
Vast: The Knight

In a realm of darkness and despair, Evran of the syrn race finds himself lost in life. A life filled with misery and loss has left him searching for purpose and meaning. Determined to rise above the hardships of his past, he joins the rebel forces in their fight against the Mariin kingdom. Along his journey, Evran discovers that his sword holds the key to unlocking great power, and he sets out to master its secrets. However, this world is one of harshness and unforgiving cruelty, and danger lurks at every turn. Only the strongest and most cunning can hope to survive and find success in this dark and terrible land.

Manny_Shelton · ファンタジー
20 Chs

The Sword

Rameden, Andan

Sitting on a bench in the garden, the old man surveyed the array of flowers before him. The garden was full of them; roses and lilies intermingled with dahlias, orchids, hollyhocks and violets. Even though the light had started to wane, he could still see their vibrant colours. They were beautiful - as always when it came to flowers, but for some reason this time they seemed particularly so. His eyes lingered over each one until his gaze fell upon a particular flower that caught his eye: a deformed red rose. Its stem was misshapen, its leaves disfigured, but yet it sat there amidst its brethren, proud yet humble at once. He reached out towards it and then stopped himself just short of touching it. For no apparent reason he felt an urge not to touch it, almost like holding it would ruin its unique beauty. So instead, he continued looking down at it from afar, admiring every detail about it.

He was so engrossed in the rose that he didn't notice the hooded woman that approached from behind him. When she spoke, her voice startled him enough to bring him back into focus.

"My lord." the woman said quietly. She knelt down on one knee to show respect. "I have come bearing news," she began.

The old man looked down at her briefly, her hood concealed most of her face from view. Then after a moment he turned away again to continue gazing at the rose.

She continued on, "The army has been gathered, in a few weeks will be ready to mobilize our forces and launch the attack on the capital."

When he heard those words, he sighed heavily and closed his eyes for a second, thinking deeply about what she'd told him. Finally, he opened them again, staring at the woman.

"Isrilla, I think it's time we stop, with this senseless...war." the old man said weakly in his hoarse voice.

Even though Isrilla's expression was hidden by the darkness of her cowl, he could tell how hurt she was by his response.

"Senseless, my lord?"

Isrilla suddenly stood up defiantly, "This war won't end until we have regained Mariin, my lord. I won't stop fighting until we have done so."

With that Isrilla turned around to leave but the old man with surprising swiftness grabbed unto her arm.

"Wait... before you go, please could you show me your face at least one more time?" the old man asked softly.

For a moment she hesitated, unsure whether to comply or not, but she finally decided against it. She yanked her arm free from his grasp and left without another word.

A tear ran down the old man's cheek. The continuous fighting had taken such tolls on him both physically and mentally. A part of him wished that he had never got involved in all this in the first place.

He sighed again. What a coward he was. He had gotten her involved in the war now he wanted to back out of it.

"I'm sorry Isrilla," he said as he stared down at the red rose, "I'm sorry..."


Near the border of the Mariin Territory

The flickering light of the campfire illuminated the clearing in the dark forest. Gilderick sat alone by the fire, watching the flames dance playfully.

Evran lay next to a tree at the edge of the clearing, staring blankly into space.

They had been travelling for over half a day now, ever since leaving the city of Nalfesan. As far as Evran could tell, they were heading north towards the kingdom of Andan.

While Evran had never travelled outside the borders of Mariin before, he had heard tales of Andan before. From what he remembered, it was a land filled with the most horrendous of monsters and beasts. Evran wondered why Gilderick was bringing them into a place like that.

He looked up from his contemplation and noticed that Gilderick was looking at him.

"What is it?" He asked in a tired tone.

"I'm just curious that's all."

"About what?"

Gilderick pointed towards Evran's sword that lew next to him. "I saw you use poison earlier today in the arena, so I assumed that's what your sword's ability was, but then during our fight you manifested a new blade out of the handle you snapped off."

Evran raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Didn't you say that our swords are similar? Wouldn't you then have the same abilities?"

Gilderick shook his head. "No, we both have swords that grant us certain abilities but our swords would have vastly different abilities."

"Oh really? So, what is your sword's ability?" Evran asked, his interest peaked.

Gilderick grinned. "Curious, are you?"

Evran shrugged.

"Very well." Gilderick stood up and walked towards him. As he approached, Evran could feel a strange feeling wash over him. Without warning, Gilderick suddenly smacked Evran hard across the face.

Evran sat there for a moment, not registering what just happened.

"Huh? Did you do something?"

"Just wait a few seconds."

With sudden realization Evran stood up angrily.

"Wait you just hit me, didn't you?"

"Took you a while to notice right?" Gilderick chuckled. "It's because I used my ability on you."

Evran scowled. What just happened? For a moment it was like he didn't care that he was just hit. His mind began racing. What exactly was his sword capable of doing?

"Are you telling me that you can control people with your sword?"

"Not quite." Gilderick said while returning to the campfire. "Well, you see, I can control the concept of freedom, albeit limitedly."

"Freedom? That's absurd. And what's that got to do with how you made me oblivious earlier?"

"Well how do I put this into words," Gilderick pondered. "When I use my power, I am free from the things you consider normal."

Evran paused for a moment and pondered on what he'd just learnt. Back in the colosseum, Evran remembered how strange it was with how no one commented on how Gilderick applauded him.

"So, wait, if slapping someone was not considered normal, you could ignore that belief by being free from it?"

"Exactly!" Gilderick exclaimed. "You're already turning out to be a better pupil than the others!"

Evran's head shot up to look at Gilderick. "There are others?"

"Yes! There are two more that train under me. They have unique swords like ours, you'll be able to meet them ruffians tomorrow."

Gilderick picked up a stick and stoked the flame of the campfire.

"With that I suggest that you go to sleep, tomorrow will be a long day for you."