
Close Call

Prince Alden nodded. "I told you I'd be back in a few minutes. Also, I never knew you had such refined tastes, Mr Orion," he said, his smile widening.

With his strength, Prince Alden thoroughly covered the vast distance to their next tasks, gathering all the necessary information within minutes. 

Orion shook his head, stepping away from the scene before him. "This is just something I stumbled on while trying to clean up. Come on, since you're here, let's continue with the task so we can finish it immediately," he responded.

Prince Alden nodded solemnly, his expression serious. "I agree, Mr. Orion. But before we continue, I'm curious about your preferences," he asked, his tone sincere.

"I prefer women around my age, so I'd lean towards the younger ones over the older," Prince Alden added, his gaze fixed on the three women bathing before them.