
Vampires Legacy

Chifuyu’s life is flipped upside down when he’s brought into the world of hunters and vampires. His tale will bring happiness, laughter, sadness, and pain to himself as well as those around him. A new journey begins. *** Hello to all those reading and thank you for taking the time to check out my series. This is my first story that I'm posting online and I am serious about writing Vampire Legacy to be the best it can be. Though I do need to make clear that the first 100-200 chapters will be a mix of comedy and serious arcs. This will be a fantasy action story just as much as a comedy/slice of life story until the true plot kicks in. I plan to go all in with the comedy, then when we get to a certain turning point, the breaks will not stop with 13 long continuous serious arcs that will go until the finale. This novel will definitely be at least 500 chapters. I hope you all stay and see what I have to offer. *The cover is fanart for the anime The Case Study of Vanitas. I’m using it instead of the basic book cover until I draw the key visual myself.*

wavyesper · ファンタジー
79 Chs

Days Throughout the Training Arc Part 2

At a hot spring in a certain district, a meeting involving interesting characters is about to occur.

"Ah, it's been a while since I've been to one of these babies."

"Hot springs are best when bumbling idiots keep to themselves."

"Tah, you're such a wet blanket, Patrick! Someone bring me a beer!"

"They don't have beers here idiot."

"Augh, what's taking them so long? Do they expect us to wait in this sizzling water forever?"

"You never did like hot springs did you, Ame?"

"Looks like the rest are here."

This last line came from outside the hot springs.

"What's up, you lot?!"

Two new figures entered into the fray.


One of them launches themselves into the hot spring, splashing water everywhere.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Everyone's here now."

"Hey Hanako, I heard you fought the strongest Hunter. So, was he weak or what?"

"I didn't fight him. How did that rumor even spread? My orders were to just secure Ariel."

"And you failed somehow."

"On purpose, of course. An interesting turn of events happened after all."


"Don't worry about it. Anyway, I was told to gather the strongest members of the Slayers today for a little meeting, as you all already know."

Saying these words, Hanako gets into the hot spring.

"Leader's a little mad that I didn't come back with Ariel, so she wants us to make a big show soon. Though I'm pretty sure she wanted us to do this anyway."

"Ho. Are we finally coming out of hiding?!"

"Calm down Kakuto. We will, not just yet though."

"Huh? How long are we talking?"

"October of next year."

"That's not soon at all!"

"Hm? What, has your sense of time become that of a human's? Ariel's betrayal has pushed us back a bit, but it's not much of a problem in the grand scheme of things."

"So, what're we going to do in then?"

"We'll be making our organization known, Chisato. That will set our plan in motion to slowly grab a hold of this world. Our first step will be the slaughter of every human attending that Hunter Academy, so as to dwindle the number of those who believe they'll be able to oppose us."

"Naturally, that'll also strike fear back into the population here. You could say things have gotten relatively peaceful on the outside compared to when we first invaded."

"You're correct. So we'll be making preparations to raid the Hunter Academy in District 3 by October of the year 2024."


"I can finally get out of this lava pool."

"Ha, it can't be that hot to you Ame, considering your curse."

"That's exactly why I can't stand it."

"What a shame."

"Truly. Farewell now."

"'Whistle' What a babe!"

"She'd kill you if she heard that, Aku."

"Nah, I think she has a thing for me."


"Anyway, I can't wait that long for us to make our move. My body's been killing me for a real fight. No, my very soul's been urging me."

"You sound corny as hell, I'm leaving."

"Chisato has sure adopted how the humans here speak. Anyway, what do you plan on doing Aku?"

"You fought the strongest Hunter, didn't you?"

"Ugh, again with this question?"

"How strong is he?"

"I didn't fight him. But if you two were to truly battle..."


"You'd die."

"Ha. I don't believe that for a second!"

"Go ahead then, I'll look forward to your humiliated face when you're forced to run away."

"Bah! When I get the opportunity, I'll claim his head and bring it back as a trophy."

"No fair, I wanna fight as well!"

"Don't. You'll never run away from a battle, Kakuto."

"Oh, and I would?"


Hanako shrugs his shoulders in silence.

"Teh, let's go Rogi."

"You really shouldn't do this Aku..."

3 remain in the hot spring.

"I hope that buffoon gets himself killed."

"Now now Patrick, Aku just needs to be humbled a little. This is the perfect opportunity."

"I suppose I'll take my leave as well."

"I rather enjoy the hot springs, so I'll stay here a while longer."

"Of course you would you oaf, just don't kill the employees here."

"You've integrated yourself quite well in this human world, haven't you Patrick? What do you plan on doing before our raid?"

"I'm intrigued by this half-vampire kid, I think I'll pay him a visit soon."

"I trust you to not get your cover blown, so have fun."

"Oh, I will."

Patrick leaves the hot spring waving his fingers goodbye with a mischievous look.

"Hey Hanako, could you have killed that strongest Hunter guy if you wanted to?"

