
Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED]

Completed/Dropped A normal man, through some bullshit luck, got chosen to reincarnate in another world after getting killed by the legendary Truck-kun. Distraught at the fact that he died without losing his V-Card, he becomes impatient and wanted to get the reincarnation process over quickly. Because of this, he ended up annoying the ROB overseeing his reincarnation, and to spite him, the ROB rigged his quest system. Because of this he ended up being forced to keep the timelines of the worlds he travels to intact and as close to canon as possible. If not, the world collapses. The problem? The bad guys all have power ups while the good guys get nothing. Follow our resident MC as he tried to keep the timelines intact while doing his best to become relevant and interact with the characters... and maybe get some girls on the way. Maybe. ----- First world: MHA I'm planning to have harem in the story but I REALLY want to keep it small, like 1-2 people per world, 3 if we're pushing it and it's a harem heavy world (e.g. DXD). During the beginning, the MC's personality will be... finicky. I haven't really decided what personality to give the MC at this point. Well, I tried giving him a cool-headed personality, but... that backfired. I don't want to write a character like that. So yeah, you have been warned. The story will generally follow canon but the way certain events are carried out can change. First time writing, I accept constructive criticism, tell my how I can improve and I'll do my best! I also apologise for any plot holes. DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except for my own OC. The cover pic is something I found off google, it's not mine.

DJDAN · アニメ·コミックス
130 Chs

Chapter 98 to be continued

We all entered the NIghteye agency building together. After walking through some twists and turns with Mirio and Izuku leading us, we finally arrived at a rather large conference room.

Inside said room are many heroes from all over, but they are mostly divided into two different categories. The first category of heroes in the room is mostly local heroes, heroes that aren't famous outside of their territory. The other category is those who had some dealings with the Shie Hassaikai group in one way or another.

Rumi Usagiyama, or should I say, Mirko, is part of the latter group. Yeah, she's participating.

Participating in what, exactly? Well…

Nighteye- "It seems that we're all here. Shall we begin our discussions then?"

Nighteye, the hero who called us all together, spoke up.

Nighteye- "As of 2 days ago, I have received an anonymous tip on a designated villain group, Shie Hassaikai, that contained… disturbing pieces of information."

Oh that was me :3

While Nighteye, Bubble Girl and Centipeder continued speaking about the information I gave them a couple of days ago, Rumi walked up next to me, on the opposite side of Momo. She didn't have any reason to do so. She didn't specifically want to talk, nor did she feel like doing lewd stuff to my hand, like holding it, for example. She just wanted to stand there. I'm feeling fuzzy again.

Speaking of which, there is a valid reason why Rumi is participating in today's raid on the yakuza.

(A/N: I mean, other than plot.)

I gave info to Nighteye that Kai Chisaki is most likely extracting the blood of his foster daughter and turning them into bullets that can erase quirks. Furthermore, I told him that I, Arata, met her a couple of days ago and said daughter is already in my custody.

Because of this, I had a right to participate in the raid, and by extension, so did Rumi and Momo. Well, I'm sure my LUK stat also had a hand.

Nighteye continued to mention more information about the Hassaikai members, their quirks, and even rumours that he's close to making a complete quirk erasing bullet.

Or course, thanks to my efforts, that's a complete impossibility.

[You have an ominous feeling.]

Damn, it's not an impossibility? Kai already made it? Well fuck, I gotta change my plans a bit.

After thinking a bit more on countermeasures and praying to my LUK stat and Egg-sama, the ominous feeling went away. Of course, I still wouldn't let my guard down, but it's relieving.

Anyway, we finished up the meeting and we're immediately moving out since, thanks to my information, they already have all the information they need.

As an aside, no one knows it was me that infiltrated and kidnapped Eri 2 days ago. I gave the credit to Iron Man. This alternate persona is so helpful!

Anyway, we all left to prepare and within 5 hours, we were all gathered in front of the main Shie Hassaikai base along with a small army of police officers.

Like in canon, the chief officer in charge of today walked forward to press the doorbell… the gate bell? Well, it's a bell that lets people know there's people at the gate entrance.

Just before he pushed it, however…


???- "Oh yeah!"

