
Vengeance is My Name

Waking up with no memory of who I was, where I'm from, nor why I'd been shot in the head, my intention from the moment I wake up is only one thing. Find the man who shot me and return the favour. But it is during this trial and after that I find myself drawn into events outside my control, and possibly the only man with the influence to shape the future of the Mojave and New Vegas, one way or another.

hackwriter29 · ゲーム
20 Chs

One Step at a Time

Yes Man had given me the list of tribes across New Vegas that I would need to meet and figure out if they would prove a worthy ally, a hindrance in regards to any objective I had for the Mojave, or if they were a tribe that would require elimination. I didn't particularly want the latter. I'd like to see the Legion piss off back east, and while I trusted the NCR a little more, I knew they'd bring changes that many in the Mojave had headed east to avoid.

Sitting upstairs in the kitchen with Cass and Veronica, Emily having returned to the old fort for the time being, we discussed the list of tribes.

"Okay, so we have the Chairmen on our side after everything," I explained, "Swank is now the leader, and he's already assured me that, whatever I decide, I have their support. I'll go speak with Marjorie soon and see if I can rely on the White Gloves."

"Make her cum and she'll be sweet," Cass stated. I gave her a look which just earned a smile. "Please, from the sounds of it, she would probably be happy to ally with you anyway. Take her to bed and you'll have her wrapped around your little finger."

"Then we have the Omerta's. Think I'll have to get to know them somehow. Veronica, you have already told me what you think about them so I'll keep that in mind. But I think I will need the support of all three Families to make sure the Strip will remain safe. Also, the Brotherhood of Steel. What are the chances of them agreeing to a meeting?"

She scoffed. "They would rather just remain in splendid isolation, but with what's going on, they will have to make a choice. I can't speak for them exactly but I can make assumptions. They will detest the Legion. They've obviously already fought a war against the NCR, but it's possible that peace could be achieved through diplomacy. Then if you want the Strip to remain independent, you could somehow form an alliance with them. But doing that would make an enemy of the NCR, unless you somehow manage to convince them too."

"Okay, so the Brotherhood will prove difficult. Know anything about the Boomers?"

Veronica shook her head. "Isolationist to fuck," Cass replied, "Anyone who even attempts to get to their settlement is blown up by bombs."

"So trying to meet them will prove difficult?"

"Understatement of the century."

"Great Khans. Know anything about them?"

"They're out near Red Rock Canyon. Technically, they're raiders but a more civilised version. Mostly they deal with drugs, but they're a show of what they were, particularly after Bitter Springs and the massacre."

It suddenly twigged. "Boone," I murmured, "Fuck…"

"Yeah, explains his demeanour," Cass said a little sadly, "No wonder he's haunted by events."

"Never mentioned it himself, but I remember one or two things Manny talked about. Well, I will have to establish contact with them. I'll just mention Jessup by name and see if that opens any doors."

"They'll be suspicious," Cass warned, "And they detest the NCR. I wouldn't be surprised if the Legion know that and will use it to their advantage. Sacrifice the Khans for their own gains."

"All the more reason to visit them. Okay, then there is one group not mentioned, but I think could be important. The Kings in Freeside. From what the Garretts told me, they generally keep Freeside safe, and are a well-respected gang. I think I should go see their leader and see what he has to say, see if he'd be willing to ally with the Strip."

"Hmmm. Considering what House was like, he might not be too receptive to the man who's replaced him," Cass replied.

"What about the Followers?" Veronica wondered.

"I'm going to leave them alone to focus on what they do best, which is help those who need it the most. Once this issue of control is resolved, I'll approach them and see if we can work together."

"The Fiends," Cass said, "Not a group to make contact with. A group to eliminate."

"What do you know about them?"

"Operate out of an old vault to the south. I know the Great Khans deal them drugs. Little more than savages otherwise. Robbery, murder, rape. You know, the usual wasteland activities."

