
Vengeance is My Name

Waking up with no memory of who I was, where I'm from, nor why I'd been shot in the head, my intention from the moment I wake up is only one thing. Find the man who shot me and return the favour. But it is during this trial and after that I find myself drawn into events outside my control, and possibly the only man with the influence to shape the future of the Mojave and New Vegas, one way or another.

hackwriter29 · ゲーム
20 Chs

Cannibal Corpse

I was busy flipping the chip, Cass watching me from the chair next to me. I'd returned the day before, still undecided about what I was going to do. "Maybe we ask around about House?" she asked, "See what people really think?"

"How honest would they really be?" I wondered.

"Let me ask," Veronica suggested, causing both Cass and I to laugh, as we knew exactly how she was going to get them to be honest. Play the sweet, innocent young woman, have any man wrapped around her finger within a couple of minutes.

"Fuck it, works for me," I said, "Let's go interrogate people. I reckon the Three Families, and also the NCR. See what they say and if we think they're honest."

"Thing is, no-one has ever met the man," Cass added, "No-one has ever been and gone from the Lucky 38."

"Bet I can get in with this chip."

Heading downstairs, we asked Swank his opinion. He gave me the company line to start off with, before I leaned forward and it didn't take him long before he was singing a different tune. Didn't touch him, just made a series of suggestions that I knew completely turned him on. The look in his eyes turned, aware he was no doubt nursing an erection. "You want the truth, baby?" he asked.

"I've heard things, babe. Things that don't sit right with me. All I want is the truth, not what you've been told to tell everyone else."

He looked across all three of us before gesturing with is head. We walked towards a cafeteria, Swank asking everyone else to beat feet as he got us all a bottle of sarsaparilla, sitting at a table. As we polished off our bottle, he went into the story of the rise of the Three Families, their relationship with House, how he'd taken control of New Vegas, and how he continued to maintain control until this day.

"I'll be honest, part of me did or does agree with what Benny was trying to do. Wrest control back from House. Sure, he's helped rebuild the Strip, but there's just something… cold about how he wants it to be. His Securitrons scare the bejeezus out of me. But Benny would have only ever been in it for himself." He paused and met my eyes. "You thinking something, Courier?"

"I don't know yet. I want to know more about House before I just go hand this chip over that could make him even more powerful than he seems to be. Heard plenty of rumours about him during my journey here."

"Taking House out of the picture would make us weaker, susceptible to takeover by the NCR or Legion. However, if we were to have something to our advantage, that would put fear into either side, then maybe our independence could be guaranteed."

"How would the region be run afterward?" I wondered.

"I know the NCR is what they call a democracy. I'd rather something like that than whatever the Legion is, everything based on the whim of one man. But the most important thing is, all this isn't about New Vegas. We're just the cherry on top. No, this is about the dam. Whoever controls the dam controls the Mojave. If New Vegas somehow managed to maintain control of it alone, we could at least sell energy to the NCR, perhaps make some sort of formal alliance, while sending the Legion back across the river where they can fuck off."

"Given this some thought?" I asked.

"Life is sometimes dull by the front door, so I find myself thinking about things. I'm not just a pretty face, after all."

Finishing our drinks, we thanked him for his honesty, Swank pulling me close as Cass and Veronica disappeared first. "You're thinking," I whispered.

His hand went down my back to my arse. "Thinking about you, baby," he whispered back, "Would love another night or two…"

"Definitely. But there's a lot going on right now. Plus… Cass…"

"I understand, but still, I can only distract myself with pretty boys for so long."

I moved my lips to his ear. "You'll be in my arse again soon enough. I want it again too, trust me on that."

"Baby, you are a tease and a half. But I'm a patient man."

I must have been smiling, as Cass and Veronica both laughed at me, hooking an arm each through mine as we walked outside. Heading to the Gomorrah first, Veronica left Cass and I laughing away as she played her part, the ditzy, innocent young woman. It worked a charm after a couple of failures, finding someone who spilled the beans on what the family really thought about House. To say they wanted him dead, and the Strip free of his influence, wouldn't be an understatement.

