
Chapter 38: Turn Of Events

It took a moment to register, Polly simply not believing that even Anders would have the absolute nerve to show his face around there, after everything that had happened. He either had a death wish, or thought he would get away with it.

As Anders blended in with the customers, which had grown into a mob by that point, Polly watched to see what happened. As she also checked on occasion to make sure Tuesday and Rick hadn’t noticed. The twins had the most potential to come to fisticuffs but they had already gone to the pub.

It happened in an instant. Tuesday’s gaze locked with Anders’ and she was off, charging at him like a freight train. Moving quickly, Polly got in the path, literally holding Tuesday back.

“I get it,” Polly said, “he’s a jerk and tried to get us shut down.”

“Yeah,” Tuesday said, her eyes still burning with righteous fury.

“But punching him won’t get us anything but sued.”

“You’re right,” Tuesday said with a sigh, deflating just a little.