
Vengeance is My Name

Waking up with no memory of who I was, where I'm from, nor why I'd been shot in the head, my intention from the moment I wake up is only one thing. Find the man who shot me and return the favour. But it is during this trial and after that I find myself drawn into events outside my control, and possibly the only man with the influence to shape the future of the Mojave and New Vegas, one way or another.

hackwriter29 · ゲーム
20 Chs

Caravan Blues

Cass and I learned very quickly that Boone wasn't really one for talking. We tempted him into conversation more than once, but to call him monosyllabic would be an understatement. Half our questions, while not ignored, were greeted with little more than a grunt of affirmation or denial. We figured out rather quickly what each sound meant.

Eventually, we gave up tempting him into conversation. But despite the fact he wasn't talkative, a weight did seem to be lifted off his shoulders, though it was obvious, even to our untrained eyes, that he still carried plenty of scars on his soul.

Walking along, I did notice what looked like a power station off to our left, figuring that was where Chris might end up working. That's when Boone did say more than three words in succession, explaining that the Brotherhood of Steel had been in charge until the NCR showed up. They were trying to get it running but had no luck so far.

The turn off to Boulder City was reached within a few hours, and the level of destruction was of a magnitude I hadn't seen before, and I was also convinced it was recent. Turning onto the main access road, the first thing we all saw was what looked like some sort of memorial, and there were a few people stopped in front of it. I read the inscription.

"On this spot in the year 2277, rangers and soldiers of the New California Republic turned back the forces of Caesar's Legion during the Battle of Hoover Dam. Over one hundred men and women gave their lives on Nevada soil to defend local civilians and the principles of the Republic. May this humble stone be an enduring memorial to their valour and sacrifice."

"You fight here?" I asked Boone.

"No. Sharpshooters were not necessary for this battle. All I know is that a lot of Legion died here. And I recognise a couple of names off that list."

Walking into the ruins of the city, there was barely a recognisable structure as most of the buildings had either collapsed entirely, or had sustained such heavy damage, it looked like a gust of wind would eventually blow them over. Our progress was only stopped by a roadblock, noticing at least half a dozen NCR soldiers bunkered down behind barricades, and we were waved over by another NCR soldier. His eyes turned to me, then to Cass, before they finally fell upon Boone.

The respect was immediately. "Lieutenant," Boone stated.

"First Recon… Why are you here with civilians?"

"I'm no longer First Recon, sir. Retired." He offered a salute then his hand. "Sergeant Craig Boone."

"Lieutenant Monroe."

"We're here for a reason," I added, "Looking for someone who shot me. What's the situation here? We're looking for someone."

"Some Khans have taken two of our men captive."

"Khans? Didn't you say Benny had some Khans by his side when he shot you?"

I nodded. "I was told that by a few people. Man in a checked suit with some Khans alongside him."

"This man needs information, sir. How have you been ordered to deal with this?" Boone asked.

"Eliminate the Khans. My men are… expendable. But… such an order…"

"Let us try," I suggested, "These Khans have information I need. The man who shot me might even be inside."

"I'm not sure. It would be highly unconventional to allow a civilian…"

"Sir, I can already testify to this man's skill with a weapon but also his ability to approach scenarios that may result in a peaceable outcome. Do we really need to eliminate them?"

I was surprised that Boone would show any compassion towards people who clearly had attacked his former compatriots in the NCR, but I figured he was doing me a favour as he knew I needed the information.

"Okay, you have one shot at this, civilian. If you can get my people out, and have the Khans stand down, I'm willing to ignore what is a direct order."

"Thank you, sir."

Leaving my pack and weapons behind, except for the revolver at my holster, I carefully stepped out from behind the barricades and walked through what would be considered no man's land. I could see a couple of figures in cover ahead, calling out for me to stop when I was about twenty metres away. Slightly surprised they hadn't just shot me, they called out who I was and what I wanted.

"I'm the man Benny shot. Just want to talk to whoever is in charge here."

Even more surprising was how quickly they let me walk forward. Seeing the eyes of both Khans, it was like they'd seen a ghost, the one to the right of the barricade gesturing to a nearby door, asking that I got speak to someone called Jessup inside. Walking through the door, the NCR troopers were kept in sight of the windows, heads wrapped in sacks, forced to their knees, watched by everyone. Jessup was easy to figure out as he exclaimed, "What the hell? You're that courier Benny wasted back in Goodsprings. You're supposed to be dead."