Heading into the Ultra-Luxe, the place was just bizarre. Something felt off immediately, Veronica and Cass sensing it too. Taking a seat at the bar, we ordered a drink and Veronica started asking questions again. I found myself in conversation with a man by the name of Heck Gunderson. He'd obviously enjoyed a few drinks by the time I started talking to him. But as he told me the reasons as to why he was there, the disappearance of his son and the rumours about the people who ran the Ultra-Luxe, it started to explain the slight chill I felt when walking inside. There was something about the formal wear, the masks, the way they talked. Cass didn't seem perturbed at all, Veronica was enjoying her role as chief interrogator, so didn't seem to notice.

Veronica finished her questions and was ready to go with Cass. Suggesting I would remain to chat with my new friend, Cass kissed my cheek and said they would head to the NCR, perhaps chat with a few soldiers and maybe staff, before they headed home. When she used that word, I smiled, which made her smile, sharing a soft kiss before she disappeared.

"I'm willing to help you, Mister Gunderson. It's something I do. But before I help those in need, I require honesty. So, from the top, tell me why you're here and why these people would want to kidnap him."

"Let's just say they control the food supply around here, and I got lots of food to give, but that ain't as welcome as you might think. I own and operate one of the biggest ranching operations east of California. I'm here to negotiate a fair price for my beef with these White Glove people, but we're just spending most of our time butting heads. Between the time I headed into the meeting and returning, my son, Ted, just disappeared. No idea where he's gone."

"Reckon he's on the Strip?"

"No, already sent my men out to look for him. Can find no hide nor hair of my boy."

"I have some obvious questions, but I guess asking would be wasting time. I assume you've checked the places you'd assume he'd be. I'm not exactly sure how much help I'll be though."

"They might want my business, but they don't like me. I know that. You're a stranger. Perhaps you'll find someone willing to talk." He leaned in closer. "There are two official managers here. Guy called Mortimer. Sends a chill up my spine whenever I talk to the man. Then there's a woman, Marjorie. She might be a little friendlier, not by much though. This place has a reputation which I know she's trying to erase."

"I'll see if I can find her then. I'll only come back when I have something to tell you. I'm sure our conversation is being watched right now."

The Ultra-Luxe was certainly classy, despite the slightly weird air to the place. The waiters were nothing but polite, seeming to go out of their way to make each and every customer satisfied. More importantly, it didn't feel fake, as if they were doing it just to earn a few extra caps. I eventually found Marjorie, simply because she wore a nametag that highlighted her name and position.

Cass thought I was charming. Veronica had told me the same thing. So I used what I thought was my charm on Marjorie. I guess it worked, as within five minutes, I had her giggling and blushing. Nothing suggestive, just polite conversation, maybe a compliment or two, but the conversation was soon heading in the direction I wanted. By this stage, we were sat at a table, sharing a drink.

"So, Marjorie, I did come in earlier in regards to another matter, but while I was sat at the bar, I ended up talking to someone about a missing person. He pointed me in your direction as I merely wish to help a worried father find his son."

She sighed, which didn't surprise me. "This again? I thought all this was settled. I answered every one of that investigator's questions to his satisfaction and gave all the help I could."

"Investigator?" I wondered. Heck's son had only disappeared the same day. "What investigator?"

"There was an investigator who came through here last week. He'd been hired by a young man whose bride-to-be went missing during their stay here. Well you can already guess what probably happened, can't you? It seems perfectly likely that she got cold feet and ran off. And that young groom just didn't have a clue, the poor dear."

"Two disappearances in a matter of a week or two surely doesn't look good though?"