"Definitely dealing with them. And there's also your matter that needs resolving too, Cass. I haven't forgotten about that." She leaned across the table and kissed me, kissing her back and for long enough that Veronica needed to clear her throat. "In fact, why don't we get that sorted first?" I asked her.

"Are you sure?"

"Nothing will happen yet regarding all those other matters. We have plenty of time. One question, are we solving the matter peacefully or with violence?"

"Blood has already been spilled. It is already violent. Blood is owed for what they did to my colleagues. My friends."

"Kicking in the front door and blasting or…"

"I'll leave that to you. Veronica, you going to join in?"

"Hell yes."

"Okay, so Crimson will be what I consider a soft target. It's a caravan company. Might be a few mercenaries around, but there are ways we avoid them. What about the other lot?"

"Gloria van Graff and her brother own the Silver Rush." I stared at her, as I knew that was just down the road from the Wrangler. "Yes, I know. I cased the place more than once. It won't be an easy job, but that's why I'm thinking we hit them first. If we hit Crimson first, they will know that was me, or at least make the assumption, and therefore up their defences. But we hit the Silver Rush first, hopefully Crimson just think it's typical wasteland violence. "

"One question about all of this. We take down the woman in charge, how badly does it fuck them, and perhaps the NCR?"

"Do you really care?"

"I do in the sense that weakening the NCR might help any idea of independence but does help the Legion. That's the only concern I have. But this is your issue, so I will go with however you want to do it."

"I know for a fact the van Graff's were behind it, and killing them will be doing a lot of people a favour. I'll worry about Crimson Caravan until afterwards."

"Sounds good to me. Why don't we head to the Wrangler and ask around?"

"You just want to have sex," Veronica joked.

"Had that last night and this morning," I retorted, glancing at Cass, who had the sort of grin that suggested she agreed, and had enjoyed it.

"Okay, you just want to have hot man sex again," Veronica added.

"Has been a few days since I was properly fucked by a man. Might need a visit to the Ultra-Luxe steam room again."

The pair looked at me and just giggled. They knew exactly what I'd gotten up to there. Cass thought it was hot when I talked about it, and she liked details of what I got up to. Turned her on for some reason, but I wasn't complaining when she went down on me afterwards. Veronica was impressed I enjoyed pleasing anonymous men though didn't need all the details, simply telling me to enjoy myself whenever I chose to head there.

"Think there'll still be a crowd outside when we leave?" Cass asked as we grabbed our gear.

"Hope not but I guess it's a big thing. I'm still waiting for important people to come and ask what's going on. I'm sure word will eventually get around."

Heading downstairs, I'd turned up the lights of the casino downstairs, having discussed the idea of opening it up to the people, as it would certainly be a good way of making caps. We'd need to hire staff but security wouldn't be an issue. We wouldn't offer accommodation, though I'd seek to make a deal with the Ultra-Luxe or The Tops.

Walking into the Atomic Wrangler, Francine was behind the bar. Her face lit up upon seeing us, walking around and giving each of us a tight hug, me last of all. Seeing our gear, she took hold of two keys and insisted we stay for only a few caps considering everything we'd done for her. Figuring I would stand out in my clothing, Cass suggested I just sit at the bar, though she had a twinkle in her eye that I understood.

As they wandered outside, I took a seat at the bar. There was no-one else around so I could ask Francine how things were. She understood the insinuation. "I've never felt so loved," she said, the smile lighting up her face something I had never seen before, "I can't remember being happier."

"So things are good? They're not…"

"We both wish we'd given into temptation long ago. We've hired a couple of extra girls so we can enjoy time alone."

"So he's happy too?"

"Honestly don't think he'll ever be able to thank you enough for giving him that gentle push." She leaned forward. "Though I did love it when we made love too. Thank you for agreeing to it, and also tolerating…"

"You're a beautiful young woman. Francine. I certainly didn't leave disappointed."

She smiled at me, leaning over to kiss my cheek, before she got back to work as I sat, nursing one drink, and then a second. I figured Cass and Veronica would probably be gone for a while. I was eventually joined by a couple of people, making polite conversation until I received a tap on the shoulder. "You that gay cowboy who works here?"

