
Orion's future

As Celeste struggled to contain her emotions, the last words of Grandma Celia brought her a sudden sense of peace. Despite her initial reaction, she managed to compose herself and asked a probing question, "Are you sure that was what happened?"

Grandma Celia nodded slowly, her words ringing with a sense of certainty, "Yes, at least that was what happened from the way I saw it. It's either Orion has already regained his memories and is lying about it, or he truly hadn't remembered anything and is trying himself to change to give you girls a better life." 

As Grandma Celia's words sank in, Celeste felt her heart rate fluctuating between rapid and slow beats, her mind racing with thoughts. 'It's the same conversation I had with him just a few days back,' she thought to herself, her hands clenching into fists as she nervously bit her lip.