
Vampiric firelord

Wearywater · ファンタジー
1 Chs


In the world of Asnath,

The wind was harsh and chilling at it whipped around strongly. A man with long white hairs and a dazzling long robe was standing atop a large mountain.

Around him lay a very grotesque sight, there were hundreds of bodies with charred flesh.

In front of him. It was a view he was very familiar with.

'How long do I have to fight before I get a break?,' he mused to himself. Standing in front of him were six figures downing in black robes.

"How long are you going to chase me for a simple book?," he spoke calmly. This scene looked very familiar to him because he has been chased like this for the past five months.

"It's not a simple book Eustass, Even you

know it," replied the figure in the middle.

"Don't you feel ashamed of ganging up to beat one individual?," replied Eustass.

"It's not shameful if the individual is the great firelord, Eustass Whitlock himself" replied the man on the left.

"Enough talking! Tell me FireLord will you hand over the book or not?"

"I wouldn't give anything to someone like you," Immediately after replying Eustass threw out a fist.

"Blazing sun!!"

His fist exploded out with the heat comparable to the sun.


His attack seemed to have worked as the figure was flung back 50 metres with a sizzling arm.

'This damned monster. Even after being chased for months, He can still bring out this much power,' thought the figure in the middle.

His name was William, he was the leader of the group. They had been tasked by the higher ups of the Death hall to kill a certain individual and retrieve a book.

In the entire world, Death hall was famous for its ability to be contracted to get the desired head through unethical means.It was a very famous organisation known for its gruesome results.

He and his friends had the best hit list in the entire Death hall until now when he was tasked to kill the famous firelord. Even he was confused when he first heard the order.

Why would anyone want to kill someone who was considered a millennium genius on top of being a powerhouse. And even after chasing the Firelord for five months straight, They still couldn't kill him considering that they themselves were at the level of a power house.

Moving on from his thoughts William sent some telepathic messages to his friend.

On the other hand, Eustass who was still battling with others seemed to be unfazed. He used his incredible speed to counter their attacks.

Suddenly, He felt intense danger coming from his left. Seemingly unfazed he tried to move to his right but it was then that he noticed that he couldn't move.

Noticing the situation Eustass started to have a bad premonition. Having been chased for half a year taught him a lot about his opponents and he was correct because in the next moment, An extremely powerful pressure started to bore down on him.

'Damnit What is it this time?,' he thought. The situation couldn't have been worse, he had been fighting for a while and his mana was almost depleted.


"Oh f*ck!," Eustass hurriedly deployed every defensive skills or artifacts he had at his disposal. He knew this voice very well, it was his worst nightmare for the past five months.

It was none other than the leader of the Death hall, Mettiah. Every time he thought he was going to win, this headache of a person would appear forcing him to run.

For some reason these fools 'three figures' had direct button to the leader of their organisation. He wasn't only running for the past five months, he had also done his research. Turns out it was his friends who leaked the information about the book.



Even after utilising everything in his arsenal he was still sent flying back dozens of metres back coughing out several mouthfuls of blood.


He was very mad considereing the fact that he has been following this fool for ages without getting his desired results.

Picking himself up from the ground Eustass tried to escape but was thrown back almost instantly.

"I know you consider yourself very strong and you are but you are still very far from my level"

Eustass felt his neck tightening, his vision started to blur. Even after his vision blurred he could still hear something.


"If you would've just handed me the book this wouldn't have happened".

This was the last thing he heard before his vision went black.

I know MC's death was very quick but I have a very good plan about the story and i don't really have a lot of experience since this is my first time writing a novel. If you find any grammer mistake please ignore it because English is not my native language. :)

Wearywatercreators' thoughts