"I got better. Where's the chip?" The eyebrows raised in surprise. "I have a job to complete."

"Don't have it. Benny stole it, right before he stabbed us in the back. He's probably back at the Strip by now, laughing at me."

"So you'd be happy telling me all about him then?"

"I'll tell you exactly what will help you. He's one of the Chairmen, big shots who run The Tops casino in New Vegas. A friend from the city contacted me with info on a big job."

"So why did he stab you in the back?"

"He's a snake, that's why. He owed us the rest of the pay for the job, so maybe he didn't want to pay up." He fell silent a minute. "What are you doing here?"

"I simply wanted information about the man who shot me. You've just provided it."

"So… you don't want to kill us?"

"I'll admit, part of me does, but I'm after the man who pulled the trigger, the one who obviously set the job up. I'm not sure of your involvement in all of this, but no, you are not my concern. At least personally. However, I have been requested by the NCR to try and resolve this matter peacefully, and they also want these two returned alive. What would it take for you to end this peacefully? The soldiers out there don't want to end this with bloodshed either, but their hand is being forced."

"All we want to do is go home. If we can get out of here with needing to blast our way out, even better." He paused. "Reckon that will be agreed?"

"I'll go chat with the officer in charge and see what he has to say."

Half an hour later, the Khans were being escorted out of Boulder City, even being allowed to keep their weapons, the NCR knowing they had a long trip back home, and between where we were and there were enemies that would even attack the Khans. Before they started, Jessup approached me and handed me what looked like a lighter.

"A souvenir for you. It's Benny's lighter. Shove it up his ass when you catch up with him." He paused a moment before asking, "What do you plan on doing with him?"

"Returning the favour."

"Good. Son of a bitch deserves it. For what it's worth…"

"Don't apologise. What's done is done. I was just the unfortunate bastard carrying the chip."

The look of surprise was amusing. "You're far more magnanimous than I would be in your position."

"This is the way of the world. Did you or your people pull the trigger?" Jessup shook his head. "Then my fight is not with you. That's not to say I'm not mighty pissed off, but since I woke up in Goodsprings, there has been enough death. The blood won't stop flowing just yet, but it seems Benny has played us all for fools."

"Put two bullets in his head. Make sure you blow his fuckin' brains out."

"That is the plan."

"Good luck, Courier."

A few NCR soldiers escorted the Khans to the highway before turning them loose, while Cass, Boone and I took a seat by the memorial, figuring out our next move. Well, there wasn't much to figure out. Our target was New Vegas. In the back of my mind was the idea that was I was always heading there, one way or another. Shame I couldn't remember if I'd ever been there.

Cass suggested we head west, as with not a lot of daylight left, there was a trading post only an hour or two away where we could at least rest safely for the evening. Boulder City was nothing but ruins and it was unlikely we'd find anywhere comfortable to rest our heads for the evening.

It was dark by the time we reached the trading post, which was situated on and near a bridge, a road passing underneath. Wreckage had been turned into makeshift buildings while there were also a couple of tents about. No hotel, the beds were free to us, the NCR soldiers suggesting they helped keep law and order. Dumping our things in what could be considered a barracks, the first thing we needed was food and drink, ordering from the '188 Slop and Shop', taking a seat on one of the nearby picnic tables. I noticed a hooded woman glancing over at us every so often, seeming to listen into our conversation. After the third glance, I met her eyes lit up by a fire in a nearby barrel, and simply gestured for her to join us. Surprisingly, she did so immediately.

"Travellers?" she asked.

"In a manner of speaking," I replied.

"On your way to New Vegas?"

"We are now. Just come from Boulder City."

"What took you there?"

"I'm looking for someone."

"God, you're sounding just like Boone," Cass said with a laugh.

"Just don't want to share everything I've had to do, and what I might have to do, with a stranger, Cass."

Our new friend offered her hand. "I'm Veronica. That's Cass, I assume that's Boone, and you are?"

I shook the offered hand. "I'm the Courier."


"I have amnesia." It was only then I realised I was still wearing my hat, so removed it. The scar was still visible on my scalp, but it had slowly but surely healed since leaving Goodsprings. "So I don't remember my name, or anything about my life before I woke up in Goodsprings."