"I know it doesn't, but I can assure you that we've had nothing to do with both." Hearing her get upset, I took her hand in mine, giving it a squeeze, earning a smile in thanks. "I know our reputation hasn't always been spotless, but that's all in the past now. How some people can't get over it is beyond me. For the last time, the White Glove Society has never and will never consume human flesh for any reason. It's written in the charter." She must have seen my eyes widen in surprise, as the grip on her hand tightened, as if I would recoil in horror. "You didn't know?" she whispered, "I thought that's what you were getting at."

"When or how long ago was all this?"

"There was another time, a dark time, when we went by a different name," she replied, hearing a sad tone, with no doubt a hint of embarrassment too. "But that's all changed now! We've... evolved past such base impulses since settling into our new home. I've seen to it that those days are behind us."

"That's a relief!" I joked. Thankfully, she saw the humour in it, both of us looking down to see she still held my hand. She blushed as she let go, though there was hesitation. "Okay, so I believe you, Marjorie. Perhaps someone has an axe to grind against this place, but I still need to look into things. Maybe I could chat with the investigator? Compare notes and see if we can clear the name of your wonderful casino."

She smiled again. "Of course. Wait here. I'll get everything you need. Nowhere will be off-limits during your investigation."

Leaning closer, I asked, "And if my investigation takes… longer than anticipated, where should I rest my head?"

She blushed again. "Let's just see how long your investigation takes." She dashed off, returning no more than a couple of minutes later with a set of keys, explaining where each one would give me access to. As for the investigator, there was nothing on the books to say he had left, so she assumed he was still at the casino. "I really should get back to work."

"I might see you later, Marjorie."

"You might."

Heading upstairs by elevator, the investigator had been given a room with quite the view. He was also dead. Somehow, I just wasn't all that surprised by that fact. I checked around the room, and while I didn't have a trained eye, it was easy to see the signs that it had been searched before my arrival, but I hoped something might have been missed. I found a crumpled note in a pocket of his jacket, so figured that whoever killed him hadn't checked his body. It said to meet in the steam room at four pm. I checked my Pip-Boy, realising I had a couple of hours.

Heading downstairs, I followed the signs for the bathhouse, stripping off and grabbing a towel. Wandering into the steam room, what I found inside had me smiling, as it seemed the steam room was home to some rather sordid activities between men. Removing the towel from around my waist, I took a seat on one of benches and watched the action, the men noticing my arrival, glancing my way and smiling, before they got back to what they were doing. Two across from me, three to my right, two on the bench to my left.

"Well, glad I wandered in here now," I said with humour, "This a regular thing?"

"The steam room of the Ultra-Luxe is notorious," one of them stated, "Don't even know his name, but fucking hell, he feels really good."

I watched for around ten minutes, stroking myself as it was rather exciting, before I was invited to join in. It was a fun way to pass the time, particularly once they realised I was a bottom and happy giving oral. Made a few friends, I think, and more than one had their chance with me. I was in the middle of having my arse pounded by quite the good looking guy, a nice thick cock just for me, when someone dressed in the uniform of the White Glove wandered in, making a beeline straight for me.

"You the one investigating… um… I wasn't expecting…"

"How much longer?" I asked, looking back.

"Five minutes or so. Going to cum hard."

I looked at our new guest. "Five minutes' okay?"


I was amused he simply sat on the bench and watched, resting my head back on my forearms as the hands at my hips moved up to my shoulders as the tempo increased. He had his timing right though. Five minutes later, he was done and staggering back to take a seat, as I moved to sit on the bench next to the uniformed man. His eyes moved to my stiff cock, as I had managed to cum once but figured I might need to again, though I figured I might try with a certain woman. I obviously wouldn't share certain details of what I'd been up to.

"Glad you're enjoying our amenities," he said.

"Apparently this is notorious."

He smirked. "It's unusual finding women in here because of the reputation of this room."

"How did you know about me?"

He glanced at the other men before leaning closer. "Marjorie," he whispered, "Filled me in on the details of a new investigator. You're being watched while you're here. But I was to meet someone else here. Where is he? How did you know about this meeting?"

