
Vengeance is My Name

Waking up with no memory of who I was, where I'm from, nor why I'd been shot in the head, my intention from the moment I wake up is only one thing. Find the man who shot me and return the favour. But it is during this trial and after that I find myself drawn into events outside my control, and possibly the only man with the influence to shape the future of the Mojave and New Vegas, one way or another.

hackwriter29 · ゲーム
20 Chs

Sibling Secrets

Cass was lying back on the bed as I stepped into our room. She looked at me and smiled, rising to her feet and hugging me tightly. "Is it done?" she asked softly.

"Yeah. He's dead. But it's not just that, Cass. What I could possibly be involved in here." I took out the platinum chip. "I got it back, Cass."

"So you haven't delivered it?"

"Not yet, because of what's at stake. Before I killed him, Benny had a lot to say. I'll tell you everything once we're safely on the Strip. Veronica is close by?"

"She'll be back by tonight."

"Heard from Boone?"

"Not really. Guess he's busy doing his own thing."

"Okay, I'll take you and Veronica onto the Strip tomorrow. I've got you both one-time passes. Once you're on the Strip, you won't be able to leave until I can get you both passports so you can come and go as you please. Then I'll grab Boone and see what he wants to do."

Kissing my cheek, Cass disappeared, though returned quickly with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses, sitting back on the bed once she'd poured us a glass. She didn't ask for details what happened with Benny, but as I'd been gone a couple of nights, she simply wondered what else I'd been up to. I was completely honest as always.

"Had a man fuck me last night which… actually meant something," I said.


"Well, he was one of Benny's henchmen, his second in command, but he proved rather helpful before I took care of business. Did me a few favours. Then, well, you know how it goes." I paused before adding, "He was a great fuck. Enjoyed quite the night together."

"Well, I'm glad you weren't lonely while you were there." I glanced at her, still probably surprised at how she reacted. "Still want to fuck me?"

"God yes."

"Then I don't mind who else you sleep with. Just don't try with Veronica. She prefers women. Actually, that's not putting it bluntly enough. She only likes women. Thinks you're great, but doesn't want you naked in bed with you."

"Ah, have you…?"

"No. I enjoy the company of women from time to time, but I prefer dick. Definitely if it's your dick." She finished her drink. "Would you mind if I slept with others?"

"Of course not, as that would be one hell of a double standard. Anyone on your mind?"

"No, just wondering what you thought." She kissed my cheek. "And you've just proven to be an even better man. Not that I expected you to say anything different, but I'm glad you confirmed what I thought."

"Meet the right guy, we might both get fucked." That made her chuckle before she cuddled into my side, kissing her forehead. "I'm just glad it's over, though I'm not finding myself at a crossroads of what to do next. I haven't forgotten about you though."

"Well, we'll discuss it when we're all on the Strip. Think Boone will be interested?"

"Hmmm. That might depend."

Cass couldn't just lie next to me like that without doing something having not seen me for a couple of days, so it was no surprise that I ended up naked on my back, Cass straddling my lap, and we made love for a couple of hours. We didn't even stop when Veronica knocked on the door and walked in. She did blush, though Cass insisted she wasn't stopping for anyone, and I swear put on a show as she really started to bounce up and down on my cock.

Glancing her way, I told Veronica what I had told Cass, and she proved rather excited at the idea of heading onto the Strip, having never been there before. She then told us to have fun and she'd meet us downstairs when we were done. When she was gone, I looked back at Cass. "You did that on purpose. Show off."

"Was thinking she could sit on your face and imagine you were a woman."

I couldn't help laugh, which made Cass giggle too, before she leaned down and kissed me, holding her close to my body as we just… gazed at each other. Despite everything I had done otherwise, I really liked her, and I think that feeling was still mutual. Seemed the world might have been open minded than I would have assumed, though I think Cass was a woman who lived every day to its fullest.