"I'm not doing that anymore," I replied, sipping at my drink.

"I've got plenty of caps."

"I'm sure you do but, as I said…"

"One hundred caps." I glanced at Francine before I spun around on the stool. The first word that crossed my mind was 'Wow.' Tall, broad, muscles, tattoos, brown hair, blue eyes, face lit up by an easy grin. Rather handsome to be honest, certainly compared to most of the regulars. "How long will one hundred get me?"

I sighed because it was certainly tempting. Looking him up and down again, I asked, "You're not going to take no for an answer, are you?"

"One fifty."

"Holy shit," Francine whispered, "Take the caps!"

"That's a lot of caps just for some sex," I said, "You can get Santiago or Old Ben for much cheaper."

"Came here for you. Been hoping to catch you for days now."

Francine tapped my shoulder, handing me the keys to my old room. "Bed is made. Fresh sheets. I can bring up some drinks for afterwards. Now scoot and take him with you."

Gesturing to my new friend, I led the way upstairs, opening the door, holding it open as he walked through, before I shut the door, though Francine knocked barely a few seconds later, handing me a couple of bottles and glasses, winking at me before I closed the door. My new friend was sat on the bed as I poured him a drink, offering him the glass. I knocked mine back quickly as he opened his small backpack, handing me an even smaller bag. "There's one fifty in there."

"I won't bother counting it. It's fine."

"How long will that get me?"

"Honestly? As long as you want."

He knocked back his drink then grinned. "Money well spent then." Standing up, he walked towards me until his chest almost pressed into mine. It was unusual to be with a man a head taller than myself. Unusual that he was so broad as well. The shirt he wore was tight to his body. He was… absolutely ripped. If we were fighting, I would doubt I'd be able to fight him off.

Helping take his shirt off, I couldn't help run my hands down his chest, muscles and scars, before I helped take off his trousers and underwear, his boots already off. His cock was already hard and was simply beautiful. I thought pussy was beautiful. I could just look at Cass's all day. But there was the occasional cock I couldn't help gaze in wonder at his. His was long, thick, and had me salivating at the prospect.

He surprised me by leaning down and kissed me. That was something I never did but, damn, he was one hell of a good kisser, and as he did that, my clothes were quickly removed at the same time. While he did that, I just had to get my hands wrapped around that thick cock, making him groan into my mouth a couple of times. Once he had me naked, he pulled back and grinned.

Pushing him back onto the bed, he sat down as I got down between his knees, the grin on his face broadening as I ran my tongue up his shaft, earning a gasp as I quickly had my lips wrapped around the thick head, teasing him with my tongue. Fingers immediately started to run through my hair, using a mixture of mouth and hands, slowly bobbing up and down.

"Damn, you're fucking good," he murmured.

I simply looked up and met his eyes, grinning as I upped the tempo. To my surprise, he didn't last too long. I didn't mind, as it meant we could quickly get down to fucking, and I was left thinking he was rather turned on. He was polite enough to warn me he was getting close, but when that first spurt fired, I knew it was going to be a large load.

"Swallow it, baby," he whispered, hearing my gulp down after a couple of spurts each time, "Love watching a man swallow my cum."

I looked up and grinned again, continuing to suck him even after he'd finished ejaculating, earning a grin in return. He eventually pulled me up, straddling his lap as we resumed making out, feeling his thick cock between my cheeks. "Holy shit," I murmured, "I've had very few as big as yours."

"I heard you like being fucked."

"Like? I love being fucked." Quickly getting off his lap, there was still plenty of lube around. Sitting back on his lap, we kept making out as I lubed up his cock, while I felt his fingers gently prod me, eventually sliding a couple of fingers inside me. That just made me moan into his mouth, earning a chuckle.