Glancing at my new friends, I leaned in close to his ear in return. "He's dead in his room upstairs. Someone killed him. Tossed his room. I found a matchbook, had the details of this meeting. No idea who I was meeting. Thought it might have been a trap." I glanced at my new friends. "Got here early. Nice way to pass the time."

"Shit. If he's dead..."

"Look, I'm out of the loops here. What's going on?"

"It's Mortimer. He's… Shit, if he's aware of you, and… he's going to have me killed."

"Focus, my friend. Focus." He took a deep breath. "What do you know? Tell me everything."

He took another deep breath. "Okay, so Marjorie let me in on the fact you know the truth. The problem is that Mortimer and some of his followers are regressing. They started with people outside the gates of the Strip to start with, but recently starting kidnapping tourists, and have even gone so far as to start taking guests."

"The girl," I murmured. His nod wasn't a surprise. "She dead?" He nodded again. Shit, I'd done certain things, been involved in certain things. But the thought of eating human flesh made my skin crawl. "How do you know?"

"I joined in with them hoping I could perhaps put them back on the right path. But Mortimer is too influential. There's no chance they will stop now. It's been going on too long. Anyone who wishes to leave… is eaten."

"Fucking hell. What about the kid? Ted?"

"He's alive, as far as I know. They're trying to keep him fresh. Mortimer has special plans for him. There's a banquet every night at seven pm, in our private section. His idea is to serve the kid, tell everyone afterwards what was done, and he believes that will help their minds be open to the idea going forward."

"Where's Ted?"

"I don't know, definitely somewhere near the kitchens though. They won't want him found and he'll be kept somewhere he simply can't escape from. Your best bet is to have Marjorie sponsor you. I would but… it would look suspicious if I did, considering they know you're here investigating. Look, I'd better go. With any luck, you'll manage to save the kid and get out of here."

He stood up and walked away as I sat back and needed a couple of minutes to get my head wrapped around what I'd just been told. Little wonder the entire place had just seemed off. No doubt everyone was aware of the rumours, perhaps even knew the history of the people who were now the White Glove, but it now explained certain things.

Certainly wasn't in the mood for any more fun, wishing my new friends well as I headed out towards the pool. I enjoyed a quick dip to cool off before walking back towards the locker room where I'd left my clothes.

That's where I found my new friend leaning against the wall, a bullet wound through his forehead. "Fuck," I muttered. I checked for a pulse, but it was obvious he was dead. In fact, it was obvious he'd been executed. "Fuck," I muttered again.

I dressed quickly and walked back into the hotel proper. I found Marjorie and pretty much told her what I was told, including the fact he was dead. She was dreadfully upset by that, but she was now determined to help, however, she could. Following her into her office, she told me to wait as she disappeared, returning a few minutes later with what looked like a suit, shoes, the works.

"Put on all this so you fit in. I'll also give you a member's key and card. This will allow you to go nearly anywhere in the hotel going forward."

I started to strip off again, noticing Marjorie didn't even bother looking away, standing before her in just my underwear. I met her eyes and grinned. "People would usually turn away," I said.

"Wow," she whispered. Putting on all the clothes she gave me, the clothing was almost tailored, crisp, clean and ironed, the shoes had been polished, and Marjorie even provided a comb so I could fix my hair. Looking in a mirror, I barely recognised myself. "They won't even give you a second glance now. Guards will still ask for a pass, so just show them the card or the key."

Leaving my things in her office, I took my revolver, putting in the band of my trousers. There was a slight bulge, but I wasn't going to proceed without at least some protection, though if I could avoid killing everyone, it would be preferable. Marjorie opened the door for me and kissed my cheek. "Thank you for doing this," she whispered.

"No problem."

"If they really do have Ted, he'll be in the freezer. Escaping from that is simply impossible. You have the key. Getting him out and back to his father with nobody noticing will be tricky."

"I'll think of something, and I'll try and do it silently."

"I have a feeling there are more working for him than not." She sighed. "I really thought we'd left that behind."

