
It's good to help the poor

Getting home from the river ,Ellie skipped back under the tree to take a look at her face in the mirror that she had pinned there.She was obsessed with her face.

Going into their small kitchen Sabine found her mother seated preparing lunch.

 "What did you want mama?,she asked softly.

Without looking her mother replied,"I need you to take one chicken to Mrs Parker's house as thanksgiving for helping us the other day".

 "But mama I thought we agreed no more giving out chicken," Sabine complained.

"We will soon get others don't worry hmm," Philomena replied giving her a reassuring smile.

She doubted that was ever going to happen,that was the thirtieth time she had heard those words from her and her chicken that she had kept and fed were now used as gifts by her mom.

Without uttering another word of complaint Sabine went to the chicken coop and caught one ,petting it tenderly so that it would stop struggling.

"There there little one I hope Mrs Parker will be nice to you,"

As if understanding what she was saying the hen made a cooing sound making her smile. 

 "I'm gonna take care of the others until they lay many eggs and hatch."She reassured more to herself than the hen

 Walking down the small path Sabine continued to pat the hen,while looking around incase she spotted the village chief,who had been acting overly nice to her since she turned twenty two. Being seen with him would definitely give birth to rumours,which would be twisted and turned with every pass until they got to her mom.

The village of Tatah had quite a large population,the houses were built close to each other and everyone knew each other,from who's cow gave birth last night to who's husband was cheated on secretly.Nothing went past their ears. 

Mrs Parker's house was located at the far end of the village where the area was a bit hilly. After she won the lottery,they moved to that part and built a stone house near the main road.Some say she wanted to seclude herself after getting money and show off her newly acquired wealth.They even got to send their only son to university in the city,who she never ceased to boast about. Sabine wondered how Mr Parker,a quiet and humble man,a priest in the local church married such a mouthy woman. He came as a missionary who later decided to settle here after falling in love with Jessica his wife. She heard stories from women of how Jessica used charms to trap him here.

 "I wonder if she's a witch truly," she chuckled shaking her head from such thoughts. Of course those were just made up stories from jealous women who failed to capture the priest's attention.

 Finally getting to the beautiful Parker's residence,Sabine knocked on the gate and waited for someone to open.

Staring at the house,she has always dreamt of working hard and building her family such a home after studying hard and becoming a teacher. She was drawn from her daydream when the gate opened and there she was,the famous Jessica.

 "How can I help you?" she asked sizing Sabine up and down as if to check if she had carried any pests to her beautiful home. She cringed inwardly at this gesture.

Clearing her throat she answered,

"My mother sent me to bring you this hen as a thanksgiving for helping us out with settling the debt for the new water tank"

"Aaaah I see...no problem with that it's always good to help the poor". 

She smiled her small eyes almost closing at how fat she had become.Handing out the hen,Sabine offfered a tight smile fearing that if she'd open her mouth to reply it would end up as a case in the chief's home which she didn't want at all.