
No hawthorns for husband (needs proof reading)

AN: Taking a day off. See you Sunday. Happy reading. 

Xiang Yu strutted back to Lian and Mei, a triumphant grin on his face as he waved the money he had swindled from Han Xin. Swindled was the wrong word. Borrowed was more like it. Xiang Yu planned to return all of his money when he returned to Zhen. After all, he was the crown prince of an entire country, so he didn't feel bad about it. 

"Let's go get you some hawthorns," he declared, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Lian and Mei, giggling with excitement, grabbed Baihe by the arm and pulled him along. Xiang Yu led the way to the vendor who hadn't had many sales today. The old lady was so happy to see them. She made them from scratch just for them. Xiang Yu bought multiple sticks of hawthorns and distributed them to everyone. He was so generous that even Yi Nuo and Han Zhan received one. 

Han Zhan, who usually found such treats childish, accepted it with a reluctant smile.