
Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED]

Completed/Dropped A normal man, through some bullshit luck, got chosen to reincarnate in another world after getting killed by the legendary Truck-kun. Distraught at the fact that he died without losing his V-Card, he becomes impatient and wanted to get the reincarnation process over quickly. Because of this, he ended up annoying the ROB overseeing his reincarnation, and to spite him, the ROB rigged his quest system. Because of this he ended up being forced to keep the timelines of the worlds he travels to intact and as close to canon as possible. If not, the world collapses. The problem? The bad guys all have power ups while the good guys get nothing. Follow our resident MC as he tried to keep the timelines intact while doing his best to become relevant and interact with the characters... and maybe get some girls on the way. Maybe. ----- First world: MHA I'm planning to have harem in the story but I REALLY want to keep it small, like 1-2 people per world, 3 if we're pushing it and it's a harem heavy world (e.g. DXD). During the beginning, the MC's personality will be... finicky. I haven't really decided what personality to give the MC at this point. Well, I tried giving him a cool-headed personality, but... that backfired. I don't want to write a character like that. So yeah, you have been warned. The story will generally follow canon but the way certain events are carried out can change. First time writing, I accept constructive criticism, tell my how I can improve and I'll do my best! I also apologise for any plot holes. DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except for my own OC. The cover pic is something I found off google, it's not mine.

DJDAN · アニメ·コミックス
130 Chs

Chapter 46 I changed my mind, our MC might be a bit dense.

I'm sitting on a bench with Nejire Hado, drinking a can of coffee while she talks about her day.

Nejire- "Anyway, I chased the villain and he went 'Bam!' at me, but I just went 'Woosh!' and then 'Bom!' before catching up and then capturing him."

Arata- "Heeh…"

I have no idea what she just said, but I'm sure it was amazing.

Nejire- "So why are you here anyway?"

Arata- "Internship. The hero I'm under is near here. We had a bet, whoever solves the most cases wins. You're here for your internships too, aren't you?"

Nejire- "Hero Work-Studies, actually."

Ah, there's that. Unlike internships, where we mostly just watch the heroes do all the work and see how they handle things, Hero Work-Studies let the student work alongside their respective pro heroes. A pseudo sidekick, if you will. If I remember correctly…

Arata- "You work under the Number 9 Hero Ryuku, right?"

Nejire- "You remember? Mmm! I do!"

[Sixth Sense] is telling me that she became happier. I wonder why.

Nejire- "Ne ne, you said you had a bet with a pro hero, right? Won't you be at a disadvantage?"

Arata- "Hmm? Oh, not really. If anything I'm the one that-"

Nejire- "I'll help you!"

Arata- "No, like I said, I'm pretty strong myself, so-"

Nejire- "I'll help you!"

[You have an ominous feeling]


What was that? I look around trying to find the source, but I don't find anything. Odd.

Arata- "*Sigh* Fine."

Nejire- "Mmm!"

She became happier again. And that ominous feeling disappeared. What is going on with [Sixth Sense] today?

And so, Nejire joined me on my arduous journey looking for exp- I mean, villains. We let her supervisor, Ryuko Tatsuma, know about Nejire's decision to help me and she agreed. Nejire is also much more familiar with this city than I am, so I just let her lead the way.

She kept leading me to weird places though. First, she took me to the local park. We slowed down our pace (well, more like she did and I just followed) and we did nothing but talk. I tried to keep vigilant though, who knows why she brought me here.

We talked about a lot of random things. During which, she mentioned she likes lilies. Something I actually didn't know about her until now.

The park we were walking through was quite beautiful too. There are lots of sakura trees planted all along the side of the path, and they're quite healthy too. Unfortunately, it's almost out of season, and the trees are losing their flowers. But they're still very beautiful, one of the things I love about my current life.

We went to many other places, like a mall, a museum, and even a cinema. I don't know why she wanted to go to the cinema, I saw no reason to. But then I felt her get a bit sad and I also saw her puppy eyes, so I relented. Why would any villains be in a cinema though?

Halfway through all this, we somehow ended up holding hands. I don't know when it started, but I don't bother trying to separate.

