
Chapter 6 New Companion

"Finally! Behold you 'Pokemon' and tainers watch out your asses because they are soon to be kicked!!" Vegeta announced his arrival to the world like demon lord.

Bam*"Don't yell early in morning, you sick!" His mother smacked his head to be burried in mud.

"Ah.." Vegeta growned in pain.

Yesterday, she took her precious time familizing with her son. Her name is Gina and she was his birth mother, also a saiyan and she was here from heaven to have a little vacation. He was first shocked then became nervous since he didn't know how to have proper conversation. He only answered in 'yes, no, hmm! Hmmm!! Hmmm!! And ahhh!!' only. He didn't know how Nappa was doing all this.

Without saying anything he started to walk towards Veredian City until his mother grabbed his shirt. "What now!?"

She didn't said anything just gave a heart warming hug to her son. Vegeta just stood there and didn't do anything. "Take care honey." He nodded and left with pride with lillte bit red cheeks.

[Oo #Mamas_Vegeta.. this is one in life time Vegeta after your #My_baby_boy_Trunks when you charged at Cell after he killed Trunks. video.mp4]

"DAMMIT NAPPPPAAAA!!!" Vegeta roared scaring all inhabbited Pokemon not that any left that is...


[Happy Miss Gine?]

"Pretty satisfied. At least he is an total ass like his father and his prince of all saiyans pride but overall he is okay. At least he give his time to his family." She also hated King Vegeta. "Thanks nappa. Your big skull finally started to work for better."

[Why, thank you Miss Gina. This is least I can do.]

She nodded and turn her head. "Hey stop hiding there like total bitch and come out hear."

"Ohh ha ha... I-I was j-just passing by. I will see you then." Oak said and tried to run away only to be grab Ed by collar. 'fuck me..'

"Where are you going my adorable Dr Doolittle. Wear those and change. Come in 15 minutes to my house with your old pets and entertain me." Gina ordered and left without giving poor Oak any chance.

He looked at dog collar and stripes who M wears. Gina was prime reason why he was so afraid of Vegeta. She had already demonstrated her might by blowing up an island easily. So when Vegeta was mumbling about destroying this world. He knew, if not Vegeta, Gina can sure do that. He can't contract the league because of orders of Gina or his existence will become a history."Sigh* fuc*k my life. Should I pray to Arceus??"


After leaving the home, he directly went to Veredian City where he got quick check up and left. Apparently gym there is locked. After cursing gym and owner. He heft to next destination Pewter City through Viridian Forest.

Ding*[Mission: clear Viridian Forest and read Pewter City.

Status: on going

Reward: 2000$]

Vegeta ignored this and continued.

[Vegeta stop!]

"What now Nappa? I don't have time for your shitty jokes!" Vegeta said in annoyed. Well he is less annoyed then before.

[Turn around]

He turned around and saw a man in his thirties with glasses and plane hair.

"The hell are you, four eyes?"

[You Vegeta I am busy guy and have work to do. That's why I have appointed a helper for you. His name is Jimmy Firecracker. Yup same reporter of cell games. He will help you when I am not around.

Wait I didn't came. Lick my rod fully until I cum.. yeah I know it is extremely big but it's real Saiyan pride.. ahhs that's my girl your bonus is double.

Ahh where was I Vegeta, yes bye Vegeta.] Nappa closed the screen by himself for first time.

"The fuc*kkkk!" Vegeta roared and became angry by knowing what Nappa was doing. He look towards Jimmy and punched him.

"Ahhh!" Jimmy cried helding his nose.

"I hate Cell so do you." Vegeta then throw his bag to him. "Let's go 4 eyes and make yourself useful!" Without waiting he started to walk.

Jimmy take out a spray and heal his nose. He then remembered what was his deal with devil.

Flashback start-

"May I come in sir?."

"Oh Jimmy Firecracker right? Come and sit. Relax yourself."

Jimmy entered a big room and sat on sofa besides a man with large build, bald head and has mustache. On both of his tights sitting two beautiful girls to whom he was ogling with.

Nappa nodded and two girls quitely stood and stand on both side of Nappa like professional office ladies.

"So Jimmy? Right did you consider my offer carefully?"

"Y-YES I have. I have to go to different world and help a person to complete his journey. I have also played games and watched anime on how that world works." Jimmy answered. After Cell games he lost his job and started to find new job but can't. Then he came to Nappa and he offered him job, although somewhat risky, but way profitable. Permanent job, girls and car with high salery. People dreams to work on Nappa Entertainment Company and he wont going to lose his chance.

"Very good Jimmy! My secretary will guide you for remaining procedures. Good luck." Nappa said. He knew how to make humans work in fullest. Jimmy nodded and left.

"Ohh poor thing~ I wonder how long he will live.." Nappa said then signaled his girl to continue his night workout.

Flashback ends-

When Jimmy saw and heard his name, he become pale as he knew monsters from cell games. He prayed one last time then followed Vegeta for his dangerous adventures.

First out Vegeta's journey in Viridian Forest in next episode of Vegeta in Pokemon world...

short but..... workable...

J_Titancreators' thoughts