
Vengeance is My Name

Waking up with no memory of who I was, where I'm from, nor why I'd been shot in the head, my intention from the moment I wake up is only one thing. Find the man who shot me and return the favour. But it is during this trial and after that I find myself drawn into events outside my control, and possibly the only man with the influence to shape the future of the Mojave and New Vegas, one way or another.

hackwriter29 · ゲーム
20 Chs

A New Sherriff

"Oh god yes," Cass moaned, one hand pressed onto my chest, her body rising and falling slowly as she rode me.

"Wow," Veronica whispered next to me, "This is… Well, rather beautiful, to be honest."

Cass had leapt on me as soon as we woke up. She was in a great mood, and by the time I was awake, she stroked my cock until I was hard, threw a leg over me, and lowered herself down. She'd been riding me for at least half an hour by now, amazed at my own stamina, to be honest. Veronica lay beside us, fingers underneath her panties, definitely fondling herself at the same time. She wanted to join in, but would wait until we'd been intimate first.

Thankfully, Cass had already enjoyed an orgasm, so she was just waiting for me. Didn't have to wait too long once she leaned forward and begged me to just fuck her and finish. Man like me didn't need a second invitation. Five minutes later, she was relaxing on my chest, my fingers trailing up and down her spine, though she made sure my cock was still inside her until it finally fell out.

We couldn't lie around all day, so dressed and popped down for breakfast before returning to our room, simply to count our caps. It took a while, but we easily had more than enough to allow the three of us access to the Strip. As I already had more than enough, they split two and a half between them, agreeing we'd start saving more back at the Lucky 38, simply because we had no idea what loomed on the horizon, and sometimes caps would be our only option.

Leaving the Wrangler again, Francine saw us off with a hug each again, hoping we'd return, particularly myself due to my continuing popularity. "Still get plenty of men coming in asking for you, cowboy," she said, "So many disappointed faces when we tell them you're doing other things now."

"It was fun while it lasted."

"I bet." She kissed my cheek. "You stay safe, the three of you. And you'll always be welcome here."

Waiting in line for the Strip, there was no missing the fact we were now heavily armed, but the Securitrons now worked for me, though I guess Yes Man hadn't sent the word that we could just come and go. I went through without being stopped, but Cass and Veronica were. Once through the gate and back at the Lucky 38, I had Yes Man send an order that three of us, plus Boone, were authorised to come and go from the Strip at our pleasure.

Heading upstairs to the suite, we unpacked the bags and looked over what we'd taken. Plenty of combat armour. More weapons than we could carry. So much ammo, it would equip a small armour. Grenades. Mines. Explosives. All sorts of knives. We probably went a little overboard, but I'd rather be over than under equipped.

"Want to handle Crimson straight away?" I wondered.

Cass nodded. "Definitely. Word about the van Graff's will spread quickly, and McLafferty isn't stupid. She'll put two and two together. Might go on the run. Or go to the NCR, claiming she needs defending, though that might just lead to questions as to why."

"Okay. Veronica, we'll head out now, scope the place out. You still want to do this without killing her, Cass?"

"Not really." I met her eyes and she grinned. "But watching her squirm will be just as satisfying. Go check it out and then we'll decide what to do next."

Veronica and I grabbed a weapon before heading downstairs and out. Quickly back in Freeside, we had to circle around to the northern exit, as it was easier getting to Crimson Caravan from there. Veronica admitted that Freeside was nowhere near as intimidating during the day than at night, though turning down the wrong road even during daylight could prove problematic.

It felt like it had been days since I'd left Freeside or the Strip, both of us greeting again by the desolation of the wasteland once was passed through the final gate. It was then that we again felt rather isolated from the world. Veronica surprised me by grabbing my hand, giving her a look. She glanced back and me and smiled.

So we walked hand in hand, weapons in our free hand, all the way to Crimson Caravan. It wasn't a long walk, and the area surrounding it was rather peaceful, no doubt kept that way by mercenaries. Crimson Caravan itself was within concrete walls, so I assumed the company had set up within the ruins of pre-war settlement or base.

No-one stopped us entering, Veronica letting go of my hand. "I'll head to the main office," she whispered, "You scope things out."

"Good idea."

I learned quickly that there were plenty of guards and they were rather well armed. Definitely backed by the NCR though none of the guards were soldiers, but it was possible they were ex-soldiers. There were five buildings though only three appeared to be in use. Veronica headed to the main office, while it was easy to figure out the guard barracks, and I eventually wandered into the caraveneer barracks, though it was rather quiet in there.