"Once I'm done with Mortimer, you'll be in sole charge, Marjorie. Where the White Glove goes after this is purely your decision."

Heading for the Members Only section, a guard asked to see my card. Nothing more than a cursory glance before he gestured for me to proceed. Following the signs for the kitchen, my progress was ignored by anyone I passed, making sure I walked along looking like I belonged. In fact, I even tried to give an air of arrogance. I figured anyone who was a member would be well-to-do and thought a lot of themselves.

Unable to find the freezer on this level, I found stairs leading down to what was signed as the basement. It didn't take long for me to run into someone suspicious, asking me what I was doing.

I figured I'd just lie. "Mortimer wants the kid moved closer to dinner time," I said.

"Ah, that makes sense. Kid's getting jumpy, making a lot of noise. Sooner he's dealt with, the better. I'm getting hungry."

The freezer wasn't being guarded, but there was a chef nearby, who was preparing the meal, but also watching it closely. There was no chance I could open the door, retrieve the kid, and get away without him noticing. And I had a feeling spinning him bullshit would work. He looked stressed as it was.

Taking out my revolver, I put the barrel to the back of the chef's head. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Philippe," he replied nervously, "My name is Philippe."

"Okay, Philippe. I know exactly what's going on here. Know what I mean?" He nodded. "Very good. So we're obviously not going to be cooking human flesh. You even think of doing that, I will kill anyone involved. You want to die, Philippe?"

"No. Not now. I have too much to offer!"

"Good, so you want to live. Remember that for the next couple of hours. Now, those upstairs are obviously expecting a meal, and Mortimer is obviously expecting a meal of human flesh. I'm sure it has a distinctive taste, and I'm sure someone of your expertise, being the head chef at the Ultra-Luxe, could think of something to substitute human flesh with."

Appealing to his vanity worked a treat. Asking me to lower the revolver, I did as he asked but kept it ready to fire. He grabbed a nearby cookbook and started to explain, rather excitedly, of all the experiments he'd been doing, to produce a meal that would let those upstairs believe they were being cannibalistic but, instead, they'd just be eating regular brahmin.

"Get cooking. I'll be observing. Once you're done, I'm going to need to hold you somewhere. Can't let you alerting Mortimer or his goons. You think of running away, I'll put a bullet through your spine, then a second one in the back of your head. Understand?" He gulped but nodded. Leaning back against the wall, I watched him get to work. It was impressive watching him work, at least, eventually producing what looked like a pie. He made half a dozen of them in the end, placing them in a massive oven.

Admitting he was now done, I stripped him to his underwear and threw him into the pantry, telling him to be quiet until it was all over. Whether he would remain as the head chef or not would depend on him, and whether I told Marjorie of his involvement, as it was obvious he knew exactly what was going on. He tried to justify his actions. That earned him the revolver being pointed at his face, which made him cower back. Locking the door, I changed into Philippe's clothes and just waited for the food to stop cooking.

When it was ready, I checked the time to see the banquet would have started upstairs. I found an intercom and the head waiter asked if the food was ready. Telling him that it was, he appeared through the door a couple of minutes later. Doing a double taken upon seeing me, he asked after Philippe. I explained he'd been taken ill, but that he'd given me the rundown on what was required. Still suspicious, I added, "Can't wait to taste it myself later. This meal will go down a storm with our friends upstairs. Give Mortimer my regards."

Soon as he was gone, I opened the freezer, stepping inside to be greeted by a frightened young man. "You Ted Gunderson?" He nodded, definitely unsure and curious as to why I was asking. "Good. We're getting you out of here."

"About damned time. Who was doing this to me anyway?"

"Not now, kid. There are bigger things to deal with. Rest assured the person responsible will be dealt with."

"It's these White Gloves arseholes, isn't it? Well, I'll just have daddy deal with them."

