

[Jaku] Outside of the cell block there was lots of commotion going on. Somehow the news of Delano's untimely end had spread like wildfire. Complaints and questions were coming in left and right. The area outside of the control room was packed with people. "Are we safe?" "Has the culprit been caught?" "This is unacceptable!" Narchean stepped out finally. "SHUT THE HELL UP!!" Quiet fell quickly. "Over the past few days, we have gone through a terrible experience. But through this time we must stay collected and not panic. I wish for the safety and happiness of everyone on this ship, and that will not come without calmness. As we approach the first trial of the gray surge, both literally and figuratively, we need help from everyone to prevent the situation from spiraling further out of control." With this Narchean strode back through the door, and if it wasn't automatic he would have definitely slammed it shut. One could easily tell from the hurried way he was walking, and the slightly higher time in his voice that he was agitated. Very agitated.

Narchean sat down, "@$#&$*!$@&$#&$##$!" Curses flowed from his mouth like water from a river. Over the past day, there had been lots of discussion about what would happen to Zhang since we had never gone through this process before. Quo, who was still accompanying Zhang, and I had both been arguing for a lighter punishment. Narchean on the other hand wanted a harsh punishment to set an example. Both Quo and I thought this was too much and that she should get an ancient style democratic court trial. It was uncommon these days to do things in a democratic way, but as we wanted a more peaceful, neutral society we thought it would be a good way to run things.

Narchean was NOT having it. He insisted time and time again that harsh and swift punishment was needed for deterrent of any future crimes. "We need to carry out punishment now!" He yelled this for the fifth time in the last few minutes. Buvin, who was leaning on his sniper rifle in the corner, finally decided to stop our arguing.

Buvin put his sniper out in-between the two of us, and shook his head. "Democracy is better for public appearance, so do both."

Narchean sighed and walked back out the doors, "ATTENTION! We will hold a trial in exactly one week. This will be done with a jury of citizens as judges. Further information will be posted." He sighed again and walked back inside the control room

At least we would have the democratic part in appearance but we wouldn't have the lighter punishment. However there was always a way to work around the others...

sorry i forgot to post here but i posted on moonquill... oops

Lieutenant_Jakucreators' thoughts