

Two dragon gods created the universe, Ortsa and Baruga. After this immense tasks the twin dragons slumbered for eternity, but not before giving their creations one last gift. The language of the gods. With this language anyone who knew the right words could shape reality to their will. Varnalia follows Hunuki and his wife, Illiya. The young prince is a kind hearted albeit forgetfull and mischevious young man who is haunted by nightmares of a mysterious woman. Unclear as to what these dreams mean the young prince puts them in the back of his mind. That is until the woman that haunts his sleep arrives in the capital city.

GunToad · ファンタジー
3 Chs


Darkness everywhere. A void of silence, no light, no heat. Nothing.

Then there wasn't. Shapes , noises, light. A hand with to many fingers, unnatural and strange.

Eyes staring at me impossibly from the hand. Centered in the palm. Fear suddenly clawing at every part of me. Laughing follows. Symbols and noise.

Chaos. The chain breaks.

A figure suddenly standing there, looking backwards at me. Her hand outstretched, daring me to take it. I know her, but I don't This woman haunts my dreams.. My nightmares.

"I will save you all" She says, her voice gentle, soft, but fills me with dread.

Hunuki bolted upright out of bed, clutching his face. Pain, worry, fear. "That woman" He scanned the room quickly. "In my dreams yet again" He was shaking, terrified.

Hands enveloped him, a gentle hug from behind. Suddenly everything was calm again. He turned, seeing Illiya, his wife holding onto him. All that worry and fear melting away in an instant.

"Same dream?" She said quietly, her hands running over his back slowly, comforting him. "Yeah..." He said with a sigh. He was with her, here in bed. Those nightmares feeling far away.

"Come here.." She smiled warmly, pulling him backwards. He let her, closing his eyes. Her soft hands moved to the sides of his head. She leaned over, kissing his forehead lightly. Her pale skin a complete contrast to his dark gray, gold speckled skin.

Her lips were soft, they always were. He turned to face her fully, looking down at her. She looked up to him, smiling, The morning light spilling in on her, making her glow almost.

Hunuki sighed a bit. "I love you..." he smiled back gently, his hand resting on hers, fingers locking together. "I love you too" She said before getting up, picking up a shirt that had been discarded. She tossed it to him. "Time for another day Prince. Belfeia never stops" She stretched, looking back at him.

He reluctantly got up, pulling the shirt on. "Yeah.. yeah I know." He reached over to the table by the bed, picking up a sleeve, sliding it on. Chains connected two bracelets together. The second bracelet had five chains as well that connected to 5 rings. He slipped them on, looking it over. "Why do our wedding locks have to be so extravagant." He grumbled. Illiya chuckled, watching him as she got dressed as well. "When you're king you can change that.. until then you know it's been that way for forever." He looked to her. "One ring is enough. I feel like I need four maids to take this on and off."

Illiya walked up, holding his hand, running her fingers over the gold chains and rings. "It's complicated.. heavy, and requires some work. It's kind of the perfect example of love, and marriage" She looked up to him, grinning.

"How poetic.." He leaned in, kissing her gently. "I better get going before mother gets impatient" He left the room, heading down the hallway.

Hunuki came out of the castle grounds out into the royal gardens. Farmers and workers were busy gathering crops.

"BAR VA" A farmer spoke aloud, A stream of water spilled out of their hands like a hose. They clenched their fist, the spray turning into a sprinkle, watering the crops around them.

Hunuki grabbed a Dalapple from one of the trees as he ran through, waving at the workers, taking a bite. "Very sweet today!" He yelled as he left, heading into the city proper.

Belfeia Royal Academy stood at the heart of the Academic district. The giant onyx building housed a vast amount of knowledge and promising you mages hoping to make a name for themselves in the royal capital.

Sernime stood at the steps leading inside the Academy. "That boy.. an hour late already" She sighed a bit. "He's always been this way your Msjesty." A tall, gilded armored soldier said beside her. "He has, but he's always dedicated when he does arrive Grune" She looked to her personal blade. The knight held his helmet under his arm. A older man with a scarred face, skin as dark as the night sky. His tired face adorned with gold jewelry. He gave a small bow and stayed silent, keeping his eyes on their surrounding. His other hand gripping a gilded spear loosely.

"Sorry I'm late!!" A voice came from above. The prince landed in front of them, crouched down before popping up in a rush of energy. He was grinning at his amused mother.

"Ow!!" He winced as his mother grabbed his fluffy ear, twisting it a bit. "So nice of you to arrive my dear son." She smiled warmly. "I get it! I'm sorry!" She let go. He rubbed his ear, glaring at Grune who had a smirk on his face. "Come on... the students are waiting." She turned and headed inside. Grune and Hunuki following after her.

"You're teaching the first years about the legends. And don't try and argue young man. This is your punishment for not showing up to your magic training. Yes.. Illiya told me." Hunuki glared at her as they walked. "Damn.. shes to good of a court mage. My own wife" he shook his fist lightly.

The door to the classroom opened, Hunuki stepping into a wave of noise and chaos. The children running around, playing and yelling. He froze, staring at them. "Oh gods, do I have to? Can we talk about this?!" He looked to the door for his mother but was only greeted with it shut. Grune grinning and laughing at him through the small window in the door before walking away.

He watched the group of kids for a moment before raising his hands, clapping loudly. The students stopped, looking up to him. "Have a seat! It's story time" He watched as they slowly sat down. He waited a moment more before picking up a book, opening it to the first page. "Let's talk about the dragons" The students attention immediately came into focus. He smirked "Got em" he thought before continuing. "In the beginning there were two dragons. Ortsa the Flame and Dawn. And his brother, Baruga The Water and Night." He scanned the room, all attention on his every word. "They created everything.. the stars, moons, existence itself. And of course, our home, Varnalia. After creating everything the dragons were tired, exhausted from all of that work. It took eons to make everything of course. So, the twin gods decided to slumber. We don't exactly know where they sleep, but they have never woken up again." He smiled a bit. "As their final gift before they slept. The gods gave us, their small creations an immense gift..." A hand shot up, waving excitedly. "Yes?" Hunuki looked to the young girl. "Dragon Prose!" She said proudly. "Correct! They gave us their own language."

Hunuki raised his hand, holding his palm out. "Dragon Prose gives us a fraction of their power.. letting us create or transform the world around us" He stretched his fingers wide. "ORT TOLA" He said, a ball of flame erupting out of thin air above his palm. The flame danced and flickered gently. The students let out a cheer in amazement. "It is why you have been enrolled here. To learn and become Mages for the kingdom. So, who's ready to learn?" He smiled as the class shot their hands up.

A wagon headed out of Belfeia, traveling down the massive Sable Road. Equids pulling the wagon along. "...?" The man on the wagon slowed down. "Can I help you??" He asked. "No.. but I believe I can help you... and this city.." A gentle voice replied. In the middle of the road a woman stood, draped in Scarlet cloth. She looked up at the man, smiling lightly, the hood slipping off her head. Hair of Violet falling to her shoulders. She lifted her hand, pointing a finger at him.

The wagon, Equid and rider were crushed into the Sable road instantly, turning into a mass of wood, blood, and viscera. She walked over and smiled, then looked to the city, making her way to the gate.

The first chapter! This story has been a long time project. I hope you like it!

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