
Vengeance is My Name

Waking up with no memory of who I was, where I'm from, nor why I'd been shot in the head, my intention from the moment I wake up is only one thing. Find the man who shot me and return the favour. But it is during this trial and after that I find myself drawn into events outside my control, and possibly the only man with the influence to shape the future of the Mojave and New Vegas, one way or another.

hackwriter29 · ゲーム
20 Chs

Prison Break

"Okay, we've got six towers," I whispered, "Doesn't look like all of them are occupied. You agree, Sunny?"

"Yes," she whispered back, "Looks like one occupied looking in each direction, so four towers at most. One guard, rifle in hand."

"How many in the yard? I'm counting half a dozen."


"So that's ten. Cobb said between fifteen and twenty. Man in charge goes by the name of Eddie. I would figure he'd be inside and protected, probably the administration building. That'll be the two story building. That'll make the two small buildings there the cell blocks. Each man carries a weapon at all times in case of attack, unless we catch them at rest."

"Infiltrate the yard, then the cell blocks, leaving the admin building until last?"

"I'd rather a two-pronged approach. Get into the yard first. We take out the man at the gate. No doubt he'll have a key. Then we infiltrate the yard and hit the towers first, using darkness as our friend. Close quarters fighting. You any good at that?" She shook her head. "Okay, I'll handle that. That's when you and the others sweep the blocks and eliminate any resistance. I anticipate that, at night, they will mostly be sleeping. Does that bother you?"

"Long as they're dead and Goodsprings is safe."

"No point in delaying. We hit them tonight, Sunny. We'll head back now, get some rest, then we'll organise at the saloon."

Those willing to help were waiting at the saloon for our report. Once I'd told them the plan, I suggested they head home, get some rest, and we'd meet after sunset at the saloon. We wouldn't wait around too long, as nerves would only build. The quicker we moved, the better.

I wasn't going anywhere except with Sunny back to her house. I knew that as she kept a firm grip on my hand, not that I actually thought of going anywhere else anyway. She offered to cook a little lunch for us first, some gecko steaks and roasted corn. Soon as we'd finished our meal, and knocked back a couple of drinks, she stood and stripped off everything between her kitchen and the bedroom. I couldn't help chuckle, following the trail of clothes as I followed her, finding her already on the bed waiting for me.

"Sunny, I sometimes wonder if you have a one track mind."

"Before you arrived, I'm finding it difficult to remember the last time I had sex. And good sex? I have far more fun with my fingers most of the time. You're a good man and a great fuck. I'm going to make the most of it while you're here. So take off your clothes and get your mouth to work."

I did as she wanted, burying my face between her legs once I was as naked as she was. I'd done it enough by now that I'd learned little things about her body, things that made her giggle, things that made her moan, things that made her beg for more. But she appreciated the fact I just enjoyed doing it anyway.

She returned the favour afterwards, kneeling on the floor between my legs, running my hands through her brunette hair as her head bobbed up and down on my cock. The beauty of her blowjobs was enough to almost convince me to hang around for far longer, but as I've said, the simple fact she was enthusiastic doing it made me like her just that little bit more. When I told her I was getting close, she blew me just long enough to bring me to the brink before she stopped. I didn't blame her not wanting to swallow, but surprised when she said she still wanted it on her face.

Once her face was cleaned up a few minutes later, we made love, keeping it slow and gentle until we both wanted to enjoy another orgasm, and only then did was have a couple of hours sleep, ensuring I put an alarm on with my Pip-Boy to wake us up. Waking up just before sunset, lying side by side, she cuddled into my chest, feeling her fingers again running up and down my back.

"Still don't remember," I whispered, "Left thinking my past is something I simply won't remember."

"Are you intrigued?"

"I am. I'd like to know who gave me these scars. But I'll worry about the man who shot me first. At least I can track him down. But I'll worry about him after we'd dealt with the Powder Gangers."

"Why are you helping?"

I met her eyes. "Because it's the right thing to do. And I seem to have skills that will help. I don't have a memory but I just seem to know things." I paused. "But between you and me, I also know I want to wipe the floor with these bastards. Leave none of them alive. So I'm not sure what that makes me."

"I'm glad you killed him," she said softly, "It's either them or us."

I'd been left thinking she felt that way, but I wasn't sure about anyone else. But considering what I'd done for the town, I had a feeling they were not going to judge me too harshly regarding one or two actions I had taken, and might take in the upcoming few hours. I'd learned quickly there was no real law around. The NCR was nowhere to be seen, therefore it was up to the people themselves to defend their homes.

