
Very Ordinary Fantasy Slice Of Life

Earth explodes and Gwyn gets transmigrated to another world as an apology. Nothing much Gwyn could do there, what choice did he have? Come back to earth? So in this new world Gwyn wanted to have a fun life. Introducing items and entertainment from the modern world! Adventuring and going on quests! Journeying through fantastical lands! Thievery! Blackmail! Causing wars! Inciting rebellions! Murder! Murder! Murder! Oops, got a bit too excited there. All in all, he wanted to have a fun life. A very ordinary fantasy slice of life. \\\ #Slow Paced #Comedy #Slice of Life #Fantasy #Adventure #Action (PS. Have mercy on my poor soul, this is the first time I've ever written a story. Also, english is not my first language. As well as.... Hmm, what other excuses can I make? Anyway, I hope my writing skills improve alongside your impression of this story. Please enjoy~!)

MisterWritingMan · ファンタジー
19 Chs

10 - Meeting More Ordinary Villagers (Part 2)

(To those who read the previous chapter before I was able to extend it, please reread the previous chapter. Otherwise this chapter might be little confusing for you.)

Haeqin had very long vermillion red hair tied in a ponytail fading into light blue near the ends, her irises were similarly vermillion in color while her pupils were light blue. She had pointed ears, not that of an elf, but more of a human's but with a pointed upper helix. She was taller than Euria by a bit, but shorter than both Ael and Emmalyn.

"Name's Gwyn, nice to meetcha!" Gwyn greted with a grin, "Who's the other one?"

"Ah right!" Haeqin stepped aside to introduce the girl who almost kneed Emmalyn to the face. "Her name's Vae, thought don't expect much of a conversation partner from her. She doesn't talk much."

Vae had short white hair and sharp and fierce cobalt blue eyes. She was as short as Faela and she was just as stacked well. She wore tight a tight fitting shirt and through that Gwyn noticed that she had a toned and well built body.

"Damn, you look strong! Nice to meetcha as well!"

Vae didn't say anything and just stared straight at him.

"Oh wow you're right! She doesn't talk at all."

"Told you!"

"Maybe I need to use fewer words." Gwyn walked up to Vae, "You, Vae. Me, Gwyn. We, friends!"

Vae looked up at him with a frown, "...Idiot."

"Okay. You, Idiot. Me, Gwyn. We, friends!"


Haeqin just laughed from the side, "Shahaha~! You're a riot~! Where'd you find this guy Ael?"

"Found him my ass! He's the one who found us by chasing us butt naked on the road like a pevert!"

"Ahh~! How nostalgic! It feels like it was just yesterday~!" Gwyn reminisced.

"It was today!"

"Anyways. Are you girls rivaling groups or something? Including Faela, its three on three."

"Oh, so you met Faela too!" Haeqin said, "Not really. It's just Emmalyn and Ael who loves butting heads. Speaking of which, where's Faela and Euria? I heard they were with you two."

"Faela said she had something to do. As for Euria..." Gwyn pointed behind Haeqin. "...There."

"Huh?" Haeqin turned around only to see Euria closely behind her with her head down muttering darkly, "YOW! What the heck Euria!"

Euria ignored her and continued to mutter to herself.

"Oh, she's in that state again huh?" Haeqin said in disappointment.

"You've seen this before?" Gwyn asked.

"More than I'd like. What's got her like that this time?"





Gwyn chuckled at her, "You're not going to ask why?"

"Nah, I don't like to think. That's Euria's job."

Gwyn smiled in satisfiction, he liked that answer, "I like your style! If you can do it, why me? Am I right?"

"Ayy~! You get it~!" Haeqin pointed finger guns at Gwyn which Gwyn reciprocated.

"Well, It's been nice knowing you girls, I really got to go get some clothes."

"Ooh~! Can we tag along?"

"Why not? I'm just buying some clothes."


The five of them walked for quite a bit when they heard Emmalyn shout from behind.

"Hey! Where are you going?! Don't tell me you're going to leave me behind?!"

"Hurry up then!" Ael shouted.

Once she caught up to them, they resumed walking.

"Where's Omi?" Gwyn asked.

"She said she was going to play with the other kids. And... You!" Emmalyn pointed at Gwyn and asked harshly, "I still don't know your name! Tell me!"

"Sheesh, calm down. My name is Gwyn." Gwyn replied, "Finally dropping the sultry act aye?" Gwyn asked with a raised brow.

"Hmph! Be thankful you even had the honor of me acting that way towards you! Not many get the chance!"

"I bet no one gets the chance at all." Gwyn cheekily replied.

"Spot on~! Shahahaha~!" Haeqin interjected.

"Shut up! Anyway, you're going to pay for humiliating me before!"

"How much?"

"5 copper Bb!"

Gwyn rummaged his pouch and tossed five copper Bb coins at Emmalyn who caught it with a smile.

"You are now forgiven!"

"Wow, talk about cheap." Ael mocked.

"Who cares, money is money! This can buy one sweet cheesebread at Aunt Di's bakery!"

"Hahaha~! You girls are weird, I love it!"

"You're the one walking around half-naked like it's nothing." Emmalyn countered.

"That's because I love being weird!" Gwyn said with a thumbs up, "Also, why were you acting all seductive for anyway?"

Emmalyn blushed and started to look away, she mumbled stutteringly, "T-that's because..."

"Oh! I know!" Haeqin raised her hand, answering the question, "That's because she heard that Ael brought along a boy around our age. We were actually watching you from behind earlier, and Emma found that Gwyn was good looking enough. Being a young girl thirsty for love and not wanting to lose to Ael, Emma took her chance at love by acting like an experienced temptress of the night!"