The place was well-organised, well-protected, and perhaps most concerning, incredibly busy. Getting in and killing McLafferty, and then escaping even during the evening, would be almost impossible, not without leaving a trail of bodies behind, and while I'd killed a lot of people since waking up, I generally tried to avoid killing innocent people. Simply breaking and entering to get evidence was going to be the safest way of handling things, but even that was going to be difficult.

Sitting by a campfire, Veronica walked out of the office an hour later, grinning away at people she walked by. Grabbing my hand, she led us out and away, back towards the Freeside gate. She explained that, while talking to McLafferty, posing as someone interested in getting involved in the business, she'd had a good look around and she figured, if there was evidence anywhere about what agreement was made between Crimson and the van Graff's, it would be in the safe of the main office.

Back at the Lucky 38 an hour or so later, we gathered around the kitchen table to discuss the best way of approaching. Doing it at night would be the best option, but I suggested it had to be the dead of night, early morning when every guards would be half asleep. Other than that, it was a case of getting in, grabbing the evidence, and getting out as quickly and as quietly as possible.

We agreed getting a little sleep would be a good idea if we would be up late, though heading to bed naturally led to Cass and I wanting to do other things. Veronica had gone to sleep in the guest room, but amusingly, as soon as she heard Cass and I fucking, she wandered in naked to watch, and I found watching her masturbating a little distracting. Cass giggled as I looked from her to Veronica, who then surprised me further by sliding a couple of fingers into her pussy before offering them to me to suck.

I enjoyed her taste immediately and let her know that. Despite the fact she was openly masturbating in front of me, the compliment still made her blush. "Right, time to focus on mine," Cass stated, "Think it needs to be filled with cum again."

Veronica giggled again as I set about doing what she wanted. Arms wrapped under her knees, her heels resting on my shoulders, she could look down and see my cock pounding her something serious, watching her face for a reaction. All she did was smile, moan, and urge me to keep fucking her. Leaning down to kiss her, I returned plenty of compliments about how good she felt. It got a little vulgar between us, causing Veronica to start giggling again.

"You'll be saying the same thing when his cock is buried in you, Veronica," Cass murmured.

"Honestly can't wait, but I'd rather it not be rushed. I want a whole night as I've never been with a man. Obviously."

I lasted another few minutes before I groaned loudly and enjoyed a rather nice orgasm, Cass wrapping her arms and legs around me as we made out for a little longer. Pulling back and out, I laid down and Cass immediately straddled me, lying on my chest, ready to ride me once we'd caught our breath and I was hard again.

"What made you want to try?" Cass asked.

"I just do. Sometimes you can't explain things. I watch you with him and I just had this thought of 'That looks like fun. I'd like to try it.' And considering how happy he seems to make you every time. I mean, every morning, you appear with a smile on your face."

"That's because he's usually just made me cum before breakfast."

"And that's what I mean."

Cass rode me a little later through a couple of orgasms before I set the alarm clock to wake us in the early evening. Veronica stayed with us, Cass spooned against me, Veronica spooned against her, all of us snuggling under the blankets. Resting my hand on Veronica's chest, she grabbed and gave it a squeeze, holding it as we slept.

First thing we did upon waking was shower, the three of us doing so together. I'd now seen Veronica naked quite a bit, and she appreciated the fact I was as hard for her as I was for Cass. Her body was gorgeous and I let her know I was looking forward to making love with her. When I said it that way, the smile that appeared was ever so sweet.

After dinner was served by the robot servants, we waited around playing cards until it was time to make our move. It was after midnight, the moon wasn't out, so the only concern was passing through Freeside, and we had no idea what the area around Crimson Caravan was like at night. But we agreed we couldn't delay.

Revolver at my hip, I took one of the laser rifles. It wasn't a silent weapon, but didn't make anywhere near as much noise compared to a shotgun or rifle. Cass wasn't taking a weapon, admitting if she came face to face with McLafferty, she would lose her temper. Veronica took a plasma weapon, as it was quieter than most other weapons we had.

Freeside was bathed in darkness as always. The light pollution from the Strip barely provided any light. I flicked on the Pip-Boy light, simply so we didn't trip over anything, but it was a beacon for any undesirables who thought we'd make an easy target. One thought he'd stop us with nothing but a knife. Finding two energy weapons aimed at him, he dropped the knife and fled into the darkness, the three of us almost falling over in laughter.