I was eager to be fucked, so eventually slid off his lap onto my knees, crawling down the bed, grabbing a pillow to rest on my head on. Feeling him get behind me, he had me laughing as he patted his thick cock against each arse cheek a few times, rubbing the head of his cock against my hole before he finally grabbing my hip and pressed forward. Feeling him slide inside me felt so good, I couldn't help release the loud moan, asking him to just slide it all the way in.

Once it was, he did my favourite thing of leaning forward, his knees almost beside mine, sort of driving down into me. Hot breath on my ear, he started to slowly thrust into me. God, I could think of few men who had felt this good so quickly. "Oh my god," I moaned.

"Love my cock already, babe?"

"Fuck yes. Where were you when I was actually working here? I'd have let you fuck me for free."

He chuckled into my ear before he gently moved my face to his, his next kiss hungry and more passionate than I expected. As we kissed, he started to slowly up the tempo, which just made me moa and whimper into his mouth. Needing to break the kiss, he wrapped an arm around my neck to keep my upright, his other arm extending out to grab the headboard, seeing his muscles taut and tight.

Feeling soft kisses up my next, his lips close to my ear, what he said next surprised me. "I have a message for you, Courier."

"Tell me after you've cum in me."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Just fuck me… what's your name?"


"Fuck me, Mikey. Just fuck me. That's all I want you to do right now."

Mikey did what I wanted. And as I'd blown him and he'd cum, he fucked me for ages. He was a machine, the tempo slowly but surely building, getting harder and faster, so that by the end, he was resting on his forearms, pounding me into oblivion. Loved every second of it, and so did he. Lowering my arse down a bit allowed him to really drive into me even better, more comfortable for both of us. It was so good, it had that eye-rolling, toe-curling effect on me, without the orgasm. That had arrived much earlier, when he'd been polite enough to give me a reach around. I lasted two minutes.

When he did finally cum in me, he groaned so loudly, I'm sure the entire Wrangler heard him, and those last few thrusts nearly took my breath away, they were so powerful. Then he stilled once he was done, feeling soft kisses along my upper back to my neck. Turning my head, he looked down at me with a grin, kissing my cheek. "Holy shit," he muttered, "Your arse is just superb."

I actually felt myself blush. "Thanks."

"Seriously, I haven't cum that hard in someone in a long time." I gave him a squeeze, earning another chuckle. "That's what I mean." He sat back and he gave me a lightly slap on the butt. "Nice and tight. No wonder you were so popular."

"How do you know?"

I felt very disappointed when he pulled out, flopping down onto his back next to me. I turned onto my side, resting my head on my right hand as he glanced at me.

"So… business?" He nodded. "Why are you here?"

"So heard of the Khans?"

"Yeah. You're one of them?" He nodded again. "What's the message?"

"So we know you met Jessup in Boulder City. When he got back and explained everything, we knew shit was going to go down, one way or the other. So they sent me to make contact. Problem is, had no real idea where you were. Didn't really have the caps to get on the Strip, so based myself in Freeside. Eventually figured out you were working here, but if you were working here, that meant you hadn't made the Strip, so it was still too early to make contact."

"So I assume news of what happened to House?"

"Oh, everyone probably knows already. And they will know of your involvement. Chairman let slip, on purpose, what Benny was planning, and many knew of his close relationship with House."

"Yeah, figured that out from all I learned too. So why do the Khans want to talk?"

"Because the leadership believe you could end up playing the kingmaker of the Mojave. Jessup and the guys knew about the chip Benny wanted, but they obviously were on a need to know basis otherwise. Leadership simply want to make contact, talk to you, see what your ideas are."

"And you?"

"Me?" He met my eyes and grinned. "I just wanted to fuck you. I was in here a couple of times when you were working. Thought you were a hot piece of arse."

I felt myself blush again. "Well, you're something else, Mikey." I ran my fingers up and down his chest. "You are something else indeed."

"You're not… bothered…"

"Nope because that was some great sex we just enjoyed. And considering the amount of caps you've given me, I hope you're done with me yet."

