
Vengeance is My Name

Waking up with no memory of who I was, where I'm from, nor why I'd been shot in the head, my intention from the moment I wake up is only one thing. Find the man who shot me and return the favour. But it is during this trial and after that I find myself drawn into events outside my control, and possibly the only man with the influence to shape the future of the Mojave and New Vegas, one way or another.

hackwriter29 · ゲーム
20 Chs

Goodsprings Gunfight

Doc had been asleep by the time I returned the previous night, having enjoyed quite a few drinks, so my head was a little sore when I woke up the next morning and wandered out to sit with him at the breakfast table. As I ate, I explained what happened the night before. Doc listened in silence until I was finished.

He sighed first. "Fuckin' Powder Gangers," he muttered, earning a chuckle from me as it was the first time I heard the man curse. He cleared his throat, noticing my reaction. "Apologies, but they're a new gang that has proven to be nothing but a pain in the arse. Being truthful, they've generally left us alone but it's little wonder the number of merchants stopping here has dropped off. They've been causing plenty of problems since they took control of the nearest correctional facility."

"Sounds like they need dealing with."

"One would have thought the NCR would have come fix up their mess, but ever since the battle with the Legion, both sides have been left licking their wounds, both focused on taking New Vegas and the dam for themselves."

"Something must be going on. The man I dealt with wanted someone called Ringo. I have a feeling he's in hiding somewhere here. Now why do these Powder Gangers want him? Murder? Extortion? Or just information?"

"Considering they're all criminals…"

"I think I'll have a chat with Trudy, see if I can help."

"What about your own problems?"

I stood up, shaking my head. "Something tells me I can't just stand by and let whatever happens happen. If I need involve myself, I will."

"No memories?"

"None. Mostly it's just… feelings. I don't know if I'm a good man, Doc." I sat down again. "I want to help you, but I also want to put a bullet in the head of the man I dealt with last night and anyone who might attack this town. No mercy given. Swift and brutal justice."

Doc chuckled. "Sound like a lawman or one of those old timey sheriffs. Frontier justice at the barrel of a gun."

I shrugged. "Just thinking I should do what's right." I stood up again. "Thanks for breakfast, Doc. Appreciate it."

"If you do end up dealing with those arseholes, it will be me thanking you, son."

I dressed in the same clothes, making sure my gun was in its holster, looping the rifle around my chest, resting it on my back, tightening the strap, picking up my hat as I headed outside into the morning sun. Another cloudless sky, left thinking the area of the world didn't get much if any rain, though I did remember it got rather cold the night before when walking back to the house.

Heading straight to the saloon, I walked inside to find Trudy behind the bar again. Soon as I sat down, I had a small glass filled with whiskey placed in front of me. When I tried to pay, Trudy pushed the caps back across the bar towards me. "No. You don't have to pay after what you did for us last night."

"Feel I might have caused more trouble, to be honest."

She met my eyes for a moment, clearly thinking. "Sunny tells me you're good with a gun."

"I can shoot a few targets and some geckos." I took a sip of a whiskey. "Who was the man I eventually dragged out of here? Doc told me a little bit about the group nearby."

"His name is Cobb. He's one of a number of convicts from the nearby jail. NCR was running it until recently. Now the convicts run it." I nodded. "Call themselves Powder Gangers. Whole bunch of them escaped recently. Thankfully they headed elsewhere. Those remaining seem to have based themselves in the jail. NCR can't or won't restore order, so now they're a menace to us and any traders walking the I-15."

"What about the man they're after?"

I finished the glass, finding it refilled immediately. "Are you thinking of something, stranger?"

"I have a feeling I wasn't someone who could just stand by and let innocents suffer. And since I'm here now, and don't really know where to go next, I can always help if need be."

"Ringo is up the hill, taking shelter in an abandoned gas station. Are you thinking of helping?"

"Yes, ma'am."

She sighed. "But you're looking to follow the men that shot you?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Okay, I don't know where they were going, but one of them wore a chequered coat. Said they came in north from Quarry Junction. That's north of here along the 15, near a town called Sloan. You can't go that way now due to the deathclaws."

"The what now?"