I took a step forward, and though I was his rescuer, he was still intimidated. "Listen kid, I get you're pissed off. Your father isn't happy either. But this is purely down to a couple of fucked up people. You start a war with the White Gloves, you will start a war with the Strip. You want to be responsible for that?"

He chewed on that for a few seconds. "Well, you got a point. But if you don't know who it is, my daddy's gonna be awful mad he ain't got anyone to shoot over this."

"Don't worry, I'll be shooting someone. That will be the justice you and your father will want."

Grabbing my formal wear, I told Ted to change quickly. Once he was, I escorted him in a different direction, using service corridors and stairways to make it to the banquet room. Ducking behind a bar, I hissed at Ted to stay out of sight as I peeked over. I hadn't seen Mortimer before, but it was easy to figure out that he was the one currently standing at the head of the table, making a speech.

"There is a meat sweeter than the most corn-fed livestock. Most of you have tasted it. All of you have coveted it. Among us, it is a crime to discuss a return to the old ways that unified our people. Tonight, that all changes. The taboo ends. You don't know it yet, but you are all now guilty of a greater crime. One that ordinarily bears the harshest of punishments. For our society to be truly elite, we must dine on the most delicious, the most exclusive food known to us. And tonight, for the first time as a society, you are sampling that very dish, the meat we are forbidden to taste, the way it was meant to be eaten! Fellow members of the White Glove Society, bon appetit!"

I stood up from behind the bar and walked around it, returning mock applause to the speech. "Bravo, Mortimer. Bravo. Nice speech. Just one little problem though. They haven't who and what you think."

Ted must have stood up behind me. "What are you…? Why is he there? Who are we eating right now?"

Consternation erupted as some of the diners now realised what they would likely have eaten had I not intervened. "All you need to know is that these poor bastards are not eating human flesh, Mortimer. But your days of kidnapping and murder are at an end."

"No! These are lies! I never kidnapped anyone. And even if I did, there's no harm done. He's alive, after all."

My revolver was quickly in hand, looking around the table. "You all heard his confession, yes?" A sea of heads nodded, not sure if they feared me, or simply agreed. "What's the penalty of the White Glove Society regarding this crime?"

"Death," Marjorie stated.

"Death!" a chorus echoed.

Mortimer broke and ran for the door leading out into the casino proper. He never made it, raising the revolver and tracking him until I knew I wouldn't hit anyone else. An easy pull of the trigger, the bullet went straight through the side of the head, the force sending him spinning sideways. Slowly walking over towards his body, I put another bullet in his head to make sure.

Revolver back in my trouser band, I turned back to the diners, approaching them slowly. "Apologies you had to go through that, ladies and gentlemen. Rest assured, the meal you ate contained proper meat, though was designed to… taste a particular way. I will ensure all records of the recipe are destroyed."

I found myself thanked by all the diners for stopping the madness, letting a couple of them know about Philippe downstairs. Not caring what they did with him, I suggested he might have been involved, so whether they wanted to retain his services or not was up to them. Grabbing Ted, I escorted him back out into the casino and towards his father, who was overjoyed to see his son safe and sound.

"What the hell happened?" he asked.

I glanced at Ted. "Our friend here took care of the man responsible. It was a lone man acting alone. He was crazy."

Heck glanced at me before looking back at his father. "Are you sure?"

Ted nodded. "I remember his face. He was the one our new friend here shot dead. Put together quite the elaborate scheme so he confessed to the crime he was committing."

"What crime?"

"That doesn't matter," I replied, "What does matter is that, going forward, you will be doing business with Marjorie. I would hope that, in the future, cooler heads will prevail and that a good deal can be reached that'll suit both parties."

"Well… sure… but something about this is just…"

"Why don't we just head upstairs and relax?" Ted asked his father.

He looked at me again before he sighed. "Okay. Guess I've had enough to drink anyway."

Father and son disappeared as I walked back towards Marjorie's office. She was sitting back with a bottle of whiskey. Seeing me walk in, she smiled and gestured to the chair opposite, pouring me a drink which I definitely needed.