[Lewd skill has levelled up.]

Damn, this is definitely some lewd handholding action.

And currently, we're in a rather popular café. I, again, got coffee, and Nejire ordered jasmine tea. She seems to like it.

I gotta remember that.

Nejire- "Ne ne, what did you think of today?"

Arata- "What did I think? Well…"

She leans forward and looks like she's paying attention to what I say.

Arata- "Kinda unproductive. Didn't find any villains either. And now it's almost dusk…"

[You have an ominous feeling.]

Again? What's going on? Ignoreing that, I continue talking.

Arata- "Well, it's also one of the most enjoyable days I've had in a long while… though it was a bit weird doing the whole thing in our hero outfits."

I say with a rare smile on my face.

It's true. Walking around and enjoying the sights while talking to a very cute girl is something any guy would like. Honestly, it kind of felt like a date… hold up.

(A/N: He figured it out!? Impossible! What have you done to our MC you imposter!)

Oh, that ominous feeling is gone.

Nejire- "Hehe…"

Nejire has a very big smile on her face. Even with my limited empathy through [Sixth Sense], I can easily feel the happiness radiating off her. There's even a little bit of bashfulness.

Jarvis- "Sir, there's a report of a villain attack near you. I'll send you the details."

All of a sudden, Jarvis contacted me through my neuro linker. He also sent a file detailing what's going on.

It's a robbery. They hit a rather small bank in the area and currently, they're on the run. Looking at their current pathing, they should most likely… pass by here? This is a good opportunity.

I get up from my seat and start walking to the door.

Nejire wakes up from her dreamland and follows me.

Nejire- "What are you doing?"

Arata- "A villain is passing through here."

Nejire- "Ooh. Then let's go!"

Saying that she runs up to the door.

???- "Excuse me, customers, you haven't paid yet-"


Arata- "Keep the change."

I take out a whole bundle of banknotes and throw it onto the table we were sitting at, before walking out. Yeah that's right, I did a smacc with a bundle of money. Dominance asserted.

Then both Nejire and I fly up to the roof of a building just across the street.

Nejire- "So where are they?"

Arata- "They'll be here any second now…"

And speaking of the Devil, a car comes speeding down the road being pursued by a couple of police cars.

Nejire- "Oh oh oh! Let me let me!"

Arata- "*chuckles* Hai hai. Go ahead."

She starts channelling her quirk. Streams of energy flow out under her as she lifts up into the air and flies over the road.

Nejire- "Full charge, output level 20… Nejire Stream!"


A stream of energy shoots out of her hands in a spiral pattern and quickly reaches the car. It hits the hood of the car, causing it to flip over into its roof.


Arata- "Well that was quick."

Nejire- "Hmm hm!"

Look at her, acting all smug. Well, she's cute like that though.

Rumi- "Mmm? Arata?"

I hear a familiar voice coming from behind me. I turn around to find our very own rabbit girl Rumi. A pleasant surprise.

Arata- "Oh, Rumi, you're here!"

Rumi- "Yeah, I heard some police sirens several blocks away so I decided to check it out."

several of… How crazy is your DEX stat!? How did you hear from so far away? I mean, I knew she has sensitive hearing, but I didn't know it was this crazy!

Nejire- "Hmm? Hey hey, Arata, isn't that the Rabbit Hero Mirko? How do you know her?"

Nejire lands next to me and asks with a smile that is also not a smile. I was so confused, what happened?

Arata didn't realise that she's acting that way because he called Rumi by her first name without honorifics.

Arata- "Ah, this is the hero I'm interning under, Rumi Usagiyama, also known as Mirko. And Rumi, this is a good friend of mine, Nejire Hado."

As soon as I finish introductions, I get a notification.

[You have an ominous feeling.]

For some reason, although I think this skill has been messing with me a lot today, I feel that I should trust it this one time. And my instincts tell me that no matter what…

Run the fuck away.


A/N: And we finish with a standoff between two women over a dense MC. How cliche can this get? The author is a dum dum for writing this.

If there's anything I missed or you want to add or improve, let me know.

Also consider dropping a power stone, it helps and you get a free one daily.