We kept weapons free after passing through the north gate, as we were once again in bandit country, as Cass loved to say. Sticking to the roads was the best idea, and though it was a delay, it was no more than a few minutes, and provided peace of mind.

Reaching the outskirts of Crimson Caravan, we scoped out the area before making our move. There were very few guards on patrol on the outside, only one guard at the entrance, and life appeared still within the walls itself. "How do we get past the guard?" Cass asked.

"Subterfuge," I replied, "Or maybe… you know…"

Cass glanced at me and grinned. "You wouldn't?"

"If it works, why not? Can you pick a lock?"

"I can," Veronica replied, "Go do your thing, cowboy."

Wandering around to make it look like I was a traveller, I approached the guard, who gave me a curious glance as I stopped before him. "This Crimson Caravan?" I asked.

"Sure. Who are you?"

"Just a traveller. Weird time to arrive, I know. Hoping to pick up some work. Not got a lot of caps."

"Yeah, everyone is asleep, friend. Can't let you in just now."

"Want a smoke?"


Offering him a cigarette, I lit it up as we leaned back against the wall, smoking in silence. Once it was finished, I said, "There anything I can do for you that might get me beyond the gate, maybe get a bed for the night?"

I gave him a look that any man would understand. When he smirked, I almost laughed at how easy it was. "Sure, there's something you can do. Follow me."

He led me away from the gate, walking around the nearest corner, leaning back against the wall as he undid his button and fly, dropping his trousers and underwear to reveal his cock, I got to work, simply hoping I wouldn't hear any shouting or gunfire from within the walls. As for my new friend, he certainly enjoyed himself, moaning and groaning as my head bobbed up and down.

"Fuck yeah," he groaned, "Done this before, haven't you?"

"Might have done," I replied.

"Mouth like yours, you've got experience. Want to suck some more cock inside?"

"Man after my own heart."

"Like being fucked?"

I almost scoffed. "I love sucking and being fucked at the same time."

"Yeah, you'll be popular around here."

He started to thrust and that's what I knew he was getting close. He was polite enough to warn me, feeling his warm cum eventually fill my mouth, swallowing it down each time before he was finally empty, continuing to blow him until he simply had to ask me to stop. I was polite enough to help him lift up his trousers and underwear.

He led me back to the gate, gesturing for me to head inside, heading towards the guest barracks, and that he would definitely introduce me around the next morning. There were next to no guards patrolling inside the grounds, so I figured security was rather lax at this time in the morning. Heading towards the barracks, I simply leaned against a wall out of sight, waiting for Cass and Veronica to appear.

I breathed a sigh of relief when they appeared around fifteen minutes later. I flipped on my lighter to signal where I was. Thankfully, they noticed and headed straight for me. "Okay, how do we get out?" Veronica asked.

"You get what you needed?"

"Yes," Cass whispered, "Evidence that is going to bury the bitch."

"Okay. We'll leave by the other exit. This time, it will have to be a little violent. I won't kill him, just put him to sleep."

"Awww, he's missing out on a blowjob," Veronica joked.

"That wasn't for my enjoyment this time. Got you inside. That's all that mattered." I paused a moment and grinned. "Did have an offer for a lot more fun though. But that's not important. Ready?"

They nodded and we headed to the opposite exit. The gate was closed, so I knocked on it, the guard opening the gate. A quick jab to the throat had him gasping for air, and I pulled the same move that I'd done with the guard in the Silver Rush, only difference that I made sure he was still breathing when I gently placed him against the wall. Assuring Cass and Veronica that he'll live, we moved off quickly, heading towards a different gate into Freeside.

Seated around the kitchen table once again, the evidence Cass picked up was irrefutable. Add it to what we'd picked up at the Silver Rush, and to say McLafferty was fucked would be an understatement. "So who do we give this to?"

"I reckon the embassy would be rather interested in seeing this. They can then deal with it. I'm sure they know about the Silver Rush already, so now it's just a case of dealing with McLafferty. We'll take it to them in the morning. Get this done quickly," Cass suggested.

Needed another shower, Veronica admitting she'd been rather nervous once through the gate, though Cass assured her they'd been safe the entire time. I wasn't entirely sure about that, considering the number of guards that would have been asleep inside the barracks, but we'd made it out safe, had the information we needed, and Cass was looking happier with life in general.

Veronica wanted to spoon against me that night, much to the amusement of Cass. When she pressed her body against mine for the first time, I was rock hard instantly. She felt it, gasping and giggling at the same time. "Oh my," she whispered, hearing Cass laughing at the same time.