Joining Veronica downstairs later for dinner, I explained what happened with Benny, not adding the detail that I'd tortured the bastard, not that I think either would have cared, but I did go into the discussion I'd had with Yes Man, and basically what I now held in my hand. Cass could tell me all about House and her opinion on him. Veronica only knew what she'd heard from others. But when it came down to it, they couldn't really suggest one way or the other, only agreeing that the Legion should never be given any sort of control. I assured them that I agreed completely with that assessment.

When the two disappeared to the toilet, James appeared in front of me. I thought he was going to pour a drink. Instead, he leaned forward. "Say, Courier, I know you no longer want to work here, but I'm wondering if you might be willing to do me a solid."

"Depends on what it is."

"You're an open-minded sort of guy, aren't you?"

The question made me laugh. "Think I proved that while working here, Jim. Women or men, I really don't mind it seems."

"What about my sister?"

"Francine? You trying to get your sister laid?"

"No. Well, yeah. It's…" He looked around. "Can I talk to you in private?"


I followed him upstairs, and I'm sure more than one regular though we were heading upstairs so he could fuck me, which made me chuckle. He gave me a curious glance, waving that away. Best I didn't tell him. Once we were in their private quarters, he offered me a seat and a drink. He seemed rather nervous as he sat on the chair next to mine.

"Francine and I are close. Very close." He made sure he met my eyes. "And while we've agreed we would like to be closer, we know we can't."

"Oh… really?"

He nodded, and he seemed rather sad. "At least we both admit it, but while tempted, we've never given in. We avoid it by focusing on the business and generally try not to be alone together for too long."

"How long have you felt the same way?"

"Far too long. Since puberty hit. Guess we're both fucked up, right?" I shrugged. Nothing to do with me. "The reason I've asked you up here is… Would you like to fuck her?"

I shrugged again. "I mean, she's a woman so, yeah, there's something about her no nonsense attitude that could be considered appealing. But I'm thinking there's something more to it."

"There is. She's already agreed to this, but while you fuck her, I'll… watch."



"I won't lie; it is a little bit. You won't involve yourself?"

"No. We promised to never touch each other intimately. Not to say I haven't seen her naked and masturbating." I raised eyebrows at that confession. "My sister is hot, even hotter when doing something so naughty. When she moans my name while doing it…"

"Shit, you two should just fuck and get it over with. You'll either not enjoy it, then you can forget about it, or you enjoy it, then just do it in private."

"We can't. So that's why I'm asking you for this favour. I'll pay."

I waved that away. "No, I'm not taking money for sex. At least not at the moment. Can I think about it?"

"Of course, I wasn't suggesting it happen right now. Can you… just keep it to yourself though?"

"Sure. I can come and go from the Strip as I want. The other two with me have to wait for passports. Give me a day or two to think about it."

Heading back downstairs, Cass was back at the bar, letting me know that Veronica had gone to bed for the evening. Taking a seat, I had one more drink before Cass and I agreed to retire for the evening, simply lying back on the bed, listening to the radio until we both drifted off.

Packing up the next day, Veronica was rather excited as we walked to the gates leading onto the Strip. The Securitrons approached, showing them the passes for Cass and Veronica, while they scanned me for caps again. Heading inside, I escorted them around New Vegas first, and Veronica was blown away by the crowds, the sights and the sounds. The smile that lit up her face did make her genuinely beautiful.

Heading to The Tops, Swank was at the reception desk. He tried desperately not to smile upon seeing me, and I couldn't help smile in return when it didn't fade when I introduced Cass and Veronica. He was friendly and charming, and Cass figured it out quickly.

"I understand you fucked him," she stated quite bluntly.

He glanced around before he leaned forward. "Sure did, baby. We fucked all night. Ring-a-fucking-ding, one of the best nights I've had."

"Wow, that good?" Veronica wondered.

"What can I say, I like a man who knows what he wants. And our Courier friend here loves the dick."

"Yep, dick or pussy, I really don't mind," I said with a grin.