We dressed in silence before we gathered our things and walked to the door. Only there did Sunny stop me, pull me in close and give me quite the kiss, pulling back just enough to meet my eyes. I simply smiled as I opened the door, took her by the hand, and led her into the cooling air of dusk.

Those who were willing to come with us were already waiting at the saloon. Ringo was clearly nervous, so I suggested he take a drink to calm himself down. The other two settlers, Wilson and Jones being their surnames, were ready to get going. Wilson was ex-NCR, though had left the service long ago. Jones had been a caravan guard until it had been shot up, and he'd been left near death himself. Both were eager to get going.

I gathered them close before we headed out. "No heroics tonight. You two have families to return to. Ringo and Sunny, you're not expendable either. And I don't plan on getting myself killed either. We stick to the plan, fall back if necessary, but we ensure we leave having made our point, and hopefully a few bodies lying in the dirt." I looked around, meeting each pair of eyes before asking, "We ready?"

There was cloud cover this evening but it was amazing how quickly the eyes adjusted to the darkness. Still had to move carefully once off the road, but Sunny and I remembered the route towards the facility that was off the road, just hoping we didn't run into any critters in the darkness. Taking the same position as earlier in the day, there was little surprise to find the facility didn't have a lot of power. Certainly no spotlights or searchlights, most of it lying in darkness.

Just what I'd hoped for.

"Okay," I whispered, "I'm taking the man at the gate. Once he's down and I have the key, I'll give a short, sharp whistle. Keep low, take it slow. The guards are looking out into darkness. But try not to draw their attention."

I'm fairly sure the blade of the knife I took from its sheathe shimmered in the faint moonlight. I'd taken it from one of the bodies we'd searched and then dumped in the mass grave. I didn't head straight towards the guard, I circled around, ensuring I didn't draw the attention of the guard in the only tower facing our way.

He only sensed me approaching when it was far too late, colliding with him and forcing him to the ground, hand over his mouth, blade buried in his neck. I kept it buried as I watched his eyes slowly drain of life. Only when I was sure he was dead did I remove the blade, immediately searching his pockets for a key that would allow us inside, taking his weapons and anything else I found on him. Dragging him into darkness away from the gate, I whistled once and waited.

No surprise Wilson had taken the lead, Ringo and Sunny in the middle, Jones at the rear. Once ready, I opened the gate and led us inside. The next door was also locked. Wilson had his rifle raised, ready to go. Soon as I opened the door, he was inside to sweep, Ringo and Sunny following inside.

"Clear," I heard the three of them whisper, Jones and I following inside. We swept every corner, ensuring the building was clear, before we moved to the door leading out into the yard. Opening it carefully, we checked to see a couple of gang members on patrol, but it was far quieter than what it had been during the day.

"Silent," I whispered. Wilson nodded, taking out his own blade.

"These two. Then towers?" he asked.

I nodded. "Once these are down, Sunny with me. We take south. Ringo, with Jones, west. Wilson, east. Take positions, and we'll handle north from the towers. The shooting will draw attention, we'll have the height advantage." I met eyes again. "Ready?"

With only a blade in hand, Wilson and I moved out, waiting for the two guards to be walking away from each other. The guard Wilson went after barely made a sound. The one I attacked almost released a cry but I covered his mouth just in time, ramming the blade into his chest more than once before I slit his throat, hauling him away and into darkness. I was fairly sure I was already covered in blood, not that it bothered me.

Back at the door, we split up and made our move, aware we would likely be going loud within a few seconds. Sunny followed me as we carefully climbed the ramp leading up to the guard tower. He had no idea we were coming, so I used my blade to take him down, but I heard gunfire from the western tower. The east, there was no sound. Sunny and I moved to observe the northern tower, hearing a raised voice. "Who's there?"

Sunny had her rifle up and aimed. She didn't have a scope, but she'd already proven to be accurate over distance. "Got him?" I asked.

"I think so," she whispered.

"Then take the shot."

She didn't hesitate. A pull of the trigger, the crack of the rifle echoing in the distance, but there was no missing the dark figure in the opposite tower disappearing. I honestly thought that would have brought bodies flooding out of the buildings. Instead, a lone figure appeared from one of the cell block. "The fuck are you idiots shooting at in the darkness?"

"Thought I saw a fuckin' cazador!" Wilson yelled out, "Didn't want the little fucker gettin' too close."