"Damn. So this someone you're looking for…"

"Put two bullets in my head and stole something from me. Wasn't too worried about what was stolen until I finally realised it must have been important, therefore not only do I have a bone to pick with him, but I will be getting the property back so I can at least complete the job. Later than probably planned, but it's what I was paid to do."

"What brings you all the way out here?" Cass asked our new friend, "Do you live here?"

"No, I live in a bunker with my family. My very large family. Technically I'm out here shopping for what I would call groceries. But it's a bit more than that nowadays. I can't wait to get out of the bunker, and they can't wait to see the back of me most of the time. So I've been spending longer and longer away from home. Guess one day I just won't bother going back. I love them to bits but… they're stuck in their ways."

"Sometimes you've just got to leave what you thought was home," Cass said, shrugging her shoulders. "It's a tough old world out here, but most manage to survive… somehow."

"That's what I thought too. Not sure my family will miss me too much anyway. They can look after themselves."

"Everyone has to leave home eventually," I stated.

"So, listen, can I ask all of you something on the level?" We all nodded. "I had a run-in with this group calling themselves the Brotherhood of Steel. Pretty strange bunch. Do you know anything about them?"

I shook my head. Cass said she'd heard of them on her travels. "Never fought them myself, but I know the NCR fought them for control of that power plant we passed by this morning. Helios One or whatever it's called. Not seen any sign of them since they retreated from there."

"They dangerous?" I wondered.

"To someone like you? No," Boone replied, "They're obsessed with collecting pre-war technology. Why are you interested in them, Veronica?"

"I had a run-in with them a few days back. Didn't hurt nor bother me too much, but it was… intimidating to someone like me. Young woman on the road by herself."

"What do you think of them, Boone?" she asked.

"I don't really have an opinion. Never fought them myself. They wisely backed off when the NCR flexed its muscle. They haven't interfered with us since."

"I can see some sense in what they're trying to do," Cass added, "But I've heard stories that, like many people, they'll shoot first and ask questions later. Basically, like most organisations, treat them carefully, as you just don't know how they're going to react."

"Food for thought," Veronica stated.

"Something on your mind, Veronica?" I wondered, "I can hear it in your tone."

"My family is more than capable of looking after themselves. I will admit I have an inquisitive streak, and you three are the first I've met coming by here who… interest… or perhaps intrigue is the better word. I'll ask you, Courier. Once you meet this man and deal with him, what do you intend to do?"

Shrugging, I admitted, "I don't know, to be honest. Try and figure out who I was, I guess." I met her eyes behind the hood. "I'm guessing you're looking for an escape from here?"

She smiled. "However did you guess?"

"Building yourself a little group of followers here, Courier," Cass said with a grin.

"What are you hoping to see or do?" I wondered.

"I want to see how different groups have adapted to survive in the Mojave. See if there's something I can learn from."

"Good idea. Life does appear rather difficult in the Mojave," I said.

"Tell me about it," Cass muttered.

"So… interested in some more company?" Veronica asked, not missing the hopeful edge to her tone.

I looked at my other two companions. Cass nodded eagerly. Boone shrugged, but I guess if he had a problem, he'd have no problem saying so. Looking back at Veronica, I added my own nod. "Sure, Veronica. We're going to bunk here tonight then head off in the morning. Looking to make it into New Vegas either tomorrow or the day after, depending on what happens."

"I'm up early each morning, and I'll be ready to go whenever you are."

Heading to bed that evening, there was no privacy though Cass and I did get a bed that we could at least share, though it was a single mattress, so we have to spoon. Holding her in my arms, she'd been quiet for a while, figuring something was on her mind. She eventually spun around to meet my eyes, kissing me deeply. Then… she seemed rather emotional, resting her head against my chest as I hugged her tightly.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

"I need a favour."

"Cass, anything. Trust me."

"I've got nothing… That's one of the reasons why I wanted to join you. Everything I owned was put into my caravan, and it's gone. All gone." Stroking the back of her head, down to her back, I had a feeling she just needed to unload, so I kept my mouth shut for now. "I know that my caravan was attacked nearby," she finally said, "I want to go see it. Caravans are attacked, I know that, but I just want to check it out."


"You sure?"

"Benny isn't going anywhere. A delay of a day or two is one of those things."