"Anyway, the Presidential Suite is all yours as agreed. Head upstairs, and if you want anything, all you need do is ring. How long are you staying?"

"Cass and Veronica will be remaining until we have passports. I'll be heading to and from a few times over the next few days as I have things that need sorting out."

Heading upstairs to the suite, the girls were rather excited, though Cass immediately started to tease me. "No wonder you wanted to fuck him. He's cute. Got a big dick?"


"Big as yours?"

"A gentleman never tells."

"Well, if it's similar to yours, no wonder you want it."

Clearing my throat, I suggested we store our stuff and perhaps head downstairs, either to wander around, grab a bite to eat and drink, or we could even gamble. I made sure I kept two thousand caps spare, so I always had a way back onto the Strip, but all other caps were free to use. Veronica loved the idea of having a gamble, having never done it before, so we headed downstairs and enjoyed a few hours of gambling. We played blackjack first, explaining the rules to Veronica, before we decided to play some poker. The bets were not expensive, so we didn't spend too many caps on that, Cass and I certainly enjoying a few drinks as we played.

We were still betting when I checked the time to see it was dark, so I suggested we headed outside to see the city lit up. Veronica was almost overwhelmed by the lights on display, while the sound was certainly louder, as I have no doubt many of the merry-makers had slept most of the day, ready to let their hair down during the evening. Merchants lined the road, selling their wares, while criers were outside each casino, trying to get people to enter.

Heading back to The Tops, Veronica wanted to gamble again, so Cass and I let her go, as she was now confident to go gambling by herself. Soon as we were back in the suite, Cass was all over me, not making it to the bed before she had my trousers around my ankles and my cock in her mouth. That was just the start, as the next couple hours were spent naked, sweating, and fucking hard. When Veronica walked into our bedroom, Cass was fast asleep, cuddled into my side.

"Smells like sex in here," she joked, though was probably thankful I had a blanket covering us.

"Did you win?"

"Came out even in the end. Can't complain. It was a lot of fun."

"Okay. If you want to keep gambling, enjoy yourself. Just try to limit your losses, and if you make caps, keep some safe."

Veronica smiled, turning to head to the other bedroom, though she stopped at the doorway and spun around to face me. "Do you think I'm pretty?"

"You're gorgeous, Veronica, particularly once you take the hood down. But I already know where your interests lay. Cass told me all about it."

"She loves pussy," Cass whispered, though she barely stirred otherwise.

"I do. Unfortunately, my love life… sucks."

"Need to talk about it?" I asked, patting the space next to me.

"Not right now. I need to get some sleep too. I'll see you in the morning. What's the plan?"

"I'll head to Camp McCarran to collect or at least see Boone, let him know what's going on, then I'm going to start putting my own pieces on the board. But this is still early days yet. I haven't decided what I'm going to do. Not exactly."

Speaking to Swank at reception the next morning, he informed me that I wouldn't need to take the long walk to McCarran, but there was a monorail that linked McCarran to the Strip. Otherwise, we spent a good five minutes flirting with each other, and the look in his eyes by the end suggested he would have liked to head upstairs. So I figured it was best to leave him be for now.

Having never been on a monorail before, I could only marvel at such a futuristic form of transport. Once I was at the base, I headed outside and was amazed by the sheer size of the camp. And it was crowded. Perhaps even more crowded than the Strip itself. I don't think the NCR would contemplate invading the Strip, but they were certainly making their presence felt in this part of the Mojave, leaving me wondering why or how they'd managed to lose control between here and the Mojave Outpost further south.

Being a civilian, I was eventually stopped by a pair of NCR soldiers, asking as to why I was on base. Asking after Boone, I was pointed towards the middle of the camp, a vague wave of the hand otherwise, telling me he was somewhere around there.

I found him in a tent, his rifle in pieces as he cleaned it. Gesturing with his head, I sat diagonally opposite, watching him work for a couple of minutes. "I'm thinking I might re-join the service," he said, "After everything that happened in Novac, I need to give my life meaning again. Just a thought. At the moment, I'm a 'contractor'. Helping out on patrols, taking on guard duty. Have to answer to superiors, but as I'm still a civilian, I can get away with a little more."

