
Chapter 2: Allies

~Jae POV~

13 years old and now I'm attending my parent's funeral as I was spouting some crap about how I cared about them and taking care of me.

That was a load of crap since I was the one to have killed them although by complete accident mind you.

Ever since I absorbed auras from plants at best I was getting minor boosts of aura increase but it wasn't enough I knew I needed to get stronger no matter what and by any means necessary.

So, how can I get stronger without any moral means?

Simple use your parents to increase your aura supply and it was a complete accident that when I absorbed their auras I couldn't help it.

It is like Big Mom soul fruit when I tasted their soul I couldn't stop myself from getting that delicious power strawberry and blueberry flavor I might add.

Berserker also enjoyed it as well getting stronger as I am since were connected by my soul.

But that wasn't the interesting part of the whole aura absorption process as I not only absorbed their aura supply but, took their spirit-force, memories, and powers included in the deal.

That meant I can have multiple semblances as my parents were both normal ones as they have defensive and strength increasing semblances which were good on my end to increase my strength.

Thank god I managed to fool the people by saying it was from a Grimm attack as I replied to the people who orchestrated the funeral that they were on the job.

It's only natural since Huntsmen and Huntresses die very often like this…

I won't be like them I will survive for myself only and leave this puny world use any means to get what you want.

For now, I have to follow the plot till the time is right, but I haven't wasted all my time training after all I was also working on my skills with technology which is pretty handy getting to learn as much experience as I can.

Now I just wait till it's time for me to hack Penny after all I just need one of her swords since they function for her.

No matter who wins in the end it will be me not Salem or Ozma but another reincarnator.

Although I should look in the case for more allies for me to have starting with Emerald in Vale no matter what I can't do this alone so having allies from canon will help out.


Currently 14 years old and I'm facing off against one of the main antagonists from RWBY I was fighting her off with my ax Berserker as she was gracefully dodging my strikes in an unknown area under the streets of Vale.

How I got to this point is rather simple to go to Junior's bar to collect information thankfully Lien is great to have when your parents have life insurance as huntsmen or huntresses so using the money to find the info was easy.

The next step was getting Roman and Neo to accept me into my group which is saying a lot that these two are elusive. If I didn't train my <Aura Manipulation> to the max as I could searching for their thoughts it would've taken them a lot longer to find.

Finding Emerald was still painful as I haven't found her yet guess I will keep on searching when the times come but after finding the duo of getting recruited, they, of course, scoff me off seeing as I was a kid.

So the best thing was showing them I was worth their investment of muscle since I happened to require a mentor that isn't afraid to get around being dirty along with being knowledgeable about most things.

Sliding back from the first encounter and effortlessly swinging my Berserker towards the two still having more than enough in me to continue I asked, "So then Roman do I pass your little test of yours to join your crew or not?"

That's right now I was just facing off against Neo and currently Roman was in front of me judging if I was worth his time, "Hmm… kid you sure you want to stain your hands in the underworld? Aren't you a bit young to join the big kids?"

Narrowing my eyes and focusing my will with my <Aura> to increase the pressure as I got their attention, "I know that I was just wondering if my seniors would help me out. And besides, it would probably be good to have someone inside Beacon to give out juicy details and have another competent person, right?"

I just hope I managed to impress them or else I might have to kill them off here and now since they know my identity for their choice, I hope it's the wise one…

After only a few weeks of learning under Roman Torchwick and Neo, I have already become their top favorite info broker and collector during my time in Vale.

Having to read the <Aura> of people or more importantly from the rich part of the kingdom was certainly beneficial for them and me in the process of robbing them blind. As well as certain information I obtained just walking around is more than enough for me to get all the goodies to rob from the rich.

Even understanding the criminal underwood is great to understand as well as the gangs that hang around Vale as well as give Roman and Neo details about their plans.

Although currently, I'm having my day off my info from Junior says some random thief was stealing all kinds of pickpockets of people seeing illusions in the area then realizing to get their stuff stolen as it happens.


I can already tell this is the work of Emerald Sustrai and I for one can't wait for her to come and join my group for plenty of reasons of having an insider in Salem circle till the time is right.

What I need is a spy to help me know the full details of her plans as well as work around them or use them to benefit me.

Emerald lived in a city before being recruited by Cinder Fall. She lived day to day without a guarantee of enough food, always resorting to stealing to get by. Cinder saw her use her Semblance to steal a ring from a jeweler and asked her to come with her, guaranteeing a source of food.

When I was walking down, I found an interesting conversation happening as I see a girl with brown skin and green hair run away as two groups of men rushed towards her as I hear them shouting out loud.



And thank you useless piles of meat for the great chance to meet the girl I need on my side. Time to show up at the right time and the right place I wonder if Neo would stop teasing me and tease Emerald instead not that I mind.

Seeing the scene, I see a cornered Emerald as the two thugs were glaring down at the girl as they got their stuff again as continued beating her up for stupid reasons.



"Take that you bitch!"

"You had this coming stealing from us!"

Smirking at the scene I clapped my hands getting their attention as I confidently strode my way toward them as they stopped while I smiled kindly at them, "Now, now gentleman is that how you treat a lady. For shame on your mother's teaching, you how to be such bastards. Oh, wait you are bastards."

They took offense to that it seems.

They both charged at me with the intent to kill I see Emerald see me take action as they rush towards me as I brought out a small pen-like shape item as I talk to her in a happy tone, "Ah hello their little Emerald I happen to hear a lot of good things about you. I was wondering that you…"

"Hey, you idiot are you ignoring us!"

"You bloody bastard how did you know!!"


With one quick motion of my pen soon changed its shape as Berserker appeared into a large battle-ax I managed to cut down the two in the middle surprising Emerald as I ignored the bloody scene as Berserker wiped away the scene with my <Aura> as I talked to her, "… if you would like to work under me and in return you get a place to stay with food along with proper education to help you."

Emerald just looked at me in shock as she views me as a person but still being cautious of me holding her weapons, "Why… why would you come to me… what do you gain from helping me even if you did save me…"

Smirking at her I smiled kindly as she blushed a bit as I replied to her what I truly say to her in confidence, "Freedom. I gain freedom and someone to help me obtain that goal but for that, I need people on my side like you. So, would you like to join my team I can get you introduced to Roman and Neo they will be glad to have someone with your skills?"

Emerald looked at me hesitantly before she nods her head. Good, it would be a waste if she said no otherwise, I would have to kill her for her semblance.

Wise choice Emerald and welcome to my team.


A/N: Here's the second chapter showing how much the MC is willing to get allies and to get powerful no matter what. The next one is starting the plot soon enough.