"Thank you," she whispered, kissing me deeply again, feeling her hand move down, sliding underneath my underwear. I couldn't help chuckle, before glancing around to see everyone else in the tent was already asleep. Once my cock was free, and her panties were off, I slid inside her, smiling at each other once I was buried. She kissed me with desire, even a little urgency, as I remained gentle, not wanting to make too much noise.

Once I'd cum inside her, she asked me to stop, causing me to raise my eyebrows. "Just wanted you," she whispered, though once I slid out of her, I made sure she remained on her back, using my fingers to slowly bring her off. The look in her eyes as I did that had me almost catch my breath, and each kiss we shared was incredibly passionate. No doubt we really liked each other.

Then she had an orgasm, making sure she kissed me deeply again to cover the noise. But we'd both enjoyed one, and she happily spooned against me again as we were both sleepy. "You're making this difficult, Courier," she said with humour.

"I like making you cum, Cass."

"I know. That's what I mean!"

She curled up into me and fell asleep quickly. I'm fairly sure I looked across to see Veronica looking at us, though by the time I noticed her, she had her eyes closed. But that sixth sense suggested she might have been aware, perhaps even watching. If she had been, I couldn't blame here. We hadn't been subtle in the fact we'd been making love. Cass certainly hadn't been quiet when she approached her orgasm, language as filthy as always.

Waking early the next morning, Veronica gave Cass and I a couple of looks across the picnic table, Cass cuddled up into me, still in a good mood after last night, but I think the fact I'd agreed to help her so quickly was what really pleased her. Only when Boone finished his breakfast and headed back to the tent did Veronica finally ask, "How long have you been together?"

Before I could reply, Cass just replied, "Oh, we just fuck all the time." Veronica giggled. "I'm guessing you heard us last night?"

She nodded. "I saw you… making love."

"Ah, well, after our conversation, we needed something like that. I was willing for him to just cum in me, but I've learned that if he cums, he's definitely going to make me cum too." Veronica smiled at me, then smiled at her. "As for how long, we met at the Mojave Outpost further south. Been travelling together ever since. Didn't take long for us to start fucking."

"Glad we did," I happily admitted.

"Well, with that cock in your trousers, Courier…"

Clearing my throat, I suggested it would probably be best that we pack and go. Veronica got up and disappeared before I pulled Cass close, giving her one hell of a kiss. "I'd make you cum right now, but we have things to do," I whispered into her ear. The look in her eyes as I pulled back was one that suggested she loved the idea, clearing her throat before she stood up and walked away, definitely and extra sway in her hips. Had a cute little butt on her too.

Thankfully Cass did know where her caravan had been attacked, so she could lead the way towards it, following the old highway before we needed to turn off, heading west. It was only a couple of hours walk from the rest stop to the caravan wreckage. Cass came to a stop and simply sighed to herself as we took in the carnage. Dead Brahmin. Wreckage strewn across the road.

But she was immediately suspicious, or that's what she said. She hadn't been present when the caravan was attacked, only receiving news at the outpost. From what she'd been told, the assumption had been it was a Legion raid, though now that we were as far north as we were, that just didn't seem all that likely. And why would the Legion have only attacked her caravan?

It wasn't adding up in her mind, particularly as we checked over the wreckage to find everything had simply been burned. So it was no simple robbery. "No survivors?" I asked.

"Driver burned to a crisp. There were two guards. Never heard from them so assumed they were dead too." She crouched over the brahmin, sifting through the wreckage, Boone, Veronica and I standing back. I had no idea what to suggest. Boone had his rifle in hand, simply keeping guard in case anyone else decided to show an interest.

"What are you thinking?" Veronica asked.

Cass finally stood up and glanced in our direction. "I'm not sure, but there's something not quite right here." Gesturing around, she added, "I would have assumed an attack at night, so taken by surprise, whoever attacked in and out quickly. But it looks like the caravan was taken out in broad daylight. Have to know the roads, where to attack… Look around, pretty isolated right?" She looked around. "And the one reason why I know it wasn't the Legion is that energy weapons were used." She picked up a used cell and threw it in our direction. "Proves it wasn't Legion. Just need to figure out who the fuck was responsible."

"Whatever you need, Cass. Where to next?" I asked.

"Caravan attacks are fairly common. Lost more than one in my time. The last attack was a few months ago. I remember where it was."

