

Wanting to keep someone private is false love. At least hate is better than that kind of feeling. There is no lie in hate.

Moreover, hate can one day turn into love.

But the desire for personalization can never be transformed into love.

Love means killing yourself in the soul of the person you love. Love is death. You go into death as deep as you can. And you die in the soul of the woman you love.

Every day you will be taken to the place of her deep soul. Love is an eternal journey to the place of the soul of the woman you love. And the journey has no end.

When you love a woman, she is worth more than you in your life.

👉👹 The world of women is a secret that lives in the world of men. The mystery of women remains forever unrevealed, shielding men's ignorance. By the way, it is women who created the world. Apart from the fact that women are the owners of a complex identity, there is a power within them that can turn the world in the direction they and only they want. If we can tap into that energy, we can bring about some miraculous change in our universe.