"Are you able to just get the monorail onto the Strip without checks?"

"Yeah, one of the advantages of basing myself here. Why do you ask?"

I took the pass from my pocket and slid it across the table. "This is a one-time access pass. If you're coming via the camp, I guess you won't need it, but if you need to enter via the main gate, this will allow you to pass through once. I'm looking into passports for Cass and Veronica, but that takes time. And also caps."

"Thanks. Appreciate it, Courier."

"No worries. You okay otherwise?"

"Still got plenty of things on my mind." That's when he stopped tinkering and removed his sunglasses, meeting my eyes. "I'm still thinking about what happened in Novac. I know we took care of the bitch, but… the people she sold my wife too. Part of me wants to hunt them down too."


"East of Novac, there's a town called Nelson. It's the second foothold the Legion have managed to established on the west bank of the Colorado. Nothing more than an idea for now, but I'd love nothing more than heading there and wiping the fuckers out. I know they don't have a massive camp there. That's further south."

"Reckon you could get clearance for such an operation?"

"No. It's something I would have to do purely as a civilian. Would probably mean I couldn't return here without getting a telling off. I've been warned not to do anything to provoke the Legion."

"Tell you what. Cass, Veronica and I are based at The Tops. That thing with Benny? All sorted. Now there are other plans in motion, though I haven't made up my mind yet. If you just head inside to the Presidential Suite, you'll either find us there, or just wait around and we'll be back, sooner or later."

"Sure thing. Thanks. I'll be sure to pop by, even if it's just for a drink."

I left Boone to it, as I figured he'd be happier getting back to his patrolling that conversing with me, or anyone else for that matter. He'd been alone when I had walked in, and glancing back as I left, he happily got back to tinkering with his rifle. Taking the monorail back to the Strip, there were no checks upon arrival, so it seemed that Boone, at least, would be able to travel to and from the Strip without too many problems.

Cass and Veronica were both downstairs walking back into the casino. Letting them know I'd spoken to Boone and given him the pass, I informed them that I had other matters to deal with, though added that, as soon as Cass was ready, we could start dealing with her problem. "No rush," she told me, "They're not going anywhere, and I'm going to do some of my own digging. If I run into any trouble, or really need your help, I'll holler. I know you're going to be busy."

Taking Cass by the hand, I led her away and upstairs, where I needed to tell her about my conversation with James. I didn't let on the exact reasons, but did tell her that James had asked if I'd be willing to sleep with his sister. Her first question was, "You getting paid for it?"

"No. I don't think it's meant to be like that."

"Well, she's in for a fucking good time then. When do you think you'll be back?"

"No idea. Don't know if it'll happen tonight or not."

"Well, I'm sure you'll keep yourself occupied if it doesn't. Going to stay at the Wrangler until then?"

"Might as well stay close by. From what James told me, it'll happen quickly if I'm around."

"Well, have some fun then. I'll probably spend most of the time just getting drunk with Veronica." She leaned up to my ear. "If I give into temptation, I'll tell you all about it."

"Tease." I kissed her cheek. "But I'd love to see it one day too."

Though Freeside had proven relatively safe compared to most of the Mojave, I still didn't leave the Strip without a couple of weapons on me. The Securitrons barely glanced in my direction as I walked out, but there was a line of people hoping to gain entry. Whether they had caps, a passport or a pass, all of them looked nervous when approaching the robots.

The Wrangler lacked the crowd of The Tops, but it was certainly just as noisy, James recognising me as I walked in, taking a seat at the bar. Noticing I'd brought some things, he passed me a key to the room I'd used while I'd worked there, stating I could stay, free of charge. I gave him a look, which he understood, before I headed up to the room. He knocked on the door within five minutes, amused at how nervous he was.

"Is tonight okay?" he asked.

