
Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon

Long ago, the humans triumphed over the dragons, sealing them into human mortal bodies now known as dragonoids. The dragonoids became enslaved by the humans and use them as military weapons by the power of the Vesryn Pulse. With this newfound magic, mankind divided its empire to four and wages war against themselves for their own selfish ambitions. A set of dire events occurred, pushing a single man to the limits of his sense of justice. Betrayed by his countrymen and losing his friends, lover, and honor; Xenon Wingate rises from the depths of hell and finds himself in a state of inner rage; a cemented resolve to kill everyone who has done wrong to him. He enters the Dragon Knight Academy with his dragonoid slave Serena Maizono and challenges the Five Pentagram Knights as a condition for acquiring an army. This will be the first step to execute his ultimate plan of revenge to satisfy the tingling sensation of his wrath. Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon follows the action-filled story of a man who loses himself into his thirst for blood and revenge. However, he will soon learn that the payback comes at a far greater price than he could ever imagine. Written by: ArchlordZero

ArchlordZero · ファンタジー
134 Chs





The night skies gave off a meteor shower as we are both engulfed in silence. Stars bloom and rush down from west to east, making a glimmering light in the dark of the midnight. The hospital rooftop must be the perfect place to gaze upon these absolutely beautiful phenomena, but our focus is on something more colorful.

"Serena… Will you repeat that again?" I muttered.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Serena made a childish cry as she covered her mouth, her blushing cheeks glowing. "I don't want to ruin our relationship as a dragon and a knight, so please don't make me say it again."

I'm pretty sure on what I have heard from her. That kiss earlier is proof of that. I just want her to say it again to be certain that she is sure about what she's talking about. But since she's too embarrassed to tell it again, I just smiled and patted her head like my pet dog. Then, I turned away and gazed upon the stars. I know she does not want me to look her shy and soft part, so I won't do anything to make this a lot more awkward.

There was a three-second silence that was filled with awkwardness. Suddenly, I felt a warm hug, and it's coming from the woman who repeated her confession to me while dipping her face on my back.

"I love you, Senpai," Serena whispered, her mouth muffled but it's loud and clear enough for me to hear. "I'm sorry if I'm overstepping the boundaries of our relationship. I just couldn't help but fall in love with you again. Please don't be mad at me. You didn't have to respond to my feelings. I am your dragon, and you are my knight. That's all I wanted, and I will not ask for something more."

I bowed down and stared at the ground. "Serena… why me?"

"I don't know, Senpai. When I first saw you, I admit that I didn't fall in love with you the first time. I was just merely interested, that this man who has the name of Xenon Wingate is somebody I wanted to talk to. I was a celebrity back then, and you were in a happy relationship with Marisse Trystgade. I thought that our worlds are not meant to cross each other, but everything changed when everything in my sight collapsed."

Serena's hug became tighter. I can feel the strong and fast beating of her heart, and it's perfectly synchronizing with mine. The warmth of her body that is shared to mine makes me immune to the cold breeze of the midnight wind.

"That simple feeling of interest became a strong feeling of admiration when you saved me back in Vanilla City two years ago. When you defended me from bad guys, I thought to myself that this Xenon Wingate is reliable and can be trusted. I once feared of having friends because I worry that I might be betrayed again, but I know you are not one of those abusive humans. You took care of me as if I'm a real friend that worries about all my wellbeing, and you gave me the freedom that most dragonoids don't have. I feared to become a slave, but I realized that it doesn't matter if I become one as long as you are my master."

Serena lifted her head and stick her cheek to mine. I can smell the fragrance of her hair that gives me a sensation that never wanted to let go. I held her gloved hands and gripped it tight. Seeing my response, Serena continued to express her feelings.

"That strong feeling of admiration became an unconditional love. I don't know when it happened. Maybe I felt it when you took the Crimson Dragonfly's attack for me, or maybe when you got yourself wounded on the beach by protecting me from my attacker. It doesn't matter, as both events made my feelings stronger. You risked your life to save me, multiple times. I'm so lucky that I have a knight-in-shining-armor like you even though I'm not a princess."


Serena continued to talk and cut me, implying that I should not speak and I should stay listening to her. "From then on, I told myself to stay by this man's side, whatever happens. I love him, but I don't need him to love me back. All I need to do is to guide him to his happiness, just as much as I wanted to other people. But, I will prioritize this man's happiness above all. So I will do everything so that he will not fall into despair again."

I gently broke free from her hug and looked at her eye to eye. Her sparkling crimson eyes are shedding tears, in which I am unclear if it was from happiness or sadness. I need to respond to her feelings. I have to give my answer.


Suddenly, Serena covered my mouth with a gentle tap of her gloved hand. She made an innocent smile, her tears sprinkling on the air.

"You don't have to respond to my feelings, Senpai. All I ever wanted was to make you hear about my ever-present feelings for you. Everything right now is perfect, and nothing should be changed. You don't have to answer. Besides, love is strictly prohibited in my career."

It will be useless to argue about it. Serena wants everything the way it is, and she is afraid that we might get into a misunderstanding that might remove the connection of our hearts. I understand her whole point, so I will keep my mouth shut about the topic.


"Let's go back to your room, Senpai. You might get cold here. And you should be sleeping early." Serena sermoned, now finally on her ordinary self. There's a hint of guilt and happiness on her face.