"I think she likes it," Cass sang.

"It feels nice, but also weird."

"I'm impressed," I whispered, "I thought you would never have been interested."

"I never really gave being with a man a thought, simply because I always found myself attracted to women. But there's something about you I like."

The next morning, I woke up hard as usual, making Veronica laugh, as she did wonder if I'd remained hard the entire night. I assured her that was unlikely. She flipped around, Cass cuddling into her back, as she trailed a hand down my chest and didn't hesitate in caressing my cock. I simply smiled, remaining silent, as she returned the smile. "Wow, it's… hard but also soft… weird…"


"I always thought I'd be intimidated or scared, but it's just… a dick…"

"Well, yeah."

She chewed on her bottom lip, no doubt thinking what to do, then caught me by surprise by leaning up to kiss me. And it was no peck either, it was deep and meaningful within seconds, Cass letting her go as she leaned into me, my hand moving down her back to her arse, pulling her tight to my body. "About damned time," Cass said with humour.

When she pulled back, the colour in her cheeks was amusing, chuckling to myself as she blushed a little brighter. "It's a little exciting," she whispered.

"Whenever you're ready, Veronica."

"I feel ready now but… you know… it's a big thing."

"So you're not ready. Only when you come to me, grab my collar and demand I fuck you…"

"He doesn't quite mean it like that," Cass added, "He just means no doubt in your mind. One hundred percent ready to go."

"Just don't want you to regret anything. You say you won't now, but if you still have that niggle in your mind, you should still listen to it."

Veronica kissed me again, I think thanking me for taking any pressure off her shoulders. I had no expectations from her nor anyone. It would be her choice in the end, though did I want to sleep with her? Of course I did. She was beautiful, but also rather cute, her intelligence was off the charts, and her curiosity in everything was frankly adorable. I was a lucky man to have her in my life.

After breakfast, we headed outside, the sheer fact we walked out of the Lucky 38 still drawing attention, though word had started to spread that I'd been responsible for a number of recent events, and I had a feeling I was viewed with suspicion, fear, adoration and… I'm not sure. But there was finger pointed, whispered words, and the small crowd parted as we headed towards the embassy.

The NCR was a horseshoe of small buildings ringed by a simple wire fence, but there was a number of military policemen on patrol. Approaching the gates, we were stopped by a raven haired woman, obviously the commanding officer. She looked the three of us over before her eyes looked me up and down more than once. I could read her eyes. They were not friendly.

"So you're the new hotshot on the Strip. Just because you can walk around on the Strip with your guns doesn't make you a big shot."

"Excuse me?"

She scoffed. "Oh please, like you don't know that everyone on the Strip knows exactly who you are. Considering your get-up, the fact you have been seen entering and leaving the Lucky 38, and House just happened to have died during your first visit, it's not hard to figure out just who you are. So what do you want?"

"We would like to see the ambassador."

She shrugged. "Go inside and see if he's available."

Standing aside, we simply walked on in, so I guess she didn't think we were a danger. "What a bitch," Cass muttered under her breath.

"Damn, I thought Brotherhood Paladins had a chip on her shoulder," Veronica added.

"Know what she needs, Veronica?"


"A Courier deep dicking." Cass laughed at herself as I just stopped and stared at her. She just smirked at me once done laughing. "Oh please, I know you already, remember?"

"I didn't… I haven't…" I paused and couldn't help grin. "Well, I do like them feisty, but she's something else."

Heading inside, the office of the ambassador was clearly signed and we ended up stood before a rather annoyed receptionist, glancing up at us with obvious disinterest. "How can I help you?" she asked, just about managing to sound polite.

"We'd like to speak to the ambassador."

"And you are?"

"I'm the Courier."

Instant attention, as she stood up and walked to the door behind her. Poking her head through the gap, she had a very short conversation before returning, gesturing for us to enter immediately. Walking into the ambassador's office, greeted by a dark-skinned, bald headed man, offering his hand, a firm handshake that I appreciated, doing the same with Cass and Veronica, before he gestured towards the available seats. Once sat down, he wasted no time getting down to business.

"Just to confirm, you are the one they call the Courier."

"I am."

"And Mister House is now dead, correct?"

"Dead by my hand."

"And you now live at the Lucky 38?"

"I do."

"Then I guess I would have to consider you the one in charge of the New Vegas Strip then. The Securitrons obey your commands?" I nodded. "And what of the casinos?"