He moved quickly and I found myself pinned under him. Spreading my legs nice and wide, he grabbed a pillow, lifting myself up to slide it under, before I felt him slide back inside me. Once he was, he simply rested on his forearms, not moving. "Oh, I'm not done with you at all, Courier," he said softly, "As I said, thought you were a hot piece of arse. Wanted to have you like this for a while. Going to make the most of it."

"Where are the Khans?"

"Red Rock Canyon."

"And you'll be there?"

He grinned immediately. "Sure. Me and plenty of others. You can talk to the leadership then… well, use your imagination." He leaned down and kissed me. "You love being fucked?"

"God yes," I moaned as he gently thrust into me.

"You'll love it at Red Rock Canyon then. Though I've got dibs on your whenever I want."

"Don't care, long as I get your dick inside me."

He stopped again. "One question. The women you're with. Are you with them?"

"I sleep with men and women."

"Ah, so you're bisexual. But I've already figured you're only a bottom with men?"

Chuckling, I nodded. "Yeah, I fuck women, but men fuck me."

He kissed me again. "Yep, you'll love Red Rock Canyon. Or some of the guys will definitely love you. Ever take drugs?"

"Not that I remember?"

"Getting high and fucking? Can only recommend it."

He was in the middle of utterly pounding me again when there was a knock at the door. We were both so into each other, literally for him, that we barely heard it, though the door opened, glancing to see Cass stick her head through the gap. She met my eyes and smiled, quickly stepping inside, Veronica following her. I heard her gasp as Mikey glanced back too and definitely grinned.

He fucked me even harder then. "Oh fuck," I cried, "Oh fuck me, Mikey."

"Getting close," he grunted.

"Fill my arse again."

"Okay, this is hot," Veronica murmured, "Why is this so hot?"

"Well, we know our friend is handsome, but his partner is something else too. Bet he's got a massive cock."

"He does," I moaned.

Cass laughed. "Should have known."

I focused on my lover until he came again, kissing him deeply as he did. Cass had probably never seen me kiss another man, but I heard Veronica whisper 'Oh my!' as Mikey continued to pump until he was finally done. Wrapping my legs around him, we continued to make out until finally breaking apart, resting our foreheads against each other. "Holy shit," I whispered.

"Yeah… the old heart is rapid right now. This has been quite the afternoon."

Eventually loosening my legs and relaxing, he pulled out and sat back, Cass and Veronica getting a good look at his cock. "Christ, no wonder you're loving it," Cass exclaimed, "I mean, you've got a big cock, but that is something else."

"Never hear complaints from my lovers," Mikey said.

"You fuck women?" Cass asked.

"Sorry ladies, this cock is reserved for the male side of the species only."

He sat down next to me on the bed, sitting back, Cass pouring us a glass of whiskey each to sip on as we definitely needed a break. Veronica couldn't stop looking at me, and despite the fact she'd just seen me being utterly pounded by a man, she was likely thinking hard about her own feelings. Cass had already told me she was contemplating a big thing.

"So that thing we're actually here for, how'd it go?" I asked.

"I think we can do it tomorrow night. I see from the bag of caps that…"

"Ah, yeah… I think my new friend here has me for the night."

Veronica laughed. Cass smiled and kissed my cheek. "Well, I'm sure he'll think it's worth every cap."

"Already do," Mikey said, giving me a gentle bump.

"I can give you some…"

"Nope, I won't take it back. Trust me, you're going to earn it by the time we're done."

"Can we watch?" Veronica asked eagerly.

Mikey shrugged. I couldn't help grin.

And they only left once Mikey was done with me a lot later that night… or maybe it was sometime the next morning. By the time he was done, I was feeling rather euphoric, a little tender, and for the first time in my life, I was the little spoon as I found myself actually hugged by a male lover for the first time as we slept.

Waking the next morning together, I had to blow him one last time before we dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. Francine was amused to see us together the morning after. I walked him outside as he said that he would head straight home and let the leadership know I'd eventually make my way to Red Rock Canyon. Parting did feel a little awkward. There was a genuine physical attraction, and as I'd told him, I would have had him fuck me without the caps. Still, we parted with one hell of a kiss, and he simply hoped to see me sooner rather than later, and that when I did finally turn up, I'd better be ready for a good fuck session.

