of Shadows" contains mature themes, graphic violence, and explicit content. Reader discretion is advised.

Phantom_Vanquisher · 現実
4 Chs

Prologue 2: The Hero Acadmy

"Till date a bit over 15 million people including both non supers and supers have been recorded dead–by the hands of the catastrophe–The Whispered Nightmare"

"How many of our own do we have to lose before this catastrophe is subdued, the day he showed up 5 years ago everyone thought he was just another villain and so just like any other villain it's fate would also be set in stone, but alas fate had other plans"

"Superhuman strength, superhuman speed, flight, minor telekinesis, gravity manipulation, mind control, cloning, and many more….these are just the glimpse of the supposed superpowers this monster hold, any super recorded till after has only one superpower but him, no no no he has multiple–why? Why? Did a monster like him blessed with such abilities and why couldn't it be used for good–" 


Suddenly the television's display was turned off and a woman's voice echoed.

"Thomas~how many time do I have to tell you–no news in front of the children"

A women looking to be in her early 40's stood with both her hands on her hips holding a TV Remote and pouting while scolding the man named Thomas.

"Look Lusia, these two are already old enough–and…"

The man named Thomas turned his head to look towards the two siblings, a timid 16 year old boy–Avey and a cheerful 18 year old girl–Emma.

With a small smile he said….

"...and I think they are even ready to go to the academy–the world government had been petty strict about the enrollment as well…."


"What!? What did you say!? You want our sweet babies to enter that hell hole?!"

Lusia who was about to take a seat suddenly sprang up and instantly appeared behind the two siblings hugging them both as though she was protecting them from a predator.

"Um–mom I think you should really consider what dad's suggesting"

Emma said meekly as she was being choked by Lusia, while Avery just continued eating his food.

Thomas was a bit taken aback by this but soon he composed himself as he said.

"Well if you are so worried why not just join the Hero Academy as a staff, superheroes are being recruited and we can choose any country to join–but I do suggest USHA the USA branch–because of its security of course" 

Thomas said while chewing on a piece of meat.

"Hmm, wait that—might not be as bad as i thought~"

Lucia said with a small smile as he let go of the two.


Emma took a deep breath as she wasn't able to breath properly–suddenly she looked towards Avery only to see him eating silently.

Avery pouted subtlety but the corners of her mouth were curved upwards.


"Cadet no 103 step forward" 

Inside a huge field a metal platform was built on the ground atop the metal platform stood two figures and below there were hundreds of men and women ages ranging from 16-20 years old, they were the aspiring hero candidates who were about to give their admission tests.

Among them stood two figures a boy wearing a white jacket with its hood on covering most of his face, and a girl wearing a violet outfit with a confident smile plastered on her face, she had a fair complexion with a small face and a beautiful appearance her black hair which flowed down timm her hips and her crimson eyes gave her a majestic appearance akin to a princess.

They were none other than the pair of siblings–Avery and Emma.

"Candidate 103 and Candidate 107 are you both ready!?"

A man wearing a white mask with a black suit with the emblem of an heptagon shouted loudly towards the two standing on the black metal platform.

"Yes sir"


Both of the cadets shouted back in unison. One was a boy with brown and hazel eyes and the other was a girl with short blue hair and black eyes.

Both were standing just short of 20 metres away from each other.

"Then start!"

As soon as the man wearing the academy uniform signalled them to start the boy shot forward towards the girl like an arrow.


The girl shrieked as she was lost not knowing what to do, clearly she had never fought someone before.

The boy without an ounce of hesitation appeared before her and started pounding her with a barrage of punches.





The girl, unable to maintain balance, fell on her butt, but the boy didn't care as he pinned her on the ground and continued to pummelled her.

Everyone standing on the ground had complicated expressions on their faces as they averted their gazes from the brutal site.

This is not the first time as well, cadet 107 had been on the platform for a while now, his superpower–superhuman strength, and he had already sent 7 cadets to the hospital and this poor soul was the 8th lucky winner.

Unable to stand and watch any longer Emma stepped forward.

"What!? Stop him will you–aren' you the incharge!?"

Emma should be in a frustrated and panicked tone.

But the man in charge of the admission exam only spared her a glance before saying, "rules are rules, the person in charge cannot interfere until and unless the cadet giving the exam is about to die"

He said in a serious tone.

"Huh!? What the–"

But before Emma could continue arguing the boy standing next to her grabbed her wrist gesturing her to stop–it was Avery.

"Avery? What are you–"

"That's enough sis, stop it they might Target you for not respecting the rules and might even disqualify you"

Avery said in an apathetic voice.

Emma looked at Avery and then at the girl–she could only reluctantly give up as what Avery said was indeed correct, but this was wrong.

Suddenly the boy pummeling the girl stood up, and with a wide grin on his face he raised his right foot and was about to crush the girl's head when suddenly….


…A a hand stopped his foot–looking up he saw a girl about 18 years old with black hair and crimson eyes standing there grabbing his ankle.

"Candidate no 103 had lost the match, candidate no 129 what do you think you are doing?"

Emma pushed back the boy's leg as he stumbled back before regaining his balance.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

The boy tilted his head as he looked at the beautiful girl quizzically.

But Emma didn't even spare him a glance as she helped the blue-haired girl up, she was already unconscious and her face was so battered that she couldn't even be recognised.

Emma seeing this couldn't help but feel enraged, 'just what kind of a monster do you have to be to do this to a girl?!'

The man in charge couldn't help but shake his head as he gestured for the medics to take the girl.

Handing over the girl to the medics Emma looked at the man in charge as she said.

"I will be his next opponent" 

The man in charge couldn't help but sigh exasperated ly as he nodded and shouted once again.

"Cadet 207 and cadet 129 are both ready."



Both of them shouted in unison, the boy was still a bit confused but nevertheless he complied.

Seeing this Avery's mouth curved up into a sinister smile as he thought while pulling his hood up revealing his one of his crimson eyes as he looked at the scene.

'This hero academy–it seems interesting–i wonder which kind of faces they will make and how will the music made by their screams sound–i can't wait'

Hello! The Author here!

You have made it to the second chapter and I am greatfuul to you for that, you beautiful human being, continue reading and i will continue writing let's continue out little relationship together.

Phantom_Vanquishercreators' thoughts