Like the fucking cool aid man, a giant man wearing a mask bursts out, knocking a few unlucky police officers into the air. Luckily, Aizawa-sensei and Izuku caught them.

(A/N: Wait… I already used this joke… FUCK!)

Ryukyu- "Get back!"

Ryuko Tatsuma, the pro hero Nejire is doing her work studies under, ran up and transformed into her dragon form, catching the follow up punch the villain threw.

Ryukyu- "The Ryukyu agency will take care of this! Go on and finish the job!"

Nighteye- "Ah, no, it should be fine."

Everyone- "… Nani?"

Nighteye- "I didn't mention this but the person who gave me this info also gave me something else. He said to only use it if they resisted, so I didn't say anything, but if it's now…"

While talking, he took out a small box from his pocket. Opening it like a ring box, he pressed a red button inside it.



The villain that was still struggling against Ryukyu suddenly started spasming before falling to the ground unconscious. If there's something different about him, it's that now, there's a small metal disk on his neck constantly sending out shocks of electricity.

Yeah, it's those neck tasers from the Thor movie. Pretty overpowered stuff.

Do you remember that "present" I mentioned 2 days ago as I was leaving this place? Yeah, it was this. And they're on literally every single Hassaikai member that was inside the compound the day I was there. How did I stick it on them, you ask? Well, do you remember those mini drones I had flying around the whole bast, mapping the place out?

Yeah, I repurposed them into fucking tasers. Once I got all the information I needed, they all flew to a random person, stuck themselves onto their neck silently, and camouflaged themselves only to reveal themselves when Nighteye pressed the activation button.

Why did I do this? Because I can't be fucked going through all the fights I would have needed to go through to get to the final boss, especially since they all have their own Divine Augments. Well, the main bosses at least, one of them being this guy on the ground in front of me.

Everyone- "…"

Nighteye- "*Cough!* Shall we continue…?"

And so we all calmly entered and began cuffing everyone.

Arata- "*Sip* Well… this was easy."

I say while sipping on a can of coffee I pulled out from Inventory-chan.

Izuku- "*Whispering* The coffee again…"

I ended up following the lead group as they walk deeper into the base, which contains Nighteye, Fat Gum, Rumi and all the students under them as well including Nejire, following the map my drones made while stepping over the occasional convulsing yakuza.

Eventually, after walking for a while, we come across 2 people on the floor. One of them is wearing a white cloak and a mask covering their entire face. The other is wearing a dark green fur hooded cloak and another plague mask.

Arata- "… My jacket is better."

Momo- "Bruh."

Holy shit, I made her say "bruh". Am I a god?

(A/N: I don't know why I just wanted Momo to say "bruh" once.)

Nah. I wouldn't want to be a god even if I had the chance.

Anyway, both Chronostasis and Overhaul are down.

Or, so I thought…

(To be continued…)




(I'm just fucking with you.)

Kai's finger twitched once. I happened to notice it and with my vast knowledge of cliché anime troupes, I knew what was going to happen.


The floor, the walls, the ceiling, it all shattered and started flowing right towards Kai who was still laying down on the floor.

I send a signal through my neuro linker.

Within a few seconds, the place is decimated in a large radius in front of us. We're currently standing on a cliff. Behind us is where we came from, in front of us is now a deep pit around 50 meters deep. Looking up, you can see the sunlight pouring through the massive hole in the missing ceiling.

But that's not what we're looking at.

Arata- "Ah shit, here we go again."

Standing in the middle of the pit that used to be the Hassaikai base is now a humanoid rock giant around 80 meters tall, towering out of the incredibly deep pit. In the chest of the giant is Kai Chisaki, glaring hatefully at us.

Kai- "One thing after the other just keeps happening. First, Eri disappears. Next, I find that it's the League of Villains that did it. And now heroes have somehow incapacitated all of my men… I've had enough!"

After saying that, the rock giant moves.

(Ok seriously it's finished.)


MC: So anyway-

AN: Hold up. I need to take shit brb.

MC: Okayyyy...

AN: ...

MC: ...

AN: ...

MC: *Idle whisling*

AN: You know that feeling when you take a massive shit and you flush but it goes down without clogging the toilet?



Let me know if I missed anything!

Also consider dropping a power stone!