"Promises, promises," I retorted as he grinned, turned around and disappeared around the corner. I just stood there for a moment, chuckling to myself. Bet his leaders weren't expecting him to deliver the message in such a manner. Though I was left wondering just what I should expect once I did make my way to Red Rock Canyon. It did sound like I could be in for a lot of fun.

Heading inside, Cass and Veronica were downstairs at the bar. Sitting next to them, they both looked at me, beaming smiles on their faces. "He was nice," Veronica said.

"Fucking fit too. No wonder you liked him," Cass added.

"I'll tell you later. It wasn't just a simple fuck."

"First time I've seen you have someone stay the night," Francine said.

"For the caps he paid, I think that was more than fair. But there wasn't a lot of sleeping until very late last night."

Francine leaned forward. "We heard," she whispered, "You were both rather vocal at times and the headboard was slamming the wall from time to time. But you were clearly enjoying it."

Finishing breakfast, the three of us retired upstairs to the room I should have shared with them the night before. Before we discussed anything, Veronica gave me quite the hug. "I enjoyed watching that so much," she whispered.

"You did?"

"It was so hot. No wonder Cass needed to come back here and masturbate." I glanced at her. All she did was smile. "We did it together, as I was soaking by the time I got back here." I had to leaned back and meet her eyes, nothing but a smile on her face. "Oh, my mind is made up after that. Trust me."

"We can talk about it later."

"Or now. I want to have sex with you. Not now, but when we're back on the Strip and we've got time. First time, just me and you. Then we can involve Cass because I really want to go down on her too."

"And I'll be returning the favour whenever you're not around, Courier," Cass added.

"You sure, Veronica?" I asked.

"Definitely. Seeing you last night, knowing you make love with Cass but then watching Mikey just mount you like he was doing, my respect for you was off the charts. And, as I said, it was just so fucking hot watching two men got at it like that. It was just so… carnal. Nothing but hot, sweaty, fucking, but you were both so into it and each other."

"I've watched him more than once get properly fucked," Cass added, "Can't help get turned on by it."

"Anyway, maybe we should discuss other things?"

Once we all had a drink in hand, we sat on the bed together and discussed what they had found out. Cass hadn't gone inside, but Veronica went in posing as a lone mercenary. Cased out the place, the number of people inside, the protection provided, and when the best time to attack would be. It was agreed we'd hit the Silver Rush that night. We'd break in, kill any guards awake, take out Gloria's brother, then we'd attempt to take Gloria alive for interrogation before we killed her.

Veronica put on her hooded jacket to keep watch as Cass and I stayed inside. We did head downstairs to do a bit of gambling simply to keep ourselves occupied, before heading upstairs after lunchtime. We made love for an hour before sitting back, enjoying a couple of cigarettes, Cass cuddling into my side. "I enjoy these little moments we have," she whispered, "Just you and I."

"Cass, do you ever want… something more from me?"

"No." I turned as I felt myself blink in surprise at the blunt response. She turned to me and smiled. "I say that simply because I don't. Once Veronica has you, she'll want you again. I know you want to see that Sunny again. Emily is already smitten. You haven't been with that Marjorie yet. But the most important thing is that I know you enjoy the company of men. I think it's best we kept things casual, but I'm not going to complain about sleeping next to you most nights if possible."

"You're very understanding."

"I don't place expectations on others long as they don't place them on me. We've talked before and we know where we stand." She kissed my cheek. "But I do utterly adore you, Courier. You're a good man. And I love the fact you are so open with your sexuality and embrace it completely."

Veronica appeared later when we were both still sitting back naked, dressing as she suggested it was perhaps time to eat then prepare to move later that evening. We enjoyed a filling meal downstairs, and I'm fairly sure James knew we were up to something, though was wise enough not to ask. I was equally amused when he disappeared far earlier than normal as a pair of young women took his place behind the bar. He met my eyes and winked, so I knew exactly what he was going to be up to.

