
Who is she?

Three weeks after I started my new job and after I met Lisa at the amusement park.

I Became so good at my Job, and was really close to lisa, she was like my best friend now, we went out alot, spent time together and more, It almost felt like I knew her all my life, I went to dev's place anytime I was free, and she did come to my office most lunch time. Cameron was the another special person, I knew I had feeling for him, but it wasn't appropriate, I had to act like the feelings didn't exist, I took him as my best friend too.

I Stop going to work with mrs corazon, I had to take the public fare, most of the the time I went home after work with Justin, He lived in mrs. Corazon's neighbourhood, so we went home together most of the time, we became close friends, he also had a very good sense of humor.

Friday's morning in Halston's company, mrs. Corazon called me to her office, She told me to tell everyone that Liam Halston was coming back..

At that point I froze, the almighty Liam was going to be back soon, I didn't even know what he looked like, and deep down I didnt really want to know, I was just so nervous because of the way people talked about him, He never smiled, he was too tough, always serious, handsome, and lot more, it sounded like I haven't really seen anyone with this traits, I coukd wait foe his arrival though.

"And when would that be ma'am " I asked mrs. Corazon

"He would be arriving tomorrow, and he would be in the company by Monday, mr Clinton, justin, mrs laura and you will do a presentation on selling new product, Liam would be there,

Presentation? Wow.

"Okay ma'am" I said leaving her office

I went ahead to tell everyone about Liam Halston's arrival and about the board presentation to the specific people, mr. Clinton, he was the COO (chief operating officer), Justin, the Executive assistant, Mrs. Laura Vice president.

Everyone had different reactions towards the news of Liam Halston's arrival, so where so excited, some were nervous, so were scared, I also heard that he wasn't easy on people, any little mistake, you get fired, that was the only thing I was scared of, getting fired.

Throughout the day, everyone worked so hard to make everything right before Monday, I also did, I arranged the files, the memos and other stuffs.

Later on, mrs. Corazon called everyone of us to address us about the arrival of Her brother, Liam.

"Everything needs to be perfect, Liam is a perfectionist, he wouldn't waste a minute sacking anyone who was ready for him, and you all know that you are needed in this company, you are important, and I wouldn't want anyone of you leaving us"

Mrs. Corazon made other speech and we thanked her and she allowed leave earlier than 4 because it was a friday, and I was informed about the friday parties held from 6:00 by the company at Empress, more like a get together, it was just a small party, were lots of tuna fishes were provided, drinks and more, sometimes, presentation were made, we talked about work sometimes, you have a slot of 3 persons only, that means you could bring 3 extra persons, I wasn't so sure if I was going to go, but I would make that decision after I get home.

As usual me and Justin went home together, he asked me how Avery was, he knew about her because I already told him about her after we became pretty close, I told him how Avery was, we talked until the taxi got to our destinations.

"Welcome mummy " Avery said hugging me

"How are you love?"

"I'm fine mummy, how are you too mummy?"

"I'm fine my baby, and how is school" school is awesome mummy, today Josh, my mew friend and I were made partners for our science fair coming up next two weeks"

"Wow that's great, so what'chu gonna do?

"I want a volcano mummy, I'm going to create a volcano" Avery said so jubilant,

"That's good baby, mummy is proud of you you and mummy loves you so much, okay?"

"Okay mummy, I love you too" Avery said and I gave her a forehead kiss and went up to refresh myself.

One hour later, mrs. Corazon asked me if I was going for the get together,

"I'm not really sure I can"

"You have to Alex, you don't have to worry about Avery, I can't go this friday, so I would definitely watch her for you"

"Okay Corazon, thanks a lot"

So I had to go for the party, I texted Justin to ask if he was coming, and he said he was.

I got dressed up in a peach gown with my hair packed, I didn't dress much, Justin came to pick me up and we left around 6:34.

Everywhere was rowdy, a lot of people were there, both faces I hadn't seen before, I guess they were invites, a lot of alcohol and tuna fish as I was told, it was more surplus than I imagined, I took a seat with Just and two other persons joined, because it was a table for four, musicals were played, people danced, drank ate and more. After a while I decided to go outside a little because I was becoming so uncomfortable, I told Justin to stay, so I went alone.

"Oops!, sorry " a lady told me after she had spilled drink on my body

"It's okay" I said back immediately, flapping my gown to see if the drink can go off a little, I went to the bathroom to clean up, I used water, though the spot that was wet was so visible, I hated this party, I went outside to space a little before I was sure going home, so I went outside, sat at a corner, few minutes later, I felt someone's hands on me,

"You won't be so lucky" I heard someone say as I turned, I recognised the face, it was same as the person who spilled drink on me, she left as she told me this, A lot of questions ran through my mind

Who was she? how did she even know me? Why did she even say that?

I was so confused at that moment and this gave me more reasons to go home, moreover it was 9:41pm, I called Justin and we left home together. I didn't say a word to Justin or anybody about what happened earlier.

I decided to stop thinking about it, maybe she mistook my face for someone else.

Hello dear readers, I promised you the suspense would begin in the 10th chapter, it has started,

Who do you think the drink spiller is?

Is she from Alex's past or present ?

Let's keep reading to find out, more suspense on the way,

I love ya'll

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