"Whenever is fine for both of you. I really don't mind."

"Okay, tonight. Upstairs, in our private quarters. Are you sure it's okay?"

"I'm going to have fun, James. Will you?"

"Long as Francine enjoys herself…"

"Then I think we'll have a good night."

Not wanting to spend the afternoon drinking, I figured spending a few caps at the poker table would be a good distraction. I just about came out even after a few hours, losing a few before winning them back and going ahead, before I was even and stayed there, betting when I had a good hand, bluffing occasionally when I didn't, but generally just enjoying myself.

Checking my Pip-Boy for the time, I eventually settled up, only having a few more caps than I had when I'd sat down at the table. James was behind the bar waiting for me, another girl already wearing an apron, one of the other girls I knew they had running the bar when James and Francine needed a break.

"Five minutes," he said, disappearing upstairs. I took a seat at the bar, ordering a bottle of sarsaparilla, having grown a liking for the drink since waking up in Goodsprings. Sipping at the bottle, I took it with me as I headed upstairs, walking into their private quarters to find the twins sitting beside each other on the couch.

Both of them looked a little nervous so the first question I had was, "Are you sure? I'll ask only the once, but at any time, if you want…"

Francine stood up and walked towards me, no hesitation when she kissed me. Wrapping my arms around her, pulling her tight, she smiled at least while kissing me, and I sensed her relax with each passing second. After that, we barely shared a word as we helped each other undress. She was rather slim. Great pair of legs. Small breasts, not that it mattered. Very pale, as she spent most of her time inside. Trimmed brown hair between her legs. Rather toned all over.

She met my eyes, biting her bottom lip, no doubt nervous about how I'd react. I kissed her softly. "Well, I seem to be a very lucky man."

She smiled, kissing me on the cheek. "I have a favour to ask. Two, to be honest."


"I want to be blindfolded while we do this."

"No problem."

"And I want to call you his name." I met her eyes, making sure I grinned. "Is that weird?"

"As I told him, yes, but as you'll be with me, and I don't have a name, while we're doing this, sure, I'll be him."

She had left the blindfold with her brother. Taking it from him, I asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Just watch. That's all I want to do."

"Thanks for doing this," Francine added.

Once the blindfold was in place, I helped her over to the bed, lying her down and gently spreading her legs, sitting on my knees between her legs, just looking her up and down. She seemed to sense that, as her face broke out in a smile. Looking at James, I gestured with my head. He looked unsure for a few seconds before he walked over. "What do you think?" I asked.

"She's beautiful." The smile on her face only broadened. "I've obviously seen her naked before."

"How much did you tell him, James?"

"Everything, Francine. I had to tell him so he would agree to this."

"Okay." She reached forward, eventually finding my wrist to bring me down so she could kiss me. "I obviously heard rumours about you, Courier. Your lady friend constantly had a smile in the morning, and we received plenty of feedback from all the man who fucked you."

"You've done this before?"

"It's been a long time. Obvious reasons."

I kissed her again, deepening it which caused her to moan, before I figured I might as well get started. Her neck was sensitive, hearing her giggle of all things as I kissed her there, then used my teeth to gently nibble, which just made giggle some more. Moving down her body, her nipples were already hard, but just flicking my tongue over one caused quite the moan.

"James," she whispered. I glanced his way. All he did was smile in return. He wasn't even touching himself, sitting there fully clothed, but the look on his face… He was enjoying it, but I knew he was desperate to be involved. Or just be in my position.

Feeling her fingers through my hair, she kept my head in place as I gave her breasts plenty of attention, but while doing that, I moved my hand down her body so my fingers could gently brush her pussy. She was already incredibly wet, though I wasn't sure if it was just me, or what was going on in her mind. The blindfold was a good idea, if that was the case.

Kissing down her body, feeling her body move as I trailed my hands down her sides, I kissed down through her trimmed hair, inhaling her scent. To say she was now completely turned on wouldn't be an exaggeration. Running my tongue along her slit, she released a loud moan.

