
Villain's Ascension: In a Reverse Immortal World

In a world where the ordinary met the extraordinary, Lin Xiaofeng's peaceful life took an unexpected turn. Pedaling his way to college one fateful day, he encountered a phenomenon that defied all reason—an ominous black hole. In that moment, he believed Lady Luck had forsaken him, sealing his fate in this bizarre twist of existence. But destiny had a different plan in mind. Lin Xiaofeng found himself reborn, not as a hero, but as a villain in the intricate tapestry of a women-centric world. With a singular purpose burning in his newly-awakened consciousness, he was determined to vanquish the enigmatic protagonist who held sway over this realm. However, as if guided by the hand of fate itself, a notification appeared before him, offering three divergent paths to follow: 1.The Villain Path: Choosing this route would grant Lin Xiaofeng superhuman senses, bestowing upon him the aura of a god of cultivation. Infinite wealth and the ability to reshape his background awaited, all at his disposal. 2.The Protagonist Path: Opting for this path promised inhuman luck, though he would start with a humble family background. Yet, the potential for achieving an even more prosperous future beckoned, rivaling that of any villain. 3.The Normal Human Path: The third choice was the path of normalcy, leading to a life of simplicity and an eventual ordinary demise. With unwavering resolve, Lin Xiaofeng declared, "Choose Villain Path." Little did he know that this decision would unravel a web of mysteries, adventures, and challenges that would redefine his existence and the very fabric of this captivating tale. And the biggest surprise was that this is a world were women are the rulers and the gender rules were reversed -----------------------------------xxxxx---------------------------------- Author/Notes- This will be my first novel as I was inspired by other villian novels that was trending this time so I had decided to make this novel My Instagram ID - diamonds_giver If you want to follow or discuss me about the novel you can come and chat with me and I will surely reply to your message

Isjan_Kak · ファンタジー
63 Chs

Li Hongxuan's blush

" I need to discipline that angelic will or whatever otherwise it might control me" thinks Li Hongxuan

She found herself unable to recall the peculiar circumstances that led to the mysterious arrival of this indiscernible will within her. Despite the initial bewilderment, she gradually noticed its occasional, albeit useful, interventions in challenging situations. Over time, a tentative acceptance settled within her, allowing the will to reside within the confines of her own body.

Yet, as the days unfolded, the nature of this internal companion evolved. What had once been a sporadic source of assistance began to morph into something more pervasive. The will, it seemed, harbored a desire to subtly mold her opinions on a myriad of subjects. Like a gentle but persistent current, it sought to alter the course of her thoughts, endeavoring to influence her stance on matters both trivial and profound.

It was not the first time she had been told not to behave like that. She had also received similar advice when proposing to the principal.

But contrary to her thoughts,

Lin Xiaofeng was in a difficult situation as he was thinking what to say next

"Should I accept becoming her disciple but that would mean that I need to live in this house,it is not like that this house is not beautiful but I.."

Lin Xiaofeng harbors a reluctance to establish residence in this locale, primarily driven by the apprehension that doing so might inadvertently lay bare the entirety of his concealed secrets. The prospect of residing here elicits a profound concern, as it poses the potential risk of unraveling the intricacies of Lin Xiaofeng's guarded personal and confidential information.

In the dormitory, he felt secure as Fan Xiao and Bao Feng consistently stayed outside the manor.

Even if they were to stumble upon one of his secrets, he could use his dark magic to erase their memories of it.

But if he agree to stay here he would be hopeless

Suddenly, a brilliant idea sparked in his mind, igniting the corners of his imagination with possibilities and intrigue.

In a moment characterized by a delicate blend of humility and hesitation, Lin Xiaofeng, with a soft-spoken sincerity, directed her request towards Teacher Li Hongxuan. "Teacher Li Hongxuan," he began, his words carrying a gentle tremor of reluctance, "would you, in your wisdom and benevolence, consider the possibility of allowing me the privilege of becoming your in-name disciple? While I hold great admiration for your teachings and guidance, I find myself navigating the balance between my earnest desire to learn from you and a certain reservation about formal discipleship. If it pleases you, might I embrace the title of an in-name disciple, thus maintaining a connection that honors your wisdom while affording me the space to grow in my own unique journey?"

Li Hongxuan, engrossed in her own thoughts, was abruptly jolted awake by the words of Lin Xiaofeng. A flicker of irritation flashed across her features as she responded to the interruption.

Li Hongxuan chuckled for a moment, her expression taking on a mysterious quality as she passed a subtle smile and inquired, "And for what reason, Lin Xiaofeng?"

Caught off guard by the enigmatic smile of Li Hongxuan, Lin Xiaofeng felt a sudden surge of anxiety. In that moment, a chilling realization gripped her, as she feared that maintaining silence might hold dire consequences. The prospect of impending danger loomed in his thoughts, compelling him to speak out at that very moment to avert any potential repercussions.

Rulan, witnessing both of them, was equally astonished as Lin Xiaofeng declined her master's invitation to become her disciple.

Because after the principal of the sect her master earned the distinguished position as the second individual in the entire sect to be acknowledged as the strongest, solidifying her remarkable status and prowess within the community.

Joined by her rival Fuxiya,

Lin Xiaofeng said"Teacher Li Hongxuan I am not just ready to take you as a master because I have never saw you like that I need time for.."

His words were stuck inside his mouth when he saw Li Hongxuan again as 

She had clasped her face delicately within the gentle embrace of both her hands, fingers intertwining with the warmth of flushed cheeks that exhibited an exquisite shade of red. It was as though an enchanting ballet of emotions had unfolded, leaving an impression of a captivating blush that lingered with an intensity that bespoke an abundance of tender feelings.

Blushing with a thoughtful expression, Li Hongxuan mused with a gentle smile playing on her lips, "Is it possible that Lin Xiaofeng perceives me solely as a potential lover, making it challenging for him to embrace the idea of accepting me as his master?"

"Isn't it true, my dear Lin Xiaofeng? Well then, it appears that your future lover might patiently await until you possess the cultivation of Golden Core or reach the third year of the sect, assuming that lover happens to be none other than myself."