"The fuck is a cazador?" I asked Sunny.

"Big mean insects."

"Need any help?" the man below us yelled.

"Nah, just a warnin' shot. Fucker flew away."

Story was bought and he disappeared back inside, but no doubt a few others would have woken up. Moving silently down the ramp, the five of us met in the middle of the yard, glancing from one building to the next. "No doubt whoever is running this lot is in there," I suggested.

"Cut the head off a snake," Wilson stated, "The rest of these fools will disappear into the dust."

"I'd rather they're all dead, being honest," Jones admitted, "They'll just turn to banditry and make other people's lives a misery instead."

"Ringo?" I asked.

"I agree with Jones. You might take out the leader, but they'll still attack caravans heading north and south."

"All I want is Goodsprings safe," Sunny added, "If that means doing something that doesn't sit right with anyone else, so be it."

"Sits just fine with me, Sunny," Wilson stated, "Just giving y'all another option. So, Courier, we taking the blocks first, then the admin building?"

"Think that would be best. Agreed?"

"Sure do."

The next few minutes was bloody. The first few died where they lay. The next managed to stand and raise a weapon, but none of their bullets hit us. Without armour, and some without clothing, they found their bodies quickly riddled with bullets. Anyone who would have walked in afterwards would have found a ghastly scene. Blood, bodies, and not a lot else. Moving into the next building, we found only the lone gang member.

I woke him up by placing the barrel of my revolver at his forehead. He woke up with a start, putting my finger to my lips. "How many in the administration building?" I asked.

"Eddie, Scrambler, Hannigan are always in there."

"Any others?"

"How many did you kill next door?"

I raised my eyebrows. "You heard?"

"Course I fuckin' heard. But I'm not gettin' killed… well…"

I glanced at Wilson, who counted up for me. "Four guards in the tower. Two in the yard. Ten in the cell block next door. That leaves him and three more. That's twenty, just as Cobb said."

The eyes widened as I didn't remove the barrel. "Cobb? You mean… you guys are from…"

"Goodsprings," Sunny stated.

"Look, I know you won't believe me, but I'm not with them. Well, not really, but when they took over, I didn't really have a choice…"

I didn't remove the barrel. "Convince me you deserve to live. Make it fast."

"I worked in a casino in New Reno. I was framed by a pit boss, had my arse thrown in jail here. When the rest rose up, those of us who didn't want to be involved kept our heads down. Never thought they'd actually succeed. Since then, things have only got worse, but we're kept watered and fed, and I'm a man who knows how to get things."

"Ever rob caravans?" Ringo asked.

"No. Not that you'd probably believe me, but I'm not like the rest of these scumbags. Killin' them does me a favour."

"What do you guys think?" I asked.

"Letting one live to spread the story of the Courier might just work in our favour," Wilson stated, "And there's an element of truth to the story, I suppose. Long as we kill Eddie…"

"Eddie? He's in the warden's old office. No doubt heard everything by now. But there's five of you, only three of them."

I removed the barrel and gestured for him to sit up. "Get dressed. We'll escort you out." He didn't move a muscle so I added, "Now!"

We stood back, let him dress, put on his boots, and he picked up things that he figured he might need. We didn't allow him a weapon, I wasn't that stupid, and once he was ready, we checked the yard to find it empty, escorting him to the first building, then to the gate leading to the outside world. "I'd suggest making yourself scarce."

"Not sure where you're headed, Courier, but don't head north. The boys fucked up and deathclaws now prowl the area."


"Done me a favour, do you one in return. I'm getting the hell away from this place though. Might head to New Vegas."

"Good luck."

Didn't particularly mean it, but there'd been enough death already. He was a kid in the grand scheme of things, and if he was telling the truth, then letting him live was a good thing. Walking back into the yard to meet the other four, we shared a glance and headed towards the administration building.

In the end, with five of us against three, and very little cover inside, we killed two men before making our way to the warden's office, where Eddie was sat at the desk waiting for us. He must have thought we'd parley with him as we walked in, weapons in hand. Seeing me in the middle, he took me for he leader.

"Now I'm sure…"

I raised my revolver and put a bullet through his head, his face slamming into the desk, sliding the gun back into its holster.

Wilson chuckled. "Idiot thought he could talk his way out of this." Walking around the desk, Wilson dragged his body out of the way as I sat down at the terminal, intrigued as to how these clowns had managed to take over the jail. The terminal was working and logged in, no password required, and it was easy to figure out what happened.