"Right." I nodded.

Serena held my wrist as we both go down the stairs and walked on the dark corridors of the hospital. Normally, this kind of atmosphere is eerie. But Serena has found a way to lighten up the mood by humming a melody. She's even looking at the bracelet I gave to her, fully glad that it fits perfectly on her wrist. Seeing her all-jolly and back to her normal self, I find myself smiling endlessly.

We finally got back to my hospital room without anybody noticing. When we made it inside my room, Serena immediately fixed the blanket and sheet on my bed. While she's busy, I stealthily locked the door.

"I have an ever-present feeling for you too," I mumbled.

"Eh?" Serena was cluelessly surprised. "What was that?"

Without any warning, I launched myself to her and pinned her arms. "Forge," I muttered, and I have created a zip tie to tie both of her wrists. Then, I pressed her to the bed with my body. My weight renders her struggle futile.

"S-Senpai!!!" Serena was fully surprised and all red. "W-What are you doing!?"

I pressed my face towards her left ear and whispered. "I'm sorry, Serena. I have been a complete prey to your beauty. Ever since we've been living together inside the same roof, I've always thought of doing this to you."

I pinned Serena's wrists with my left, and my right hand proceeded to crawl on her legs until I reach underneath her skirt. I grabbed onto her undergarment and mercilessly tore it to shreds.

"S-Senpai! Stop!" Serena cried, her face bright red. I need to shut her up, so I gently pressed my lip towards hers. My tongue caressed her tongue inside her mouth as we both feel the same feeling of ecstasy of our intimate kiss. "Mmmph!" Serena cried, but now her screams are muffled.

Next, I kissed the left part of her neck and gently bite it. With the ticklish sensation she got, Serena tried to struggle away from me. Everything is useless though, as I got her completely pinned.

"No! Don't! Stop! Senpai, not there!" I don't know if she's crying or laughing due to my tickling technique.

Without knowing, I have already started it. I have forced her to be mine in this night. My mind, my body, and my soul are completely engulfed with lust and are telling me this one thing. I want to have sex with her. I have been dreaming for years to do it with her, and this is finally the time. I have treated her like a human for the past two years, and this is the very first time I will treat her as my slave. In my mind, I know that what I'm doing is evil, but I keep justifying to myself that it is okay to force her. She loves me. She is my dragonoid. I am free on what to do with what I wanted with her. I will not be imprisoned for doing this.

"Ah! Senpai! Senpai! It hurts!" Serena cried in a mixed sensation of pleasure and pain. Her eyes and mouth opened wide as she tried to fight and endure. "Please take it out! Kyah!"

Blood drips on her flawless white legs and defenseless buttocks, which is the sign of one thing: I have taken out her virginity. It is her very first time, which is understandable since she's crying in agony. I was struck with guilt as soon as I realized that I have removed the most precious thing on her femininity.

"Serena, I… I'm sorry. I can't fight this feeling any longer." I cried as I continue to thrust on her soft delicate body. I may be apologetic, but I don't intend to halt. It's impossible to stop. Every time she moans, it pushes my desire to pound her more. Her voice is much better when moaning than singing.

"Senpai, please unbind me. Please, unbind me." Serena made a puppy-eyed cry as she begs for mercy. She even had her saliva dripping as she talks. "I won't resist, I promise. So please..."

"Forge," I said to cancel out the magical zip tie I made.

The moment Serena's hand became free, she grabbed on my body and hugged me tightly. Her hips sway in a gentle and soft manner to make me feel a lot better. That is the moment that I realized that she wanted to do it too. She really did not resist and endured the pain of having her very first time just to make me feel good.

"I love you, Senpai." Serena cried. "I will do everything I can to make you happy."

"I love you too, Serena," I said. I kissed her lips once more. Then I proceeded to prey on her breast as I continue to strike her with pleasure.

Our night went on and on for hours until we're all out of strength and breath. For the whole night, we felt each other's skin, flesh, and heartbeats. This is the happiest night of our lives, and we decided to spend it by sleeping on the same bed. It's almost dawn when we finished, and we had a small talk after all of that.

Specifically, Serena spoke of an impossible thing that is spoken out of her heart and mind. I did have a feeling that she would request this sooner or later, so I'm not surprised that we talked about it.

"Senpai, can I request something from you?"

"What is it, Serena?"

"I want you... to stop thinking about revenge. I don't want you to kill Emperor Eldritch and Empress Trystgade... Will you do it for me?"

"I will." I immediately answered with a smile.

"Thank you, Senpai~" Serena made an exhausted but relieved smile.

I only have one year in this world, and it would be wise to spend my remaining days with the woman I loved the most. Serena wants me to live in happiness and not in thirst for revenge. For years, I have been ignorant of her dream for me. But right as of this moment, I fully submit to her. I will abandon my plot of revenge for the sake of our happiness.

The healthy human mind does not think that it is his last day on the planet. I think that's a gift and not a curse. Knowing that your days are numbered is a kind of freedom. I know that I am going to die in a span of one year. That is more than enough time for me to have a happy life with the woman I love. I am willing to give up everything for her. I don't mind if I don't get my revenge on Eldritch and Trystgade if I could have nights like this.

Hey guys! This is actually my very first time writing a sex scene! Please give me your feedback! This would be the deciding factor if I will still write sex scenes on my novel *cough Frozen Soul cough*

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