
Vampire Shadow

Luna with her personal little, but remarkable secrets when determined the biggest lie of her life is dispatched to the vampire castle academy, Where no secret will remain secret. She indeed will cross paths with a mysterious hybrid with whom she might fall in love. What has the destiny composed for her, destruction for others with her relentless powers, or adoration and care from companions and family?

butterflybee204 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

The Winter of the Vampire


I got up from my relaxing position.

"What rubbish! You can't be my parents. They died a long time before I can even remember. " I denied.

My so-called parents seem to be hurt.

"I know why you are saying this because you were told that you are an orphan, but you were never an orphan, we lost you and your brother when you both were born, a beggar took both of you away, and I and other vampires tried to catch him, but he was long gone with you and your brother, we searched for you and your brother and the beggar, although the beggar was caught when we asked about you two from him he said that when we were before him he just kept you two along the side of the road. It took us 17 years to find you and my brother an..."

"I don't care about how much time it took you to find me but it's too late. Maybe in the past, I was your daughter, but now I'm not, so, let me go."

"What? No, you can't leave," the lady claiming to be my mother said. "Really? And who will stop me?"

"You don't understand, you are not safe back there.."

"Like I wasn't safe with you guys when I was born," I taunt while getting up from the bed.

"No! You... You..." I was just about to touch the doorknob when she said, "YOU... YOU ARE CURSED."

My hand was hanging in the air, I was shocked.

*Cursed* "Yes, It was the winter of vampires, one month was left for you and your brother to be born, that night I was in the room in which you and your brother were going to live after birth, I and your father decorate it with so much love for you both. I was there because whenever I was there, with you in my womb, I felt really happy. I was keeping the books on the shelf when a lady came in the room, she said she will bless the baby in my womb and I will give her bread in return, she was old and weak, so first I gave her bread, she ate it, and after it, she touched my womb, a creepy smile appeared on her face, she said,

"Since I have eaten your bread I will bless your first baby, he will be a true vampire with extraordinary vampire powers, he will take care of his twin like no other twin, and he will have the ability to heal everyone except her twin. He will have the ability to talk with livings with no vampire can. He will be charismatic, handsome, and pure-hearted. This is my blessing for your first baby. Now for your 2nd baby, she like her brother will be beautiful and no matter how much stupidity she will do, she will be highly pleasing and graceful. But..."

Her whole appearance changed, from rags her clothes turned to the black witch attire, from an old, weak lady she became a young beautiful woman.

But your 2nd baby will be a monster, only by touching things she will see the past when she will get angry her eyes will turn black and she will be able to do anything only with the tips of her finger, whenever she will get angry the doom will be written either for someone/thing else or oneself. Do remember that when her powers will be overpowered no one will be able to bring her back from her dark side, she will get unstoppable.

This curse will last till the end of time and no power on Earth will be able to change it."

I tried stopping her, but every time I failed. And after cursing you she vanished into the thin air," she narrated the whole story.

"I'm also sorry Luna for not being there for you and your mother," the man said.

I was still standing near the door, there were tears in my eyes not because my so-called parents were sad, but because my parents did nothing when I was being cursed by that bit*h.

"And all this time I thought that I have those powers because I'm a vampire..." I mocked.

"It's not your fault darling, it's..."

"I know it's not my fault, but are yours and that bit*h's fault that I'm like this!" I shouted at both of my parents.