"Never mind that, but you'll have to head south and loop around. I have a feeling they were from New Vegas, particularly the man in the chequered coat."


She shook her head. "Never heard name's mentioned. To be honest, they never said too much in earshot. Honestly, once you decide to mosey on, you'll have to head south first. Nearest settlement after here is Primm. It's about a half a day's walk."

"Thanks." I finished the glass. "How do you think Cobb will react?"

"You pissed him off. I anticipate a reprisal sooner rather than later. And he'll come with back-up next time."

"Then I suggest Goodsprings meets fire with fire."

"Speak with Ringo first. We're protecting him, so if he's willing to stand and fight, the rest of us won't let him fight alone."

I headed outside, just as Sunny was walking inside. Greeted by a smile and a kiss on the cheek, she immediately asked where I was headed. Stating it was to speak to Ringo, she offered to tag along, as she knew who he was, and he was bound to trust me a little more if I knocked on the door with a local. So we headed up the hill together, Sunny still gushing about how I'd handled Cobb the night before, though I admitted that it was possible I'd caused more problems by getting physical with him.

Knocking on the heavy steel door, I let Sunny do the talking for me. When he cracked the door open, peeking out, he yelled out in surprise upon seeing me, Sunny quickly assuring him that I was a friend and willing to help. Though suspicious, the fact I was there with Sunny seemed to be convincing enough for him to open the door. There was little natural light, most of the windows having been covered with wood, light provided instead by lamps.

I asked a few questions, such as who he was, what did he do, and how did he end holed up in an abandoned gas station. He answered everything honestly, that he was a trader, his caravan had been shot up, all his friends and companions were dead, and while he'd managed to shoot a couple of them, he'd simply fled to save his own life. Trudy had kept him safe since he'd burst into the saloon, pleading for help.

That's when I leaned back against the desk and met his eyes. "I'm willing to help, Ringo. Sunny is in, aren't you?"

"You betcha, stranger."

"But if we're going to take a stand, you're going to be alongside us. And if there is the three of us, I'm sure others in town would take a stand."

"You seriously think we're capable of taking on all of them?"

I shrugged. "We kill Cobb and those who will no doubt attack the town. Then we take the fight to their territory. Once that is done, we go our separate ways. Where do you call home?"

"I work for Crimson Caravan out of New Vegas. Guess I'll eventually head back there." He gulped before asking, "You're willing to help a stranger?" I nodded. "Well, thanks, stranger. Not often people would be so willing to stick their neck out."

"Feel I owe this town a favour or two considering my own circumstances."

He seemed to be relieved that he now had some help, admitting to the thought that he'd be stuck there indefinitely, or at least until the Powder Gangers attacked, ransacked and burned the town, then searched every building until they found him, and he had no idea what they'd do before they killed him. But no doubt it wouldn't be pretty.

Sunny and I returned the saloon. Trudy offered to help immediately, giving us suggestions as to who else we could recruit to our cause. As Sunny was known by everyone, she headed off to speak with others as I headed back to the house and asked Doc if he would be willing to help out. I think the offer pleased him, disappearing into his bedroom, returning barely a minute later with his own rifle.

With no idea if or when Cobb and his friends would make good on their threat, Trudy called nearly the entire town into the saloon that evening. She seemed to think I had some sort of plan. I suggested that all we did was fight back, kill those who intended to kill us, scare the rest of them enough that they won't return. As for Cobb, I had a feeling he wouldn't see sense, so an example of him might need to be made in the end.

We agreed to patrolling at night, while during the day, barricades would be built, weapons and ammunitions stored in the saloon, as it was one of the most defensible structures in the town. There were enough of us that we could pair up and only need to patrol for four hours, the sun setting late and rising early.

That first night, I spent four hours with Sunny on patrol. We'd walked in a circle, or more of a square, around the town. Apart from hearing the howling of nearby coyotes and the chirping of plenty of insects, despite the low light, there was no sign of anyone coming to attack. As we walked, we didn't talk all that much, but we eventually stopped at the edge of town, watching the only road leading in, sitting back against a boulder.

"First bit of excitement we've had here in quite a while," she said.


