
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · ファンタジー
41 Chs

Love and Hatred

"Do you truly believe it's that boy, Logan?" While Logan was soaking in his marble hot bathtub, a woman in her late twenties entered the bathhouse. He was shrouded by women and maids who assisted and washed his body with various herbs. Two were with him inside his tub.

"Do you not comprehend the concept of privacy, my Queen?" scowling, he inquired

"Out, all of you. How can I not barge in when these are the moments I get to see you, my King," she responded without the trepidation that is typical of those who encounter Logan. His hand made a sneering sign for people to leave the bathhouse as he snorted. As soon as everyone exited the chamber, leaving only Logan and her, Queen Kaira remained still and composed. She stepped forward to the bathtub and perched on the edge of it. She fixed her gaze squarely on Logan, who grinned and said, "Yes, I believe the child is still alive; he, Catherine, and Helga were the only ones that fled that day."

"Huh! Laughing, are you? You mentioned that a boy had died; if the previous queen is preparing for some conflict, it won't be beneficial for my Willian. How do you intend to proceed?" She furrowed her brows at him. Logan sighed as he stepped out of his tub, bare, revealing his rough sturdy torso to Kaira, and wrapped himself in a white silk robe. "You are overthinking, Kaira. If the boy is still alive, he must be seventeen by now. He suffered serious injuries that day, and if Catherine were to approach him, I'm confident he wouldn't agree to any of her proposals. You shouldn't worry, anyway; this time, I'll put an end to him forever. I've already despatched my shadows to find him," he answered, refilling his glass with more wine.

"Willian is just eight years old and the crown prince of Loistava; I don't bother about you, however, I will ensure that no one touches my boy. I'm sure you recall my mother's words, Don't forget how you're still standing and breathing." She stomped off taking his glass of wine and guzzling it down her throat. Enraged by her remarks, Logan flung the glass to one corner, unhappy and outraged. He raised his palm and carefully examined its centre, where there was a mark, similar to a tattoo. It appeared like spirals enclosed in a circle, like a breeze. Infuriated, he went out after clenching his fist fiercely.


Marcus and his men had left Aroo and were currently travelling to Frook village. They rested in a deserted town.

"Sir, we'll arrive in four hours, around twilight," said a man carrying an hourglass. Marcus turned his face toward the scorching sun, wiped his forehead, and then cast his gaze over the lonely region. "No wonder no one desires to take this land under their wings, this is an inferno." he thought.

"Sir, What's your strategy? Are we going to capture both the former queen and the one she seeks?" Marcus's devoted comrade Jaser arrived and sat next to him, sharing the water he had.

"Logan is still hesitant to trust me, so yes. I need his entire trust to achieve my aim. I gained permission to his palace through my sister, but I must show loyal and trustworthiness in order for him to depend on me. He must have already thrown his shadows in our direction, now is the ideal moment, therefore I need to look elegant," with a smile, he responded.

"That's because of the Fox prime minister Nayogi; if you want Logan's head, you must first silence him. And if the previous queen is plotting to assassinate Logan, shouldn't it be simpler for us to build alliances with them? Logan, according to rumours inside the palace, is not a human, and we can't easily defeat him," Jaser suggested it. Marcus gave Jaser a satisfied look; "You actually have eyes and ears all over your body, I see how you earned the title of an eagle," he laughed.

"Oh, rejoice since I am on your side. However, consider twice before going against the former queen; what if the person she's seeking is kin to the late King Willard of Loistava?" hearing Jaser's words Marcus slumped into self-contemplation. He started to consider the possibility that Jaser could be correct. He suddenly sprang up and yelled, "We're moving now!"

Hours ago......

"Do you want to continue the conversation, Mazzi?" Helga courageously stepped forward. "Yes, we shall speak," Mazzi said while clenching his fist and flashing his fiery eyes. The old inn in Frook village hosted their secret conversation. Catherine, Helga, Ceasar, Jugo, and Laisa entered the room, followed by Mazzi, Xena, and Sicil. They sat around a wooden table, while Kaisy and Catherine's maid Hansa served them tea and went out.

"How did you discover that Vera is the son of the late King Willard?" Mazzi, unable to control his thirst to learn the truth inquired

"I had sent my spies around the kingdoms in quest of the boy who escaped from Logan's clutches, but I couldn't find him for ten years. I didn't see why he bothered killing Raya's son because he wouldn't be a danger to his power. After all, Raya was a slave or prostitute. However, I remembered the late king's words: Vera may resemble Raya, but he received something valuable from me, therefore I need to keep him hidden in the brothel for a little longer. He was alluding to his distinctive golden eyes, and Vera was born with Leighann's golden eyes. Two months ago, a rumour of a golden-eyed woodcutter in this region surfaced, and my spies informed me about it. A wandering boy on the Egur mountain claimed to have seen a young woodcutter with golden eyes, but no one took him seriously. But I believe the youngster; I had a feeling Vera was still alive, thus we came here to meet him. "I'm delighted he has a family," Catherine responded.

"Family? Yes, my father regards him as his son," Mazzi mumbled.

"How about you? Do you think of him as your brother?" questioned Helga

"Never. I will regard him as a member of my father's family, never as a brother. Because of him, I lost my mother; my father brought a blind child from someplace one night, claiming it was his son from another woman; my mother was a simple woman, and she left him. My mother and grandmother raised me in the village since my father refused to live with us. He abandoned us for him. Now I see why; he was safeguarding the king's son, hoping that someone like you would come looking for him one day. But what the hell? We are treated like worms in horseshit by all rulers, yet that old man saved a prince and reared him in seclusion for ten years. What the fuck are we earning? Haha! Bullshit! Take him wherever you want, I don't care," he said viciously. Everyone was taken aback.

"Of course, you don't like Vera, he's the one who ruined your family," Catherine adds.

"I'm not upset with Vera, although I dislike him, I'm furious at my father right now. He was such a fool to save a king's son who saw us as slaves and our land as unwanted. To save that child, he destroyed his own family," he replied while clenching his teeth.

"You are right; your father is an idiot. He spared a youngster, raised and safeguarded him while risking his own family and life; he is a fool," Caesar observed sarcastically.

"I don't care about your lofty ideals; tell me why you're seeking Vera. Why do you need him? What do you want?" Mazzi inquired.

"Isn't it too simple, Mazzi, to crown him the King of Loistava? We're looking for the new monarch, Leighann's heir," Catherine remarked with a smile. Mazzi relaxedly closed his eyes as Sicil and Xena stared in amazement.