"The Chairmen and the White Gloves accept the new reality. I am not sure of the Omertas just yet. I've had other matters to deal with. They will be made aware soon enough. It's up to them whether they accept and move on, or they don't and they are dealt with."

"What are your intentions now that you seem to be in charge?"

"I haven't decided yet, to be honest."

"Do you have any issue with the presence of the NCR on the Strip or in the Mojave?"

"Not at the moment. I obviously don't know all the details of your relations and agreements you made with House."

He nodded. "Why did you kill him?"

"I was shot myself, twice in the head, due to a conspiracy he was involved in, that involved the former leader of the Chairman, other tribes in the area, and no doubt would have impacted nearly everyone living in and around the New Vegas Strip. Putting it simply, they messed with the wrong man."

"What do you think of the NCR?"

Shrugging, I admitted, "I don't know enough about you yet. What I do appreciate is that it is thanks to your army that the dam and the Strip have remained safe from the Legion."

"What are you intentions regarding them?"

"I have none. Never met Caesar. I have met one of his officers in Nipton. Heard what happened there?" He nodded. "I was given a warning about what the Legion intended, but it's probably been heard before. Other than that, the Legion haven't bothered me personally, though I'm aware of their reputation."

Now that he had an understanding of me, he filled me in on certain things I might not have known about. For example, he explained the New Vegas Treaty, which had been agreed between the NCR and House, and now that I was seen as the one in charge, he made sure I understood what the agreement entailed. For the moment, I wasn't too worried about such matters. I'd worry about it once the impending battle between Legion and the NCR was resolved. It wasn't hard to figure out that a second battle for control was on the horizon.

I was surprised he made no real requests of me, though did mention matters that plagued the NCR, and aware that I'd proven to be a man who could get things done, he did wonder if I'd be willing to assist, suggesting that if I proved to be a friend of the NCR, they might be more amendable to slight changes or perhaps new agreements if I were to take leadership on the Strip. I didn't particularly want to tell him I had no real plans to undertake such a position, but I figured having friends in the NCR would still help in the future.

The last matter of business was why we had visited in the first place, Cass handing over all the evidence we'd picked up regarding the attacks on her caravans, and the agreement between Crimson and the van Graff's. He read everything over slowly, and I'm fairly sure the colour of his skin faded the more he read. He eventually looked up, straight at Cass. "I'm sorry, Miss Cassidy. This… this is an outrage. Miss O'Malley?!"

She appeared in the doorway behind us. "Yes, ambassador?"

"Please get Ranger Jackson on the radio. I need to speak with him immediately."

"At once, ambassador."

She disappeared as he looked back at us. "I've heard rumour about events taking place at the Silver Rush. I sent a couple of people to have a look. From the report I received, the building burned to the ground. Found a few bodies inside, none recognisable. Your handiwork?"

"Of course," Cass stated somewhat proudly, "I lost at least three caravans and some good people."

"I'm not making a judgement, Miss Cassidy. Things are handled differently in the Mojave, and considering what you've provided here, I certainly can't complain."

"What about Miss Lafferty?" I asked, "Surely what's she's involved in must be considered some sort of crime."

"The evidence here is clear proof of guilt. We will have to perform our own checks but… while awkward, we cannot let this sort of corruption and intimidation stand. We are not the Legion." He looked at Cass again. "Do you expect any sort of compensation from the NCR for your losses?"

"No. I just want that bitch to squirm as she's hauled off in chains."

"Leave this with me, Miss Cassidy. I can assure you Miss Lafferty will certainly have many questions to answer, and you have my promise that this sort of matter will not be swept under the rug."

"Ranger Jackson on the radio for you, sir," his receptionist called.

We followed the ambassador to the radio room, where he reported in what we'd found. Jackson asked for all copies of evidence, and he would certainly help matters from his end, while the ambassador stated he would ensure the evidence was provided to the powers that be who could deal with it as we would expect. Cass was polite enough to thank him, his last words being to wish us luck and he hoped I would take up his offer of assistance, before we walked back onto the Strip.

"Should have just killed her," Cass muttered.

"You did the right thing, Cass," Veronica said, "The NCR is one of the few tribes to have law and order. I guess that would be considered a sign of civilisation, that matters are not handled at the barrel of a gun, but by things like courts and judges, and while death might be the outcome, at least their guilt is confirmed thanks to evidence and arguments." She paused before adding, "Gloria van Graff deserved to burn though. Bitch."

"Where the fuck do I fit in this then?"

