
What happened to Han Xin's mother

Han Jing woke up, his eyes heavy and uncooperative. When the light penetrated his eyelids, the pain was so excruciating it felt as though his eyes had been set alight.

He shut them tightly, taking a deep breath, only to feel a sharp pang in his chest that made his sore eyes tear up. He tried to get up, but his body refused to obey. His fingers, his legs...nothing responded. Panic began to set in as he struggled to recall how he had ended up here.

Fragments of memory surfaced. He remembered his impulsive yell, confessing to Han Xin that he had killed his mother. That brat Xiang Yu had shot him in the arm and dragged him by his hair, leaving streaks of blood on the floor. The last clear memory was Xiang Yu's hard punch knocking him out. After that, everything was a blur.