"NCR pulled men out of here, leaving this place understaffed. Hmmm… Old warden mentions someone by the name of Cooke. Know the name?" I looked up to be greeted by shaken heads. "Warden wrote a letter to a friend, pleading for more men. Looks like this facility once contained many more than what we've dealt with. I would assume some escaped for elsewhere."

Standing up, we gathered any supplies we could find, mostly food and ammo, packing a couple of bags worth, before we headed out into the yard, amazed that it was still dark, though on the horizon, the first signs of morning were starting to appear. We departed immediately, making straight for Goodsprings. By the time we were back at the saloon, the sky was starting to brighten, Trudy was already awake, noticing the relief on her face when we walked inside.

She assured us we would celebrate later, but for now, we needed rest. Sunny took my hand and led me back to her place, where all we did was strip and get into bed, her naked body curling against mine, little surprise we fell asleep within a couple of minutes. Despite adrenaline, it had been an exhausting few hours, and knowing that Goodsprings was now safe was a relief.

We woke up around midday, where Sunny wanted nothing but my cock inside her, making love for at least an hour before she asked if I wanted to spend some time in the saloon, though only after she'd cooked us lunch. The longer we spent in the kitchen, the quieter she grew, and I had a feeling I knew why. The subject didn't need broaching; she knew my time in town would now be limited to perhaps the next day at most.

But I stood up and walked behind her, wrapping my arms around her, resting them on her stomach. "Going to miss you," she whispered, "Already used to have you here. And I don't even know your name!"

I turned her to face me. "You can come with me."

I'd been thinking about it since the first time we'd had sex. I knew she was happy in Goodsprings, but I was left wondering if the idea of adventuring appealed. She turned around and smiled at my question, but I knew the answer before she opened her mouth. "I'd love to. There is something appealing about hitting the road, particularly with someone like you. But my home is here. I love living here. Life might be simple, but I feel safe here, and considering the world we live in, that means a hell of a lot."

"I have a good reason to visit then."

The smile broadened before she stood on her tiptoes to kiss me. I eventually distracted her enough that the steak she was cooking started to burn, so she shooed me away back to the table. She brought over a plate each with a cooked steak and some trimmings, dragging her seat close so we could kiss in between every few bites.

I would have liked her company upon leaving, but I wasn't going to force the issue. I'd asked, she'd said no, so I would eventually leave by myself.

Returning to the saloon later that afternoon, the atmosphere was almost jovial. Trudy gave me quite the hug and probably would have kissed me if not for the presence of Sunny. I had my hand shaken by everyone else, and Trudy insisted I wouldn't be paying for a drink that evening. Doc was there, amused by the fact he'd barely seen me the past few days, but thanked me as much as anyone else had.

The radio was playing good tunes, the spirits were flowing, conversation was loud, there was laughter as everyone relaxed. Ringo must have thanked us every half an hour. Wilson wondered what I'd done before. I'm fairly sure I had more than one female admirer, though Sunny made it very clear who I was with the entire time, never leaving my side. I wasn't looking anyway. I knew where I was going that night.

"When do you plan on leaving?" Trudy finally asked once the festivities, if you can call them that, started to die down. Sunny was next to me, Wilson and Trudy on the opposite side of the booth.

I glanced at Sunny. "Tomorrow. I'd like to stay but… Someone put two bullets in my head, leaving me clueless as to who I am and my past. Despite the fact I can't remember a thing, I seem to actually remember things though."

"I would have you pegged as a soldier, the way we handled that jail," Wilson said, "You definitely have firearms training, and seem to know the basics of the profession."

"Just felt natural, in all honesty. Much like anything I do with the revolver, my rifle, or what we were up to last night."

We finished off a bottle before Wilson needed to leave, shaking my hand and wishing me the best, hoping I might visit Goodsprings again once I'd sorted out what I needed to do. That left me with Sunny and Trudy, the latter giving me one last hug, and then I heard her mutter 'To hell with it' and she gave me one hell of a kiss.

She was one hell of a kisser. When she pulled back, the colour of her cheeks amused me, while Sunny cleared her throat before she giggled. "Well, can't blame you after everything, Trudy."

"Good thing you got him to yourself already, Sunny, otherwise…"


"Are you sure?"

Sunny looked at me. "What do you think?"

I looked at her before I met the eyes of Trudy, the colour of her cheeks glowing even brighter. "If you're both okay with it, I am."