"Eat my pussy, James," she breathed, "I've waited so long."

"Love you, Francie," he whispered nearby.

"I love you too, James."

I focused on just eating her out, Left arm around her thigh, she kept her right leg spread nice and wide, turning her so her brother could see what I was doing. I'd glance back every so often and he was still just watching, a smile on his face, occasionally just nodding that he was content. Once I sensed she was getting close to her first orgasm, I focused on her entirely, couple of fingers inside her by now, her body moving in a manner I recognised, another sign she was getting close.

"James, please," she whimpered.

"What do you want, Francie?"

"Make me cum, James. God, I want you to make me cum."

Then she did cum. It was a good one, her back arching in such a manner, I worried it would snap on her, the walls of her pussy clamping against my fingers. She cried out again before finally settling down again, withdrawing my fingers and licking them clean, before I resumed using my mouth.

"James," she squealed and giggled, "Again?"

"Whatever you want, Francie."

It amused me that he was doing all the talking, meant I could just focus on pleasing her. She was soon moaning even louder, this time both hands wrapped around her thighs, just using my tongue, eventually moving my hands up to the backs of her knees, lifting her up slightly as I went to town on her, so to speak.

"Oh James!" she cried out.

I would have looked his way, but I was far too focused on trying to make her cum again, and from the way her body was reacting, her breathing, the sounds she made, it wasn't going to take long. When she did, I lowered her down again as her entire body seemed to shudder, feeling a hand gently push me off her pussy. "Sensitive," she whispered.

Kissing back up her body, she giggled again before I left a soft kiss on her lips, her fingers running through my hair to the back of my head again. "I want you, James," she whispered, "We've waited so long to make love." I remained quiet as I gently slid my cock inside her. "Oh god, you're so thick!" she exclaimed, giggling away again.

Gently thrusting away, I just watched her face, wishing I could see her eyes, as I'd enjoyed seeing the delight and desire in those of Cass and Sunny whenever we had made love. So I focused on how good her pussy felt. She was incredibly tight, and I really wanted to let her know. So I turned to James and mouthed what I wanted to say, which he seemed to understand.

"God, Francie, your pussy is so tight," he said.

"Your cock is… something else."

I glanced his way again and winked. He smiled and shrugged. Then I focused on fucking her. She couldn't stop smiling for one thing, which made me smile while fucking her. Wanting to get deeper, I eventually moved her legs, lifting them up and back, her calves resting near my shoulders, as I really started to pump her.

"Oh fuck!" she cried, "Fuck me, James. Fuck me, cum in me."

I gave her what she wanted, amazed at how turned on I was. Not because of James, because she actually felt really good to fuck. Leaning down to kiss her, she was certainly proving to be very flexible, considering how far her legs were now back, but she was far too carried away with how I was fucking her to worry about it.

"Fuck," I groaned.

"Like my pussy, James?"

"Love it, Francie. What I've always wanted."

I lasted another couple of minutes before I needed to cum. That seemed to please her, releasing her legs as I felt them wrap around me, leaning down to kiss her, both her hands now on the back of my head. I kept pumping her until I simply couldn't keep going, making her gasp with a final thrust before I stopped moving.

"I love you so much, James."

"I love you too, Francie."

Finally pulling out, I laid down next to her, trailing my fingers up and down her chest. The smile on her face was quite beautiful, despite the blindfold. I think she had just liked being fucked, particularly if it had been quite a while since she'd last been intimate. Glancing at James, I gestured for him to wander over. He was hesitant at first before he sat on his knees next to the bed.

"You're beautiful, Francie," he whispered.

The smile on her face broadened. "Touch me," she whispered, aware it was my hand on her chest, "Touch me, James."

I looked up at him. The desire to do it was plain to see, but there was also nerves, because I had no doubt, just him touching her was going to change things, and probably quickly. He looked at me, no doubt for guidance. I shrugged. "I can't suggest what you do," I said.

