

Since I was born my life was not bad, but the tragedies that happened later in my life made me come to the conclusion to make a genocide, and after doing so appeared in front of me a God telling me the truth of the events of my shitty life that were not a coincidence of fate if they were not provoked by some beings called constellations, and thus having a reason to continue living "No matter the method, no matter what has to be sacrificed, as long as I fulfill my revenge nothing else matters.

DaoistgEzZ68 · SF
1 Chs

CHAPTER 1The history of my old world

Five people were already standing in a ruined city with no trace of any other human being, staring at a being that looked like a dragon.

To be a little more exact, it had similarities with the dragon of Greek mythology known as Ladon, but the difference of this drango is that it was a dragon.

that its entire body is filled with a menacing purple aura, which before its presence disappears all morale of the individual who was willing to fight with this beast.

it also had piercing black eyes that if you stared at it you would see an abyss of pure darkness that seems to have no end.

But the five presences cared little,

they were not afraid of death and were willing to fight at the risk of their lives.

Thus taking steps to attack this beast without fear of anything, the only thing they thought about was to survive defeating the dragon but at what cost, of the five presences only one remained,

who was above the mutilated body of the dragon holding his great sword in his right hand and in the other hand holding the only memory he has of his beloved, which was a mutilated arm full of blood.

While he was staring at the last head of the dragon that was already on the ground, he pointed to die with great fury and sadness.

The dragon stared at him preparing to say his last words, "tell me your human name."


"Darcel brangwen," after saying these words the dragon gave a small smile and at this he passed away.

He stared at the horizon seeing that it was already dawning, and as he prepared to find the bodies of his friends to give them a decent burial.

*while memories of how this whole crisis began came back to him.

Long ago when mankind was in constant warfare, they were trying to wipe each other out for territory so that these countries could stop the deputization of the world.

By the intervention of some unidentified beings appeared in portals all over the world causing a reduction in the human population, it seemed that it was the end of mankind but

Unfortunately it was not so among all this crisis under a figure full of light that seemed to have the appearance of a human being,

Through telepathy he gave a communiqué to the surviving humans that he was going to help them to overcome this crisis thus giving his blessing to the inhabitants of this planet.

To confront the invaders of the portals, so this being disappears.

After saying these words, with the blessing of this being, the humans were able to manifest an unknown energy that was later named with the following name

Ki, thus maintaining the survival a few years, but everything has an end! After the victory of humanity, less than 1% of the human population remained, after which they provoked the victory of humans.

In the last battle, they were recognized as the five heroes nationality rank that saved the humanity, already 100 years had passed from that one.

100 years had passed since that battle and the five heroes were still remembered with admiration for having given their lives for them, although there was a rumor that the first hero was a human.

He was still alive and did not die in that battle, and the rumor was made more credible by the fact that he had eaten the heart of a creature nicknamed Valak.

In one of the last dungeons that appeared in the world 100 years ago, the heart of that creature was said to have the ability of eternal youth, in the end they are only false rumors, surely this already dead of old or not?!

Darcel Brangwen's monologue

I never saw myself as a hero or anything like that, people came to that conclusion because of the acts I did to save them from the moustro and general protection,

But really...

I would not hesitate to save myself before someone else or in the worst cases if they were my enemies I would not hesitate to kill them.

Because in my eyes, they are all monsters who would not hesitate to eat each other when they have the opportunity.

Those were my thoughts when I was just getting to know killing monsters alone, although they never disappeared from me, yes.

There was a person who taught me to perceive my thoughts in an emotional way towards living beings, although he was not an expert, he did feel a little empathy towards living beings, even though he was not an expert, he did feel a little empathy towards living beings.

It was not a noticeable change but it did give me hope to change my way of seeing them and to be able to feel emotions towards life itself.

Of course that would have worked if that person was with me right now but I will never be able to see her anymore... why did she have to receive the attack for me?!

These are things that are still not clear to me but I can get an idea of why she did it that way by remembering the words she said to me.

"Now I am going to explain to you what it is to love a person and I want you to pay a lot of attention to it, I am tired of teaching it to you with actions oites!!!!

saying these words with a penetrating look and with an annoyed tone,

...of course

Well then here I go...Love is a non-material, spiritual union. It is not only about physical demonstrations, but affective, emotional. Love implies having attitudes of understanding, respect, tenderness, commitment, etc., etc., towards others,

After remembering those words I could finally understand that she loved me and would give her life for me to be well,

after saying that word my heart was shaken, but I didn't know why my heart ached... maybe that's how to love a person then I loved her but if I loved her why didn't I cry when she passed away?

after saying those words I decided to analyze human behavior looking for an answer to what it means to have empathy and emotion, to try to understand her philosophy, to try to understand what it means to have empathy and emotion, to try to understand her philosophy, to understand what it means to have empathy and emotion.

all lives are worth the same and that a person can change if you show them the right path!

"To the conclusion I come"

I was already thinking about the conclusion I reached after analyzing human beings in these 100 years at the tomb of my friends,

And I could never understand their way of seeing life...

I only saw how they killed each other to gain power and recognition they didn't care if

I analyzed the current society after 100 years and I had the hope that they were going to change for the better, but it wasn't like that.

everything changed for the worse in a society dominated by racism, corruption, inequality, in short, humans destroy themselves and what is worse is that they take other species that have nothing to do with them.

If I could define human beings in a few words it would be, a virus that has to be eradicated as soon as possible what continue to harm other living beings.

There is no point in giving them another chance, they have to die and I will take care of that. I am sorry friends and I am sorry Ana, I know more than anyone how you loved human beings and you had faith that they could change but they did not.

...I am sorry, very soon I will find out again.

after saying those words for the first time I could shed a tear, although if I had in another context I would have been happy to finally feel what it is to cry but this is not the case.

Today will be the last day of the humans, after saying those words I decided to leave without first saying goodbye to my companions, today will be the last time I will visit them.

I'm sorry if I get some words wrong because I don't know much English but I try to do my best.

I hope you like my first story, I'm sure some of you find the story slow, so I will try to make it a little faster and easier to understand, in the first chapters I will make clear the personality of the protagonist and his qualities and defects! the first chapters will try to give a context of why he wants to avenge and what those beings have to do with him.

DaoistgEzZ68creators' thoughts