Leaving behind the wreckage, I could see Cass, despite the fact there was little remaining, she was a mix of very pissed off but also rather upset. I remembered our conversation back at the outpost, and she'd been but angry and bitter then. Taking her by the hand, she glanced at me and smiled. It was just my little way of letting her know she wasn't alone.

The second attack site was much like the first. No surprise it hadn't been cleaned up. Brahmin was little more than bones, but Cass still searched the area with an eye on details, once again finding spent energy cells. It wasn't Legion. It wasn't Brotherhood. It wasn't NCR. "Could be fiends," she muttered, "But they would have robbed everything, not left everything as ash." Trailing off with a sigh, she sat herself down on the hot tarmac.

Sitting down next to her, I asked, "What are you thinking, Cass?"

"I know I haven't been the only one to be attacked. All these small companies have found themselves under attack these past few months. Sometimes, we simply go too close to Fiend territory, but they're usually just high on drugs and attack with no self-preservation. A few bullets will sort that business out. No, these attacks are professional for the simple fact they leave very little evidence. But we do have one possibility."

"And that is?"

"I went into business with a man named Dunn. He'd barely been working for a couple of months before his caravan was attacked. Apparently it was… horrific. Never made it to the outpost. Swore off doing caravan work again because of it."

"Is it nearby?"

"Couple of hours walk from here. He sent me the precise location of the attack."

"Then let's go."

She looked up. "What will we do tonight?"

"We'll figure it out later. Don't worry."

I think we all knew third time was going to be the charm, and Cass was going to get the answers she was seeking. The attack site was similar to the first two, with a couple of obvious differences. One was that it appeared that the caravan was attacked while it was in camp. The brahmin carcass had started to decompose, while the piles of ash suggested energy weapons had been used again. But none of that is what had Cass falling completely silent as we found the bodies nearby. I didn't recognise anything they wearing, nor did Veronica and Boone. "Help me drag the bodies together," Cass asked.

We did so, placing them on the ground in a line as Cass stood before them. She sighed before pointing. "Those two work for someone called the Van Graffs. Why the fuck they're attacking my caravans, I don't know. But the third one, oh, that one I can explain perfectly fucking well. That is the uniform of someone working for the Crimson Caravan Company. Always wondered why I received a letter, asking if I was interested in selling my caravan company, considering I had nothing left to sell. Now I know why. These fuckers are obviously trying to eliminate any and all competition."

"How do you want to handle this?"

She shook her head. "You've got your own problems right now, and this Benny character obviously has plans. We'll put this on the back burner for now, I have my answers. But when it comes time, I'm hoping I can count on your support."

"Of course."

"Good. Now I think we need to go find a bar, because I need to get really drunk, then I'm going to want some dick." She looked at me. "I don't care how drunk I am, I'm telling you I want to wake up in the morning with your cum still dribbling out of my pussy, and if it's all over my face too from sucking your dick for hours, even better."

"Is she always like this?" Veronica asked Boone.

"Woman knows what she wants."

"Know where we can get a room?" I asked Cass.

"Yeah. Freeside. There's a casino called the Atomic Wrangler. Means we won't have to enter the Strip straight away. Best we beat feet though. This area turns nasty when it gets dark."

It was dark by the time we made it to the gates of Freeside. Stepping through, it didn't feel completely safe, but then again, I didn't feel like we were about to be shot, stabbed or robbed. Cass led the way, as she had been to Freeside before, though she'd only ever visited the Atomic Wrangler once. Walking inside, there were a few guests, a couple at the bar, while the rest were gambling. The well-dressed woman behind the bar looked us over and immediately assumed we wanting rooms, which we confirmed.

"You got running water?" I had to ask.

"Sure do. City is surrounded by water pumps and the water is completely radiation free. It's not hot, of course, that required technology we simply don't have, but if you need a wash, cold water is better than nothing."


"How many rooms?"

"Three. Unless you want to shack up with Boone, Veronica?"


Boone took one of the offered keys and disappeared without a word. I glanced at Veronica. "Just teasing, but I'm guessing he wasn't in the mood."

"What's the plan otherwise?" she asked.