"We're an out of the way town, usually ignored by everyone except the traders that play the nearby road. Most will stop here for supplies, and that's usually the only way we hear any news. Only knew about the battle at the dam because of caravans that passed by. Didn't have a clue about it otherwise. NCR mostly leave us alone. Legion haven't made it this far, though heard they do patrol this side of the rivers when feelin' brave enough. Heard they're not very nice people."

"No idea if I've met them or not."

"Ah, that's right. The whole amnesia thing. Nothin' come back yet?"

"No memories but I've got these feelings, like I should know things, or at least it feels like I've heard certain things before."

"Maybe you need another knock on the noggin?" I gave her a look in the darkness, which made her smile. "You were big news when the robot dragged you out of that hole. Most of us didn't know what to make of you."

"And now?"

"Well, you're here sittin' next to me, helpin' out a complete stranger, just doin' what's right. That makes you okay in my book."

"You from here?"

"No. Worked as a guard for a caravan. Stopped here one day on the way back to Vegas and felt like staying. That was a few years back now. Consider this place my home now. People long accepted me as one of their own. Think it helps that I've helped keep the town safe." She paused and I noticed her smile again. "Would ask you where you're from but…"

"Might figure it out one day."

"Maybe you're a drifter?"

"Worse things to be in life."

We eventually circled the town again before returning to the saloon. No sign of Trudy but she'd left a note on the bar, a bottle of whiskey and a pair of glasses, stating we could have a couple of drinks before bed. Deciding to sit in one of the booths, I was surprised when Sunny slid onto the same seat next to me, offering me the bottle so I could pour us a glass each.

"When do you think they'll make their move?" she wondered.

"Soon. I have a feeling Cobb wasn't full of hot air."

We enjoyed a couple of drinks, chatting about anything that came to mind, mostly hers as I had no history I could discuss with her, and talking about topics like politics didn't particularly interest either of us. So she talked about life in town, though there was no missing the hints made in my direction. The fact she was single. The fact she was a little lonely at times. The fact she lived alone. The fact it had been too long since she'd been with a man.

She eventually just bit the bullet. "Want to come back to mine?"

"Yes. Yes, I do."

It was still early morning when we walked into her house. Taking me by the hand, she had only one thing on her mind, leading me towards her bedroom. Taking off my hat, she stepped towards me, leaning down as our lips pressed together. Obviously couldn't remember the last woman I'd been with, but I certainly thought she was a great kisser. And while doing that, her hands were rather busy taking off my clothes, so I figured I'd do the same thing.

Once she had my shirt off, her fingers ended up trailing up and down my back, and that's when she broke the kiss. "My god," she whispered, "Are those scars?"


Her eyes moved from mine to my chest, her hands moving around to my front, feeling her fingers find other scars. "Sure you're just a courier?" she asked quietly, before she smirked, "I know you wouldn't know, but…"

"Why don't we worry about it later?" I suggested, lifting her chin with a finger. The smirk turned into that grin I'd seen more than once already, helping take off all her clothes, as boots were kicked off, eventually leaving her in just her underwear. She was fit, a toned body that I was definitely going to enjoy. Once I was just in my underwear, she glanced down to see the obvious tent. She looked back up and grinned.

Falling onto her bed, we continued making out as my fingers trailed up and down her body. She had her own scars, though hers were from the work she did, rather than any stories that might have led to a sad story or two. Taking off her bra to reveal a pair of rather perky breasts, she giggled at the smile that appeared, turning the giggle into a moan as my mouth found one of her hardening nipples. As I focused on those, I slid a hand underneath the band of her panties, feeling her legs spread enough that I could move my fingers down to feel she was already rather wet.

"Yes," she whispered, before she giggled, "I would moan your name but…"

Then I slid a finger inside her and I don't think she worried about my name or not after that. Kissing my way down her body, I wasted little time sliding off her panties, spreading her legs again, definitely approving of what I saw as I had to take off my own underwear. "Wow," she whispered.


