
I hate him

"sky is really weird" Ryan said

"mnn" baby said and continued to press his phone.

"just mnnn" Ryan said and glanced at baby's phone. he's chatting with this girl again.

"daisy love emoji. looks so intimate" Ryan said. "are you jealous?" baby replied not sparing him a glance.

"I'm not, just interested in what is so interesting that you can't even spare me a glance" he said.

"it's a secret" baby said and opened his phone gallery, selected a picture of him and Ryan and sent it to daisy.

"you have forgotten your old love now that you've found a new one." Ryan complained like a wronged wife.

"don't be so dramatic, she just asked if you'd be my date for the Halloween party." baby said and dropped his phone.

"huh, did she hit her head on something?, how can I be your date when I'm about to ask my cute mia to be my date to the party." Ryan said with a dreamy smile on his face.

"awwn, my little boy is about to grow up. when do you plan on asking her?" baby asked. "on my birthday." Ryan replied.

"I hope you won't cry on your birthday for being rejected. but don't worry if she rejects you, I'd lend you my shoulder to cry on." baby said and took his phone to reply daisy's message.

"let's try to be optimistic, I'm not that bad." Ryan said.

"mnn let's be optimistic, but I saw her secretly following Romeo today." baby said

"Romeo again, thankfully he'd be your date." he said patting his chest. "I'm going alone" baby replied

"alone? oops! i forgot that you'd have to leave the party for two hours" Ryan said in a very low tone.

"make sure he's safe during my absence. he'd surely make a move that night." baby said. "yes boss." Ryan replied.


"how was school today?" Luciana asked her brother who was reading an anatomy textbook.


"when I talk to you, you answer me don't be rude" Luciana scolded and collected the textbook he was reading.

Richard shook his head and said " it was fine, can you return my book now?"

"Richard Smith, I've always told you to act your age, I bought a lot of comics and novels for you but you didn't read it instead you read this." Luciana lamented.


"I'd ask you again, how was school?" Lucy said.

"I met a girl of my age and the rest are quite understandably foolish" he replied.

at least he met someone he didn't call foolish Luciana though and asked "so.. how's she?, do you think she's cool?".

"she's quite cool, intelligent, interesting attitude. we have some things in common but I think she hates me" he replied with his lips curved up.

I would be really surprised if she doesn't hate you Lucy said in her mind.


"Amelia, why do you look so grumpy?" Becca asked

"I hate him" she replied.

"huh, hate who?" Becca asked.

"we have a new boy in our class, he's really arrogant, i was just trying to be friendly but he kept snubbing me. he said that if I have a spare time I should use it to solve my Olympiad mathematics or improve myself in other subjects. if I don't, I won't reach his level in another seven years. fucking seven years sis." Amelia said almost in tears due to excess anger.

"mind your language. continue" Becca replied.

"he said being in grade 9 at 10 is just a privilege. he said I only worth being his servant, him taking me as a disciple will only hurt his reputation. who does he think he is. he was actually solving an advanced physics question. I accept the fact that he's intelligent but does he have to be arrogant and narcissistic." Amelia said without stopping and drank a cup of water.

I really love this view, the almighty Amelia who doesn't talk much actually said all this. who on earth made the little princess of the Lucas family this mad Becca thought and creased her brows.

"who's the person you're talking about?" Becca asked.

"Richard Smith" Amelia screamed.

meanwhile to the Richard who doesn't know what was going on.

"achoo, achoo, achoo" he sneezed. but the weather isn't that cold, let me just continue reading my book he thought.