By now, Emmalyn's face was bright red, "T-that's not t-true..."

Gwyn brushed his hair back and looked up at the sky in dismay, "It looks like my sinful charm has claimed another. My apologies, I'll try to reign in my charismatic self as to not afflict another maiden with false hope of love.'

"It's not like I have much of a choice to choose from! All the boys in the village around our age are completely undesirable spineless cowards! They just ogle at girls all day and then become shy when confronted about it!" Emmalyn complained.

"One of the rarest times I agree with this bitch." Ael added.

"Oh come on girls! Lay off the guys, they're probably on the lates stages of their puberty, hormones and such makes anyone hornier."

""What's a hormone?"" Ael and Emmalyn asked in unison.

" ...You know what? Let's just hurry to that clothing store you were talking about."

'Speaking of them horny boys. I've just got a nice business Idea. I just need paper and pencil and I can make these boys go wild for my product.' Gwyn snickered inside his mind.

-x-X-x- -x--x- -x-X-x-

They stopped in front of a store with a huge sign above the door. On the sign was a depiction of sharp spider legs weaving yarn to a form a spiderweb in the middle. Some words were also on it, unfortunately Gwyn haven't learned how to read the language yet.

He tapped Ael on the shoulder and pointed at the sign, " Hey, what does that say?"

"Can't you rea- Oh right, you lost your memories." Ael said in realization, "It says Webly Wears."

'From the sign itself, I can already infer what kind of person owns the shop.' Gwyn speculated.

"Cute name." Gwyn complimented, "Is this where you usually buy your clothes?"

"Yup! I guarantee the quality!"

"Hey! What's this about lost memories?" Emmalyn asked from the side, curious about what she had just heard.

"Later, lemme buy some clothes first."

They entered the shop and Gwyn's first impression of it was neat and clean. Honestly, it reminded Gwyn of the clothing stores he went to on malls, with its smooth black wooden walls and gray stone floor. Clothing were put on display on black wooden racks and shelves, with a few being worn by black wooden mannequins that were scattered across the shop. Gwyn also noticed that aside from clothes, the shop also offered different kinds of leather armour and shoes.

They were greeted by a woman at the desk.

'Yup, I was right. It was a spider lady.' Gwyn thought.

She had very long and smooth silky black hair that reaches down to her feet, her bangs were parted in the middle showcasing her forehead. She had eight eyes, with the main pair being closed, and the other smaller three pairs open to reveal glassy black eyes without irises nor pupils. Her egg shaped bushy eyebrows could be mistaken for another pair itself. On her back were eight black and metallic looking spider legs with sharp ends similar to a blade.

'All she needs is a kimono and she'll be a Yamato Nadeshiko.' Gwyn thought, 'On secound thought, she seems like a seamstress right? Maybe I could tell her how to make one.'

"Welcome~!" Her warm and soft voice greeted them.

"Hey Aunt Che! We're here to buy some clothes for this guy right here." Ael greeted with a grin, nudging Gwyn with her arm.

"Hello ma'am, my name is Gwyn. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Gwyn introduced himself, "As you can see from my state, I'm currently very broke in the clothing department."

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well Gwyn~! You can call me Aunt Che like Ael over there~!" Aunt Che replied with a soft smile.

The other girls greeted Aunt Che as well, except for Euria who was still in her own world.

"Oh dear~, is Euria in that state again?" Aunt Che asked worriedly.

"Unfortunately, all thanks to this guy." Ael answered, pointing her chin at Gwyn.

"What can I say? I just can't stop leaving myself on girls minds, if ya know what I mean."

"I see, I hope she comes back to her senses soon." Aunt Che said, "As for you Gwyn, feel free to browse my shop~!"

"Will do! Thanks~!" Gwyn replied, "Ah right. Do you have men's underwear? I've been feeling very breezy since a while ago."

"Wait, what. You're telling me you're actually naked underneath that cloth?" Emmalyn asked.

"Yup? Want to see? Of course you would, Horny girl."

"N-no I don't! And stop calling me that!"

Aunt Che pointed to a place at the shop and Gwyn went over there to pick some underwear. He settled on buying three for now.

After that he bought a simple beige long sleeved shirt, dark brown pants, and simple dark brown shoes. He asked Aunt Che for a place where he can change into and immediately put on his newly bought apparel.

He walked out the changing room with exaggerated swagger, performing various poses on his way to the girls, "What do you think pretty mommas? Do I look even more handsome, or do you prefer me as I was before, unwrapped and vulnerable~? Ugh~! Don't tell me, I already know the answer. You want... Every version of me~!"

Ael looked utterly disgusted, "Can you please stop talking like that? In fact, stop talking at all!"

"Oh Ael~, you absolute tsundere~! I know how you really feel." Gwyn then turned his attention to Emmalyn, "How about you, what do you think~?"

"If I just pretend to not hear you then I think you look decent." Emmalyn replied, "It fits you well, as expected of Aunt Che's clothing! It can even make this weirdo look presentable!"

"Yeah! You look amazing in those clothes!" Haeqin added.

"You should see me without them! Oh wait, you already did~! Kukukuku~!"

Ael couldn't take it anymore and started pushing Gwyn outside the store, "Alright, that's enough! We're leaving! Sorry for bringing this weirdo in here Aunt Che!"

Aunt Che giggled softly and waved goodbye, "Don't worry about it, it was quite amusing~. And please, do come again~!"

I'll check every 10 chapters for spelling and grammar mistakes and fix it.

MisterWritingMancreators' thoughts