"Just… you're packing a bit there…"

I smiled as I wasn't worried about that just yet. Leaning down, I could almost inhale her scent, appreciating the soft hair above her pussy, before I just lowered my mouth and slowly started to eat her out. No memory of when I last did it but I just seemed to know what I was doing, at least. She was certainly appreciative, watching how her body reacted, the sounds she made, and she had no problem letting me know what felt good and that I should keep doing it.

Sliding fingers inside her again worked a charm, telling me how to move them, and that's what worked an absolute treat. "Clit," she whispered, "Do that and I'll cum."

Doing as she told me, my fingers definitely working some magic, and with my tongue gently flicking her clit, she released quite the moan, her back starting to arch, her legs trying to squeeze me, and then released a louder moan. She cried out a couple of words, left wondering if she would want me to stop, but she was quickly begging me to continue.

I had no problem doing that, savouring her taste, but enjoying the fact she seemed to be rather enjoying what I was doing. I certainly wanted to fuck her, but I was willing to wait until she wanted something other than my fingers and mouth. I learned quickly that she was a woman that could orgasm again rather quickly, and that seemed to almost wear her out, as she asked me to slow down after the second, taking my fingers out and resuming just with my mouth. Hand wrapped around each thigh, I spent most of my time just teasing her, noticing she had now lifted her head, watching my eyes.

"Sure you have to move on?" I think she only half-joked.

She made a gesture with her eyes, stopping what I was doing as I left soft kisses up her body, feeling her hand snake to the back of my head, gently dragging it down to kiss her. I think we both stopped at the same time, grinning like fools. "Well, looks like I'm forming a good memory here," I said, before I groaned, "Damn it, that was cheesy, wasn't it?"

"And sweet," she replied, another soft kiss on my lips, "Glad to be your first."

"Make an impression?"

"The way you handled Cobb in the saloon that night. No threats. Barely any violence. A simple grab on the wrist, a few sharp words, and then just escorting him out. I wasn't the only one swooning after that."

"Swooning?" I retorted, feeling the smirk form.

She shuffled and I felt the head of my cock at her warm pussy, making both of us smile. "Oh, I might have swooned, but I was also thinking about definitely wanting to fuck you too. I made my mind up on patrol. Never had a man just walk alongside me, listen to everything, and just enjoy my company."

"What's not to like?" I asked, before I gently slid my cock inside her, enjoying the gasp she made as I gently buried myself.

"Holy shit!" she exclaimed, giggling away, "Fuck… it feels even better than just looking at it."

"Glad you approve."

Starting to move together, I realised within a couple of minutes that I wasn't going to last long this first time, feeling her lift her legs back, resting them against my sides, her fingers running up and down my upper back. She felt wonderful, spending most of my time kissing her, groaning into her mouth as I enjoyed how tight, warm and wet she felt.

Warning her I was close, she moved her legs to wrap around me, and my eyes must have said something, quickly assuring me it was okay. I lasted another minute before one last groan, burying my cock a last time as I felt that surge of relief. A few last thrusts, just feeling myself completely empty, before I finally stopped moving, buried inside her, feeling her legs tighten, arms around the back of my neck.

"Well, bet you feel better now," she murmured.

"Uh-huh," I muttered back next to her ear, resting my forehead on the pillow.

Lifting my head a couple of minutes later, I was met by the smiling face of hers, resting up on my forearms, realising I still felt quite hard inside her. When I felt her squeeze my cock, that raised an eyebrow. "I'm not done yet. Are you?" she asked.

I certainly wasn't. We continued for the next couple of hours. I learned rather quickly she wanted me on my back and her on top. Watching Sunny Smiles riding my cock was something I knew I'd never forget. And she looked sensational while riding me, enjoying more than one orgasm along the way, before leaning forward and almost begging me to fuck her.

Naturally, I obliged, enjoyed an orgasm of my own, and that sent us both to sleep rather quickly.

Waking up as sunlight filtered through the threadbare curtains, she was spooned against me, hearing her laugh to herself as I gave her a gentle squeeze. We headed to the bathroom, where there was no running water but she everyone had water storage, at least, so we could wash ourselves down before she started on making breakfast. It was quick and easy, before we dressed and headed out.