Trudy locked up the saloon so fast, Sunny and I couldn't help chuckle as I was taken by the hand back towards Sunny's house at quite the pace. As soon as we were in the bedroom, I had to ask both if they'd been with a woman before, just so I knew what the options were. Both admitted to having experimented, never with each other, but they knew their way around a woman.

Clothing was removed rather quickly as the women were rather eager, which amused me quite a bit, particularly once their hands were all over me. Sunny knew what to expect, but I noticed Trudy look me up and down, noticing the scars, and when her hands move around to my back, she felt those on my back. I could see the questions starting to form so I leaned down to her ear. "Ask when we're finished later," I whispered.

Sunny dragged Trudy down to her knees in front of me, appreciating the fact Sunny simply looked up at me with a smile, before she turned to Trudy. "Big cock, isn't it?" Trudy nodded. "Want to blow him?"

"God yes."

"Swallow or on your face?" Trudy glanced at her and definitely blushed. "Just so he knows when to warn you."

She looked at me. "What do you want?"

"Whatever you're most comfortable with."

"I'll take a load in the mouth but make my mind up. If you taste nice…"

Realising that only Trudy would be pleasing me, I suggested we move to the bed, lying down to see Trudy sit between my legs, and she didn't tease me all that much, her head rather quickly bobbing up and down on my cock. Sunny knew exactly what I was thinking, planting a knee to either side of my head, grabbing her thighs as I dragged her down to my face, no thought on my mind except devouring her pussy.

She was soon making lots of noise, enough to distract Trudy from blowing me. "Wow," she whispered.

"Fucking yes, wow," Sunny exclaimed, "Do this for her next," she added towards me. I mumbled an affirmative into her pussy.

Trudy was talented and certainly knew her way around a cock. She was soon distracting me a little too much, as despite trying to concentrate on Sunny, I was feeling my own orgasm starting to form, and I knew it wasn't going to be long. I was polite enough to warn her I was getting close, Sunny lifting herself up and looking back in time to hear me groan and see Trudy take the first couple of spurts in the mouth. Her head didn't stop bobbing up and down until she'd pretty much sucked all the cum out of me, only then sitting back with a smile before she opened her mouth to show it was already empty.

"Well, she's one upped me on that, at least," Sunny whispered, before meeting my eyes, "I think you have something to finish, yes?"

I made her orgasm within five minutes now that I was now longer distracted. Soon as she was done, she laid down, dragging Trudy to lie down next to her as I gave Trudy plenty of attention before ending up between her legs. Dark hair on her head, dark hair between her legs, but I enjoyed her scent and taste. As I ate her out, tentative kisses shared between the two women quickly turned into something else.

"Want company down there?" Sunny asked, and I was joined, the pair of eating out Trudy together. She rather enjoyed that, and the fact she had more than one orgasm rather quickly wasn't a surprise. Wanting to return the favour, she had Sunny lay down as Trudy lay between her legs, while I sat on my knees next to Sunny as she attempted to blow me, but was far too distracted by Trudy and her talented tongue.

So I moved behind Trudy, and she only stopped a moment as I slid my cock inside her. "Holy shit, that's thick," she whispered.

"Don't you stop just yet, Trudy," Sunny warned with a giggle.

"His cock is going to be a little distracting."

"I'll keep it slow until you make her cum," I said, before leaning forward close to her ear, "Then you're getting fucked." Lifting my eyes to meet those of Sunny, I added, "And you're next."

Trudy had a great little body on her. Not as athletic as Sunny, but she was slim, with a fantastic little arse on her, no doubt from being on her feet all day. Legs were damn fine as well. Gently grabbing her hips, I kept my tempo slow so as not to distract her too much, but the noises she made told me she was already loving it.

Sunny was enjoying herself at the same time, looking at me with a grin from time to time, sitting up to run her fingers through Trudy's dark hair, suggesting that, when I was gone, they might just have to hook up because Sunny was loving it. Trudy didn't surprise either of us by agreeing immediately, though hoped I'd return because she was thoroughly enjoying herself.

Soon as Sunny had another orgasm, she said Trudy could stop, amused when the latter glanced back in my direction and said two words.

"Fuck me."

So I did, leaning forward to kiss her before I gave her exactly what she wanted. And since she'd already helped me cum, I was certainly going to last a while. She eventually ended up on her back, legs spread wide, pulled back, my hands under her knees, Sunny leaning forward to fondle her pussy at the same time. Trudy was loving every second, making the sort of sounds that suggested she was going to enjoy another orgasm. Sunny sat up to kiss me. "Leave a good load in her pussy," she said.