"Not sure. We'll figure it out in the morning. It's been a long day."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

Cass and I headed to our room. Soon as I'd closed and locked the door, Cass started to strip off, watching her cute, pert butt walk off towards the bathroom, hearing her turn on the shower. She peeked around the corner and looked at me. "Going to join me? There's even soap provided."

I stripped off and joined her. The cold was a shock at first, but just being able to stand under running water felt good, grabbing the soap and quickly lathering up her entire body. She returned the favour, spending plenty of time stroking my cock at the same time, eventually backing her up against the wall as we made out. It was a good shower, mostly because I hadn't felt so clean since Goodsprings, but it's always fun fooling around with someone at the same time.

Cass wasn't in the mood to sit down in the bar, but did ask me to head downstairs to grab a bottle or two of whiskey. I put on a shirt and trousers, padding downstairs to spend the caps, returning in time to find Cass lying back on the bed, legs spread wide, two fingers in her pussy already. "Just getting myself ready for later," she breathed. Handing her one of the bottles, she popped the lid and took a sip as I removed her fingers, replacing hers with mine. "Make me cum," she breathed, "Make me cum just so I feel good for a few minutes."

I did just that, which put a smile on her face for a few minutes, before she told me to get naked with her. Once I was, she had me stand up, getting onto her knees on the floor, and she gave me what I would consider a phenomenal blowjob, amusingly taking a swig of whiskey every so often, but she seemed to just love sucking my cock for what felt like an hour. I came hard, she swallowed it down with a whiskey chaser and kept right on sucking me, only stopping to say she wanted the next one on her face.

I was about to ask if she was sure, but I remembered what she said early. Must have shown on my face as she just smiled. "I was serious. You're fucking me all night. Doesn't a courier always deliver?"

I laughed. Terrible line, but she giggled too. She eventually helped me to another orgasm, leaving the load on her face, just as she wanted. I needed a few minutes to recover after that, so figured I'd use my mouth on her in return. That's when she did put the bottle down on the bedside table, concentrating on what I was doing to her. Teased her relentlessly until she was begging me to help make her orgasm. When I finally relented, having teased her, building it up, I'm sure the entire casino heard her when she finally rode the crest of pleasure. I certainly sat back on my knees with a grin, looking at how her body reacted.

All she did, once she'd caught her breath, was sit up and grab my cock, gently dragging me down so I could slide it inside her. "Now you're not going anywhere the rest of the night," she whispered, "Just fuck me senseless. Hard. Fast. Sweat inducing. I want to wake up sore tomorrow."


She smiled, kissing my cheek. "Can't get enough of you sometimes. And, as I said, I need this tonight. I'll feel better tomorrow, remembering tonight fondly."

I didn't keep count of how many times I came inside her. Even when I did, she made sure I didn't pull out, both of us sipping at a bottle, though she certainly drank more than I did. But she was completely and utterly into it each time I restarted, her language vulgar as always, and I joined in, letting her know how much I just enjoyed fucking her. The only reason I did end up stopping is that she started to fall asleep, and I just wasn't going to find that enjoyable. She managed to stay awake long enough for me to cum one final time before she pretty much passed out, lying down next to her and pulling her close.

"Needed that," she murmured, "Now I don't feel as pissed off."

"So you're… content?"

She snuggled back against me. "Happy," she whispered, "I'll see you in the morning."

She fell asleep, and was soon breathing heavily, close to snoring. I just caressed her body as I lay there awake a little longer. The next morning, she was still fast asleep, so after a quick shower, I dressed and headed downstairs, as I wanted information. The same woman as when we arrived was behind the bar, introducing herself as Francine as I took a seat.

"I'm looking to head onto the Strip," I explained, "Are there any conditions to entry? With all these fences, I can only assume… something…"

"Yeah, you need a shitload of caps before the robots will let you in. Two thousand in total."

"Shit, really?"

"You a bit short?"

"Nowhere even half that. And my companions won't be adding much more."

"Well, if you're after caps, we've got work on offer, if you're willing to get your hands dirty."

"What sort of work?"

"I have an issue that needs sorting out, while my brother also has something he'd like sorted out. Since I'm here, you willing to hear about the job?"


It wasn't a surprise. The courier was about to become a debt collector.


A/N - Just a warning that the next chapter will have the start of the Courier's bisexual side appear. Though I have tagged this as bisexual, figured I'd let you know here and now in case that's not what you want to see, though it won't be constant throughout the story.