Returning to the room, we prepared to move, checking my Pip-Boy until I was sure it was late enough that, although we would draw attention, the time in the evening would help keep most people away from wanting to check out what was happening.

Heading outside, the only illumination was provided by the signs of the Atomic Wrangler and the Silver Rush. Otherwise, the street was bathed in darkness. There was no sign of the crier that usually sat outside the Silver Rush, but we knew the place would be filled with security.

"Door will be locked," I whispered, "I should be able to crack it though."

"Man of many talents," Cass whispered back, humour dripping from her tone.

Cracking the lock was simply second nature, no doubt having been trained to do it long ago. Slowly opening the door, there was only one light, the store otherwise in darkness. Stepping inside, staying crouched down, I stepped inside, Cass and Veronica following behind, quietly closing the door behind her. There was only one guard on the ground floor, walking in a lazy square. Taking cover behind a bench, I waited until he passed before striking, arm around the neck to squeeze, the other over his mouth. He fought hard but wasn't strong enough to break my hold. Once he was dead, as I wasn't going to let any of these arseholes live, I dragged him behind the bench.

"Okay, we've got body armour," I whispered, rapping my knuckles against thick metal, I assumed it was kevlar, "But a close range shot will go through it. If you're confident, head or groin on a man will do the job." Checking his pockets, I didn't find anything, but did take the energy weapon he'd dropped. "Ah, plasma weapon. Don't remember these that well but I just know they cause quite the mess."

Moving forward, weapons at the ready, we moved towards a hallway, taking cover and peeking, before I led the way forward, hearing low voices ahead. Coming to a halt before the corner, I glanced back at Cass, making gestures for two people, one left, one right, but unsure if standing or sitting. Then I counted down from three before we removed.

Stepping out, we caught them completely by surprise, shooting at the one on the right, who was leaning back against the wall. My shot hit him flush in the chest, the second slamming into his head as he fell forward. Cass sent a blast into the head of the guard to the left.

"The fuck was that?" someone yelled from upstairs.

"Intruders!" a female voice shouted.

I gestured back towards the main room where we took cover behind the benches. The first guard ran forward without looking, stepping out into the room where I put a bullet through the side of his head. The next guard was slightly more circumspect, lying prone on the ground as he chanced stepping forward. I smiled at the surprised look on his face as he took a single shot in the face, collapsing to the ground.

"Who the fuck are you?" the woman asked, no doubt Gloria.

I glanced back at Cass and nodded. "Someone you shouldn't have fucked with, van Graff."

Silence for a moment before there was mocking laughter. "Hang on, Cassidy? Is that you? Surprised you're not rolling around drunk at the outpost, consoling yourself over the loss of, well, everything?"

Cass fired her weapon towards the hallway. I didn't blame her. "You're dead, bitch," she growled.

"I'll give you one chance, little girl. Take you and whoever is with you away out the front door, and I'll let bygones be bygones. I can understand wanting to get your own back. Don't leave, and I'll ensure the Legion will appreciate what we do to your body once we're done."

I glanced back at Cass. "Taunt them," I whispered, placing the plasma rifle on the ground and taking my revolver from its holster.

Cass let rip, a series of suggestions that would have riled anyone. While she did that, I leapt over the counter and slid my back against the wall until I was at the corner. Chancing a peek, I knew Gloria was the stairs leading up, while there was no doubt her brother was back in the other room. I took a chance, getting down on a knee and pointing the revolver, letting loose a shrill whistle.

The brother looked around the corner. That was the last thing he did as I fired, bullet straight into his forehead. He dropped like a stone as gunfire erupted, quickly stepping back into cover. "Jean-Baptiste?" Gloria asked, "Jean-Baptiste?" she cried, almost screeched.

"He's dead, you stupid bitch. And you're going to join him in a minute," Cass retorted, laughing away.