"I've read about those old world gunslingers," Veronica replied, "I know there were cowboys. There were also people called sheriffs, and also marshals, who would pursue, and then capture or kill outlaws. Considering what side of any law you would appear to stand, I think you fit that side of history." She looked me up and down. "Certainly match the pictures I've seen."

I certainly felt a smile form returning to the Lucky 38, seeing Emily waiting outside for us with four other Followers by her side. I gave her a light hug and a kiss on the cheek, immediately inviting them inside. Between the penthouse and penthouse suite was another level of rooms, so we set them up there, ensuring the robots would also look after them as they did us. The five immediately headed downstairs, though Emily was last, ensuring we enjoyed quite the passionate embrace before she joined them downstairs.

"Well, she definitely likes you," Cass said.

Sitting in the kitchen, sharing a bottle of vodka, I was mulling over an idea that had been forming ever since I'd put a bullet in House. Mentioning the idea to my companions, they thought it was a great idea, so I headed down the Yes Man and mentioned it to him. He agreed, naturally, promising me that what I needed would be ready when I requesting.

I spent an hour putting together something that I thought was necessary considering everything that had happened since I woke up in Goodsprings. Veronica looked over and checked every so often, giving her own suggestions from time to time, but by the time I was done, it was going to be simple, informative, and hopefully effective.

Back by Yes Man, I sat down on a chair in front of his screen. "Everyone will hear this?" I asked.

"Every radio station frequency will be intercepted, while loudspeakers along the Strip itself will spread your word. The entire Mojave will hear what you have to say."

"Okay. Here we go. We on?"

"You're on."

I cleared my throat and started to read my prepared speech.

"People of the Mojave and the New Vegas Strip, this is the Courier speaking. Some of you may have heard about me. Some of you may have seen me on the Strip or somewhere in the Mojave. I'm sure many have heard stories and rumours about me, who I am, what I am doing, and I'm sure you're now wondering why you are hearing my voice.

On October 19th, 2281, I woke up in Goodsprings having been shot twice in the head. The reason I was shot: the retrieval of what, on appearances, was little more than a poker chip. I would learn over the next few weeks the simple chip was anything but.

Since waking up in Goodsprings, I have helped defend that town from a group of gang members and have since travelled the Mojave, righting whatever wrongs I generally found. My journey led me south through Primm, the Mojave Outpost, then east to Nipton, north to Novac and Boulder City, eventually into Freeside before I finally made it to the New Vegas Strip.

I will not lie to you, good people of the Mojave. The man who shot me was found and dealt with, and the property taken from me was retrieved. But I discovered I had found myself fin the middle of a grand conspiracy. Therefore, the next move was to meet with Mister House and find out just what I was involved in. What I've learned is that Mister House was… ambitious is putting it mildly, but should he have been allowed to bring his plans to fruition, the Strip and Mojave would have changed and, I believe, not for the better. Mister House was already a tyrant in how he ran New Vegas, and with the additional power in his hands, all residing in a simple poker chip, everything would have changed for the worse.

Therefore, Mister House was dealt with.

I am sure many of you are now wondering who is in charge and what the future now holds for yourselves and the entire Mojave. At the moment, the NCR consider myself as having replaced Mister House as the leader of New Vegas. However, I will not just assume leadership. I am aware of the relationship Mister House had forged with the Three Families, so my first requirement will be to speak with them individually, or as a group, depending on what they wish.

Otherwise, the situation on the Strip is business as usual. The Strip will remain open to guests and visitors from the Mojave and NCR. Continue to enjoy yourselves in the casinos and other entertainment provided. But, at the same time, continue to obey the law. There is no power vacuum now that Mister House is dead. I will not allow anarchy to descend upon the Strip. The Securitrons will still provide protection where necessary.

I do not know what the future will bring and I am not one to make nor offer promises. But I can assure you that the New Vegas Strip will remain safe and open, and that I will ensure that is will continue to provide entertainment but also the safety and security we want and need.

This is the Courier, signing off.

Goodnight, New Vegas."

I sat down and took a deep breath, Cass immediately pressing a glass into my hand, taking a sip of the whiskey. "Well, I think there is a definitely a new sheriff in town," she joked, kissing my cheek.

"Everyone now knows who is in charge, nominally at least," Veronica added, "Now it's a case of how everyone reacts."

That was the only thing that had worried me about the speech. The reaction from every major group and tribe across the Mojave. I guess I would find out in the coming days and weeks.