"Plan on it," I grunted, before kissing her back, "Then one in you."

Sunny moved once Trudy had an orgasm, leaning forward to kiss her, arms now around the back of my neck, legs wrapped at my hips. "Holy shit," she murmured, "Haven't been fucked for this long in… years…" She then blushed. "Um, it's just…"

I leaned down to give her a soft kiss. "Well, something to remember me by."

"Cum in me," she whispered.

Loved hearing either woman I'd been with since waking up say that. I lasted about another two minutes before I released quite the groan, feeling myself empty inside her, legs wrapping around me tighter as I slowly lowered myself down onto my forearms. Feeling her fingers trail up and down my back, definitely tracing the scars, she didn't ask any questions. I didn't know the answers, but all three of us would have known there was one hell of a story behind them.

Pulling out and lying next to her, Sunny to my other side, I found myself cuddled, though glanced at Sunny, as I figured she'd want my attention next. "Give yourself a break, then I'd riding that dick," she said.

"I'm just going to watch. I'm exhausted, and a little tender," Trudy said, giggling away before cuddling into me, "Thank you, both of you, for inviting me tonight."

Sunny gave me fifteen minutes before her hand was on my cock, though I'd remained relatively hard, so after a quick blowjob, where she mentioned that she could taste Trudy all over it, she straddled my lap and teased me for a while, rubbing her pussy along my shaft, before she finally sat up and slid my cock inside her, both of us making groans of pleasure as I watched my entire length disappear.

Wrapping an arm around Trudy, we watched Sunny ride herself to more than one orgasm, thoroughly enjoying herself, leaning down to kiss me and Trudy from time to time, but otherwise she was content to just bounce up and down on my cock, or lean forward and really grind herself. The sounds she made as she came were adorable, but one she'd enjoyed around three, she had to stop and lay on my chest, breathing deeply as she lifted herself up and off my cock. "Okay, I'm done now," she murmured.

Going to sleep with a woman in each arm was certainly a new memory I hoped to never forget.

We were woken early by Trudy getting ready, needing to open the saloon for those who might want breakfast. After she kissed Sunny, I walked her to the door, hugging her tightly before sharing one last kiss. "Thank you for last night," she whispered.

"It was our pleasure. Certainly a good way to spend my last night in Goodsprings."

"Consider yourself an honorary citizen of the town after everything you've done for us." She kissed my cheek a final time. "Good luck, and I hope you find the answers you seek."

Returning to bed, Sunny was awake and she wanted to make love one last time before I needed to pack and go. It was slow and tender, and certainly the best way to end our brief relationship. She smiled nearly the entire time, whenever I was doing things that made her make noise, but the last couple of minutes had her fingers digging into my back, begging me to keep going until I simply had to stop.

After breakfast, that was when I had to dress and grab my things. I'd taken a selection from everything we'd taken from the jail. In addition to the revolver, for which I now had many more bullets, I'd taken a nine-millimetre pistol with a few clips of ammo. I was leaving the varmint rifle behind as I'd got my hand on a repeater rifle. Slow to load, and only a couple of more bullet capacity, it's punch was easily more than the varmint rifle. That would go into slot on my back, a belt going over my shoulder in which I'd hold shotgun shells, as I'd nabbed single barrel shotgun. I did worry I'd overweight myself, but I felt strong enough to carry all that with a small pack. A bedroll was all I would take to sleep on. No need for any sort of tent. I doubt it was going to rain all that much.

Once I was ready, Sunny said she'd walk me to the end of the road. We didn't share many words along the way, passing by one or two setters who wished me luck on my journey. At the end of the road, I looked north, knowing that was the shortest route, but I'd had what a deathclaw was explained to me, and I didn't feel capable of taking on one, let alone however many now prowled the area. So south it was, with an idea of following the main routes, and I'd eventually end up in New Vegas. No idea where the man I was after went, but I just had this feeling he'd gone there.

I hugged Sunny tight to me one last time. "Good luck, stranger," she whispered.

"Thank you, Sunny. I've enjoyed my time in Goodsprings."

"Invitation to return whenever you want will remain open."

I kissed her a final time before I wished her farewell and began the journey south, turning back just the one to see her wave. Tipping my hat, I turned and marched south, unsure as to where I was really going, nor what I would find along the way.

But I would have my vengeance against the man who shot me.