Trudy reported there was no trouble the previous night, but that we would remain patrolling until Cobb and his companions showed their faces. We agreed it wouldn't be during sunlight, they wouldn't be that stupid, so while we would remain alert during the day, we knew it was once the sun set that things would become dangerous.

The next two nights remained quiet. Sunny and I would patrol for a few hours, then return to hers where we would spend a few more hours fucking. Had my first blowjob the night after the first time together, and she was a delight, and it's always nice that a woman is enthusiastic when sucking your cock. And I returned the favour big time, spending god knows how long just pleasing her with my mouth, as although I couldn't remember, I certainly realised very quickly it was something I enjoyed doing, and considering her reactions, I was good at doing.

But we certainly enjoyed fucking. I loved being inside her, and she waxed lyrical about my cock being inside her. On my back. One her back. On her knees. Bent over her bed. Bent over the breakfast table. Standing up against the wall. We had fun trying a lot of new things. I had no idea how old I was, but was amazed that I never needed that long to recover before I was raring to go again. Doesn't mean she didn't wear me out by the end though. She had a voracious sexual appetite. I knew I would have to leave eventually, but I would do so with a slightly heavy heart. Or maybe just the thought of leaving someone behind who I got along with rather well would be disappointing.

"I'm worried they're planning something big," Trudy admitted a couple of days later, "They're going to come in force."

"We've planned and prepared," I stated, "Barricade yourselves in. Use dynamite to disperse. And I'll keep them confused at the same time. But there's space between the saloon and where they could possible take cover. If they try and cross that gap, you can easily put more than a few bullets in them. So unless they come with numbers that mean you don't have enough bullets, which I doubt, then we should see off any real danger."

"How can you be so confident?" Sunny asked.

I could understand the question. "I don't know, but Cobb was full of hot air, and the fact they haven't shown their face yet? I don't think these are the sort of people that will be making plans. They will come at us with force, trying to intimidate us. So we show them we won't be intimidated in return."

My words seemed to inspire confidence in those around me, at least. Though Sunny and I patrolled at night, we spent most of the day together, either dealing with any geckos causing a problem, while we would head off to wander the nearby countryside in the afternoon. She knew every nook and cranny, finding small places that provided some shade. More than once, we ended up enjoying a little private time, finding a shaded area where she could lower her clothes enough that she could perch herself on a rock, beckoning me forward.

I'll admit, I liked her, but knew I couldn't ask her to follow me for my own selfish reasons. Maybe I could head back to Goodsprings in the future though…

After dinner at the saloon that evening, Sunny and I were on patrol, walking towards the crossroads when I noticed movement ahead. We fell silent immediately, taking a knee. Her eyesight was fantastic, as she confirmed there were definitely bodies approaching. Staying low, we immediately turned and headed back to the saloon. Knocking a pattern on the door, a bell was soon rung that drew everyone out of their homes. The entire town of Goodsprings would be stepping forward to defend one man.

Everyone was under instruction not to fire until they were close enough to ensure that they wouldn't miss. "Sunny, you're in charge for now. I'm going to do my thing," I whispered, kissing her cheek before staying low as I ran through the saloon out the back door, then circling around, keeping an eye on where I could see movement.

Gunfire erupted from the Powder Gangers first. Perfect, as far as I was concerned, as that just highlighted their positions. As soon as the first stick of dynamite was thrown and exploded, that's when I made my move, coming in from the side, slightly from behind. The first didn't hear nor sense my presence until I had the barrel of my revolver at his neck, pulling the trigger without hesitation, before crouching and moving onward.

The bang was covered by their own gunfire, taking position behind a rock as I slung the rifle from my back into my hands. I had five bullets, then I'd move. Barely had to line them up as they were so close, I could almost touch them. And distracted as they were by gunfire from the saloon, the first two I dropped didn't even know what hit them.

"Ambush!" one of them cried, ducking behind the boulder as gunfire headed towards me. Perfect, as I knew the distraction I caused would lead to more dynamite thrown, while others would move forward into cover.

I heard another explosion, followed by a couple of cries, gunfire seeming to increase in sound as there was no doubt the Powder Gangers simply hadn't expect this level of resistance. Crawling away from the boulder, I circled around until I was behind another one, glancing to see only six Powder Gangers still standing, one clearly nursing wound.