"What a bastard!" she exclaimed.

"He was that. Thankfully it all resolved itself with only one death."

"I'm going to make sure his body is incinerated. I'm going to launch of thorough investigation of everyone who works here. If I find out others were involved, I'll make sure they are dealt with. I have friends who can help." She sipped her drink. "That young man, Chauncey, he suggested there were others, yes?" I nodded. "Shame he's dead as I'm sure he could have provided a list of names."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out in the end."

"Consider me impressed, stranger. You managed to solve that issue remarkably quickly."

"I had help," I replied with a smile.

She finished her drink and stood up, walking around the desk and sitting herself on it. "What I would have really liked to do now is invite you upstairs to my room. But, I've got to be honest, after all that, I'm finding myself… not in the mood…"

"And I completely understand."

She leaned back to grab keys, handing them to me. "This is for the Bon Vivant suite. Consider it yours indefinitely for the help you've provided us and me. And if you find yourself staying here one night… you might just find yourself with company." She leaned forward, giving me a soft kiss on the lips. "Thank you," she whispered.

"You're very welcome."

She shuddered. "That wasn't because of you. I'm going to be thinking about that for a while. So, time for a bath and then I'm going to hopefully get some shut eye."

"I'll see you again soon, Marjorie."

I walked out into the hallway with her, escorting her to the elevators. Once the doors closed and it started to ascend, I realised I had a couple of options. I eventually wandered back to the bathhouse, noticing the area had already been cleaned up. Stripping off, I grabbed a towel and just threw it over my shoulder, walking into the steam room. I couldn't help grin as it seemed evening time was even better. Just the sounds being made was a complete turn on.

Grabbing some lube, I got myself prepared and got on my knees, leaning forward onto a bench. It took all of two minutes for my arse to be filled with cock once again. "Just what I wanted," I moaned.

Once hands reached my shoulders, that's when I was properly fucked, and when I felt him cum, I just rested my head on my arms and felt the grin form. Feeling him pull out, another thick cock slid inside me rather quickly. "Nice arse," he said.

"Thanks. It enjoys thick cock."

It went on for a couple of hours at least, more than one guy sitting in front of me while I was being fucked so I could suck some cock at the same time, swallowing more than a couple of loads to join those that were left in my arse. No idea how many fucked me in the end, but by the time I walked out, I felt plenty of cum dribble down the inside of my legs, laughing away as I enjoyed a quick dip in the pool, primarily to clean myself, before I dressed and headed out.

Walking into the Presidential Suite back at The Tops, I must have had a look on my face as Cass started to laugh as I took off my jacket and hat in our bedroom. "You've been fucked."

"I have. Ever heard of the Ultra-Luxe steam room?" She shook her head. "Apparently it's notorious."

"Ah, and I can assume why."

"Yeah, women don't go in there."

"But men do?"

"A lot of men, Cass."

"Have fun?"

"I had a blast. And so did they."

She giggled at the innuendo. "Did you clean up at least?"

"I did."

"Good. I'm glad you came back to me. Want to make love?" I couldn't help smile. "You're here with me tonight. You know that's all I want. So, make love?"

"With you, Cass, anytime, anywhere."

She smiled as I joined her in bed. "Might hold you to that one, Courier," she whispered, "Now, I think my pussy needs some attention from that talented mouth of yours. Then we can make love. Hope you're not too tired."

"Never for you."

The grin broadened. "Good. Bet you're still confused about how understanding I am, aren't you?"

"A little, considering I've just come from there to here, and you want to make love straight away."

She kissed me softly. "I'm thinking I might fool around with Veronica soon," she whispered, "Poor girl needs someone to make her cum."

"Well, I'm sure she'll enjoy your affections. And if you need some dick that isn't mine…"

"Maybe. Depends if you disappear for a few days on whatever you have planned." We kissed again before she suggested the time for talking was over. I agreed and we proceeded to enjoy an intimate couple of hours together before we both needed sleep.