"Hm, probably not. But he wouldn't be able to kill me either."

"So the only one who can kill him here is our leader."

"I suppose."

"I hear there's a bunch of strong Hunters now. Just like Aku, I've been patiently waiting for us to make our move, so I'm ready to go ballistic whenever!"

"Your patience is appreciated."

The sudden meeting of 7 of the strongest Slayers comes to a close. Behind the scenes, several pieces are on the move. Once they all converge together, an inevitable war will be born. A battle for Shioto.

Vampires are not the only enemy.


6 more months pass

December 21st

Chifuyu has already finished the first half of his training which consisted of only working out and practice swings to build up his core strength and stamina, and to sharpen his form and technique. Now, he must hone his swordsmanship through live combat. Not being able to dodge, parry, or block attacks from vampires will be fatal.

So for almost 3 months now, Chifuyu has been training with Shoyo in live combat using wooden swords with weights on his wrists and ankles. This training has been the very definition of intense, yet Chifuyu has managed to keep up. Most students at the Hunter Training Academy wouldn't be able to get through this. After all, Chifuyu is completing training that should take 4 years to finish. Not even Iris finished her training in one year. Perhaps he has his already well-conditioned body and immense resolve to thank. But, there is still a little over 3 months left.

Only those with true resolve can call themselves Hunters.

That will be made apparent in time.


Chifuyu visits his parents each week on his day off. On Christmas week though, him and Iris were given a 3-day break. So they both spend that time with their respective families. They got another 3-day break for New Year's week as well. The following Monday, they're back to their normal schedule.

"Remember Chifuyu, you're just now starting out so never go for the kill with your first attack. If it's blocked, their counter will definitely sound you badly if not take your life."

Shoyo lectures Chifuyu as they're in the midst of training. Chifuyu must be able to listen and take in everything he's saying while training, keeping his form and technique steady and solid.

Footwork is an important part of swordsmanship, especially in fierce battles. Being able to pivot into and out of any attack may seem simple, but it's an advanced movement that comes with swordsmanship.

"When fighting those stronger than you, don't telegraph your attacks. You won't be able to land a single hit like that."

"Got it."

All Chifuyu has managed to do so far is clash wooden swords with Shoyo. He hasn't been able to land a hit at all yet. But slowly, he's been managing to keep up with Shoyo's attacks. At the start of this training, Chifuyu had just been getting knocked around silly. Nonetheless, he kept on getting back up. This is thanks to the core strength, stamina, and endurance he built up over the first 6 months.

Most Hunters neglect this, but they should be doing practice swings daily. To continuously perfect their technique and form. So even as the second part of his training started, Shoyo still has Chifuyu doing 100 practice swings a day.

Days pass.

"If you can keep up with my moves Chifuyu, you should be able to handle the average vampire's attack with no problem."

"Heh, I hope so."

Awareness is crucial in battle. Naturally, knowing when to dodge, parry, and block attacks like Chifuyu has been training for. Along with knowing when to strike back. One's awareness during combat is called battle sense. Iris, as well as Chifuyu now have a great battle sense, but only when fighting alone. They must also learn how to coordinate with other Hunters while fighting. Which is why Iris will now be joining Chifuyu's training for the last 3 months.

Shoyo will no longer be holding back.

"Let's go, Iris!"



They charge towards Shoyo, pressuring him relentlessly with swings that're all dodged. Shoyo's not going to tell them how to fight as a team. They'll have to figure it out themselves together.

As expected, their attacks aren't synchronized at all right now. This is more of them trying to land a hit on Shoyo individually than working together.

Their training for the day finishes and Shoyo dodged all of their swings, all they could do was take his counterstrikes head-on.

This last stretch of training will be the most difficult.

"Ah... We couldn't do much, but your swordsmanship really is great, Iris. I can't help but admire it."

"Hehe, you think so?"

"Of course! I have to do my best not to slow you down."

"Um, I don't think you were slowing me down. W-wait, I don't mean to say I'm stronger than you or anything..."

"Ha, don't worry about it. You are stronger than me, without a doubt."

"But, I don't think you should be saying something like that anyway. We have to learn how to fight as a team."

"You're right. We have to sync our attacks, or something like that."


"Well, we can worry about this tomorrow. Let's enjoy our break before we start studying."



The next day.


"Huh, what happened Chifuyu?"

"We have an emergency Iris..."

"What is it?"

"It's been over 9 months since I've read any Jump."

Remember the names of the vampires who are 7 of the strongest among the Slayers. Hanako: the one who confronted Chifuyu and Iris and kidnapped them. Akutenshi: nickname-Aku, a hotblooded vampire to look out for. Kakuto: another battle-crazed vampire who has the frame of a bodybuilder. Chisato: a young female vampire. Ame: a female vampire with a voluptuous body. Patrick: one to especially look out for. Rogi: a vamp of few words who Aku forces to stick around him.

wavyespercreators' thoughts