Rifle back in hand, I dropped the wounded one, then looked for Cobb, I found him in the darkness, crouching behind his own boulder. I put a bullet in him, not a kill-shot, wanting him left alive.

With so few left, the remaining Powder Gangers broke and ran, going so far as to drop their weapons. Two of them took a bullet in the back, and I'm fairly sure only one of them left Goodsprings alive that night. Standing out of cover, I could hear the resident cheering and hurling insults as I walked towards Cobb. Grabbing him by the collar, I dragged him towards the saloon as Sunny and Truly walked towards me.

"Check and strip the bodies. Take anything they have on them. No point leaving it for the buzzards. Tomorrow morning, we'll dig a big hole in the graveyard and dump them in it."

"What about him?" Sunny asked.

"Cobb and I are going to have a little chat. Best no-one else is present."

I dragged him a fair distance away from town into an isolated gully, only the moon and stars above proving any sort of natural light. He sat on his knees, looking rather pathetic, no surprise he started to beg for his life. I just circled around him a couple of times, feeling his eyes watch me.

"Who the fuck are you, man?"

"Just a stranger in town."

"You picked the wrong gang, man. That survivor is going to tell the others. They're all going to come here now."

"Then we'll kill them too." I crouched down in front of him, grabbing his jaw, making him meet my eyes. "How many are there?"

"Where?" he managed to ask.

"The facility. How many?"

"Fuck you, man."

I stood up and cracking him across the face with my revolver. Not hard enough to break his jaw, but he definitely swayed, just about managing to remain upright. "How many are there, Cobb?"

Raising the revolver again did the trick, raising a hand as he sucked in a few deep breaths. "Okay, man, okay. Fifteen, twenty at most."

"I want you to tell me everything, Cobb. Everything you can about the facility. Do that, and you may just live to see the morning."

He met my eyes and I did my best to appear sincere. When I holstered my revolver, he sighed with what I assumed was relief. And he told me everything. I guess he did that, figuring his life with the gang was now over, so if I let him go, he'd just have to make his own way for a little while. He told me everything. Locations of their hideouts. Patrol routes. How they operated in the yard itself. Who was in charge. Where the weapons and explosives were kept. How I could get in unseen.

Once he was done, and I was confident he had nothing else to share, I was polite enough to thank him for all that he'd given me. And I knew he hadn't lied. If he had, I'd have made sure he told me the truth, but that first hit with the revolver had made him compliant.

"So you'll let me go, right?" he asked, seeing the hopeful look on his face and in his eyes.

I smiled. Then took the revolver from its holster and put a bullet through his forehead. Blood and brains spurted out the back of his head as his body collapsed onto its side. Sliding the revolver back into its holster, I turned around and walked back to the saloon.

I couldn't blame them for celebrating as I walked inside, though they fell silent as I removed my hat and walked to the bar. Trudy slid a glass of whiskey towards me as I held it a loft. "To the good people of Goodsprings," I stated. I received nods of the head, no doubt of thanks and appreciation.

"Cobb?" Trudy asked.

"Handled. But he was right about one thing. The Powder Gangers might return. So it's time I take the fight to them. I won't leave until the town is safe."

"I'll help," Sunny offered immediately. I looked at her and smiled.

"Me too," Ringo added, "You've helped me, all of you have, so it's only right that I help protect the town in return."

A couple of other settlers offered to help. I couldn't help but look around and grin. One battle and they felt like warriors. "Very well. We're going to need their body armour. It's more for decoration than anything, but might help us get inside. We'll see what weapons we've got, ammo, explosives. Then we'll approach the facility in the light, figure out how to approach, then pull back. We only move to breach at night. Element of surprise, as I doubt they'd expect a small group from Goodsprings to go on the front foot."

I enjoyed another drink, feeling the adrenaline still flowing through the veins. I think Sunny was feeling the same way, as within twenty minutes of walking inside, she was whispering into my ear about wanting to be taken home and fucked. I finished my drink, grabbed her hand, wished everyone else goodnight, and escorted her home to do precisely that.