
Viēoloen But Reversed

Justification6 · SF
19 Chs

Chapter 20

Akani remained brave and was not overwhelmed by Akuhito's power. However, Akuhito turned his back on him and walked off, asking Akani, "I will let you live."

Akani said, "You sure act very cocky for a demon like you."

Akuhito started to turn around and said, "I'm no demon. I'm just a god who wants to stop divine entities like you from playing around in my world. So go ahead, try to alter the plot once again, and I will still defeat you."

Akani, growing angry, lifted his hand towards Akuhito. However, to his surprise and confusion, his arm began to decay, deteriorating rapidly from the mere act of raising it towards Akuhito. Akani was left perplexed and uncertain about the cause of this sudden decay.

Akuhito continued walking, not even turning to face Akani, and spoke to him, "It's the cause of death. Your existence, the existence of beings like you, and even the presence of yourself in other world systems, all lead to decay. No matter where you are, you are destined to fade away."

Akani screamed in pain, unable to accept his defeat, and exclaimed, "Impossible! How could I lose to a mere demon?" As he uttered those words, Akani disappeared from sight. Meanwhile, Akuhito, in the process of putting on clothes that seemingly appeared out of nowhere, caught sight of a girl who bore a striking resemblance to an angel.

The girl, with beautiful long red hair and brown eyes, appeared next to Akuhito as he continued putting on his clothes. She expressed her distress, saying, "Wait, you killed Master Akani!" Akuhito, unfazed by her accusation, responded, "Well, just so you know, I didn't realize the fight would be so easy. In mere seconds, I saw you as nothing more than fiction."

The girl puffed up her face in anger and responded, "No way! Master exists everywhere! He is truly omnipresent. Don't you dare underestimate him, you devil!" Akuhito continued to calmly put on his shirt and replied, "I killed him everywhere, regardless of his existence or non-existence."

Sakura grew increasingly angry, while Akuhito calmly continued speaking. He said, "Since you've arrived here, you wish to repay your master after defeating sixteen demons in another world system. And your name is Sakura, isn't it?" Sakura, taken aback, asked in surprise, "How do you know?" Akuhito responded, "I know because I created you, Sakura." This revelation left Sakura in a state of shock.

Sakura stopped floating and walked towards Akuhito, placing her hands on her hips. She firmly stated, "You're just an evil bastard." Akuhito casually replied, "Well, I really don't care about the opinions of a piece of fiction. But this is an entire story, a world filled with a multitude of narratives. And I have the power to manipulate those narrative lines." Sakura, with a mix of confusion and curiosity, asked softly, "There are narrative lines?" Akuhito confirmed, "Yes, indeed. They extend beyond any endless degree."

Akuhito began to explain, saying, "There are certain levels to these narratives, but it may sound contradictory. However, they exist beyond the boundaries of contradiction. I aspire to be the one who can surpass everything."

Sakura, taken aback by Akuhito's words, instinctively covered her mouth. She asked, "What about me?" Akuhito responded, "You are a piece of fiction, as I mentioned before. But behold, you transcend all space and time, brought into existence by a mere thought of my creation."

Akuhito raised his hand and gently touched Sakura's head. He said, "You may call me master, for I am the one who will make these vast structures beyond any entity's imagination tremble in fear." Sakura nodded in acknowledgment and followed Akuhito as they made their way to where Aomi, Yami, and Hinata resided.

"With the shock of the evil individual's power that has killed the author and surpassed its authority."

The Chapter has ended

To be continue