There was a feminine roar as Gloria simply charged down the hallway, firing wildly, the laser weapon no doubt growing warm in her hands very quickly. She breezed by me, training my weapon on her back, but her eyes were only for Cass. Gloria fired around the entire room, but it was a pointless waste of ammunition, and soon enough, there was a click as she'd expelled the cell.

Cass stood up, aiming her shotgun. She gave Gloria almost enough time to put a new power cell into her weapon before I placed the barrel of my revolver at the back of her head. "Game's up, Gloria. Drop the gun."

"You can't kill me. I'm connected."

"Don't give a fuck," Cass said, jamming the butt of the shotgun into her face. Gloria dropped to the ground and we got to work. Grabbing a chair, I lifted her up, placed her down and tied her up so there was no possibility of her escaping. Like the lockpicking, I just seemed to know what to do. Hands behind her back, ankles tied to the legs, rope around her body, holding her nice and tight.

Dragging the other bodies to lie either side of her, I checked pockets, grabbing anything of value, including keys I knew would come in handy. That allowed us into the cashier area and all the safes, and that was jackpot time. Caps, caps and more caps. Definitely more than enough to get the three of us and probably more back onto the Strip.

"Holy shit, we're rich!" Cass whispered.

"Okay, one duffel bag each. Grab a couple of weapons, all the ammo you can carry. Grab some armour. Put all that by the front door. Then we decide on Gloria."

I eventually took two bags worth of stock, simply because I had no idea what to expect, and it would be a shame to leave some good weapons behind. Four heavy bags by the door, it was time to deal with Gloria. Veronica and I stood back as we let Cass deal with her. She woke her up with an almighty slap across the cheek, Gloria waking up, immediately straining against the ropes holding her in place. So she decided to spit at Cass.

That earned one hell of a punch in the face in return. No doubt broke Gloria's nose. Cass turned away and winced, shaking her hand. "Torture me all you want. I'm not telling you anything," Gloria said.

I handed Cass what she needed, who held it under Gloria's nose. "Got all the evidence I need right here. Taking you down first. Then I'm taking down that bitch McLafferty."

"You're a fool. You'll destroy the NCR."

Cass snorted. "Crimson will survive." She glanced at me. "I'm aware of the ramifications of destroying the organisation. But McLafferty is going down, one way or the other."

"How are we doing this?"

"My people were turned to ash when she attacked them. I'm suggesting we return the favour, but we burn this place to the ground."

I couldn't help grin. "Oh, I do like that idea."

Gloria started to struggle but, with no chance of escape, all she did was tire herself out. Getting a fire started wasn't a particularly difficult thing to do, Veronica and I carrying the bags outside, where she would guard them, as Cass and I carried out a last sweep for anything that was worth taking. By the time we were ready to strike the match to start it, Gloria was now frightened. She knew she was going to burn to death. It was going to be a slow, agonising death.

"Any last words?" Cass asked. She wasn't mocking. She was as calm as I'd ever seen her.

"Please… just shoot me," Gloria cried.

"Vengeance is mine," Cass murmured, striking the match, "And I will repay."

Shutting the door, we joined Veronica standing against the wall as there was a small explosion inside the shop. Within a couple of minutes, we could see flames through the glass as it stated to take hold, making its way to the second floor, smoke soon starting to billow from the roof. Then we heard her screams from inside. They only lasted a couple of minutes. I glanced at Cass, her face remaining expressionless. I took her hand, feeling her give mine a squeeze.

Once the flames had well and truly taken hold, we picked up the bags and walked back into the Wrangler. By now, a small crowd had already formed to see the fire, hearing plenty of comments about what happened. I'm sure more than one would have guessed what happened. James and Francine were downstairs, seeing us return with black bags full of gear.

"Never liked them anyway," James stated, taking Francine by the hand and heading back upstairs.

Heading to our room, all we did was dump the bags by the door, ensuring it was locked so no-one was stupid enough to try and steal our shit, before we undressed and headed to bed, the three of us cuddling together.

"Crimson next," Cass whispered in the darkness, feeling her breath against my cheek, "Thank you, Courier."