
"Perhaps the general just wants an excuse to see my feet,"

Han Xin descended the mountain his mind spinning. He had the strong feeling that Xiang Yu was close by but after searching in and around the camp he found nothing. He had searched for him as much as he could, but he couldn't shake this gut feeling that he was around. He also couldn't help but think of the heavily guarded cage draped with a damp cloth that was at the edge of the military camp. He couldn't get in close to take a look because it was guarded. He was curious about who Xiang Yu had captured. 

Because his mind was filled with unanswered questions his expression was grim. As he reached the group, he announced, "We should head back." The men quickly got up ready to follow his orders. Han Xin's eyes flickered to Princess Xiu as one soldier brought his horse to him. She was hopping on one leg, looking rather pitiful.