"Please, James. Just touch me. No-one else will know. And the Courier won't say anything. Will you?"

"It'll be our secret."

He relented rather quickly, running a hand up her thigh before he gently started to rub her pussy. She immediately started to slight sob, knowing it was him, though I continued to trial fingers up and down her body too. I'll admit, though I did find it weird, part of me was intrigued as to how far they'd be willing to go, figuring they'd just go the whole hog and fuck, so wondered if they'd want me involved, so it didn't feel completely weird. I mean, it would be weird enough…

They were both soon into it, his fingers moving quickly as she was incredibly turned on already. I had no doubt he wanted to use his mouth, but considering I'd just cum in her, he knew he'd have to hold back. "You two want to fuck?" I asked.

They looked my way, Francine smiling, James a little unsure. "Look, I'll hang around and involve myself. Maybe have Francine on her knees. She can blow me while you fuck her?"

"You'd be okay to stay?" Francine asked.

"I'm figuring you two really want to do it, but won't give into temptation. I'm figuring, if it's a threesome the first time…"

"What do you think, James?"

"I'm thinking it's a good idea, Francie. Seeing him with you like that… I just kept imagining it was me. I… don't want to imagine anymore."

"Neither do I," she whispered.

James was naked rather quickly in his desire to be with her. I looked him up and down, amused when he blushed. "I wouldn't kick you out of bed either," I stated.

Removing her blindfold, the first thing she asked was for us to stand up. Doing so, she hopped off the bed, getting onto her knees. She sucked my cock first, proving to be enthusiastic about it, before she hesitated a moment. James leaned down, stroking her hair, as she slowly ran his tongue along his shaft. Continuing to stroke my cock, she slowly but surely started to pleasure him at the same time.

"Oh god," he groaned. I knew he wasn't going to last long at all.

"Just cum for her, James. Then you can make love to her. Will you swallow his cum, Francine?" She nodded so enthusiastically, I almost laughed. But watching her suck his cock… yes, it was weird, but the fact both of them seemed so happy, I was willing to look past the weirdness for now. And I wouldn't tell anyone about it anyway. As I said, it would be our little secret.

When he did finally cum, he groaned, she swallowed… then she started to cry once her mouth was empty, James immediately falling to his knees to cuddle her. Cuddling turned to kissing, Francine eventually breaking the kiss. "Let's make love," she whispered.

"Want me involved?" I wondered.

"You felt fantastic, Courier. Thank you, but I think we're over that hump now."

James didn't reply, simply helping her up and lying her down on the bed, wasting no time getting between her legs, sliding his cock inside her, and my presence was completely ignored after that. I dressed myself, keeping an eye on them, their eyes only for each other, both of them unable to stop grinning, continuing to profess their undying love for the other. It was rather sweet, in all honesty, the depth of love obvious. And considering how long they'd obviously pined for each other…

They probably didn't even notice I left, heading down to the bar to grab a drink, before returning to my room. The next morning, once I'd dressed and packed my things, Francine was up and about. She surprised everyone by giving me a tight hug once I was at the bar.

"Thank you so much," she whispered, feeling her rest her head against my chest.

"You're very welcome."

She leaned back, surprising me further by stroking my cheek. "I enjoyed you too. Trust me on that one."

"Well, I'm almost disappointed it won't happen again because you are stunning without clothes, Francine."

The smile and blush was immediate. "Oh… it might…" I raised my eyebrows as she stood up close to my ear. "Maybe you'd like that threesome one day?" she whispered.

"I'd like it a lot. When I'm back on Freeside again with a little time to spare, I might just pop in and say hello." Leaning down to her ear, I made her giggle when I said, "Shame your brother isn't inclined. He's fit too." The giggle turned into a laugh as I hugged her tightly again. "Good luck to you, Francine. I mean it. And give my best wishes to James."

"I will. Thank you, for everything."

Picking up my things, I walked out the door and back to reality, still undecided as to the path I would take.