
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · ファンタジー
24 Chs

To Battle

I have dawned my blackened armor and get upon my horse as I prepare to lead my men to the southern region to provide reinforcements to my men there, Before I set out I kissed Julieta softly and smiled gently "Wait for me to return to you, I will not be got long as we have a wedding we must celebrate together"

"We move for the southern region and we will wipe those creature's out and bring our fellow knights home" I shout in a loud voice as the knights begin to March and we head out.

Julieta was worried and sad as she watched me leave the main gate heading south, "He will return to me right Jerome?" She asked with a worried tone.

"He will return My Lady, He is very strong and his men will follow him to death to protect him, He also has the elite guards surrounding him and the military that his own father trained" Jerome replied in a gentle tone to calm her nerves.

"You must stand strong for him in his absence here at the castle, Everyone will be relying on you during this time to make the decision he would need to make"

"I understand and I will do my part as the Lady of Castle Black" she said with a serious tone and determination to help out the best she could.

"My Lord, Reports say there is a total of 6 of those bigger creature's right now and not sure if there is more, There is also the matter of the smaller creature's that the traitors released still rooming the country side, We will protect you as we are not sure how far they have come towards the Castle" The captain of the military stated the report.

"How many men did we leave at the Castle to protect the people and my future wife?"

"There is still a sizable force at the Castle about five hundred men have been left there for the defenses"

"Good I will not let harm come to my wife or my people, When we finish this everyone will return back to the castle in haste"

"Yes My Lord" The soldiers replied in unison.

"Are the plans for the wedding still moving forward as planned? I want to make sure everything is ready and in place for when Lord Black returns to the castle" Julieta asked Jerome and the Head maid.

"Yes My Lady, We are getting everything ready for the both of you to have a very happy day, This will be a special day for you and Lord Black" Jerome replied and the head maid nodded in agreement.

Julieta sighed and thought to herself "I know Jon will be alright cause he has all of his men with him, I just worry that those new creature's that have arrived will be much harder to deal with and I am scared I will lose my husband before we even have the pleasure of a wedding day".

Everyone in the castle was worried about Lord Black, They have not seen the lord of the castle head out to lead his army in along time not since they had lost the previous Lord and Lady Black, Now the son of them has headed out to lead the army in this fight to wipe out these creature's and bring victory.

They all did there part to support Lady Valora at this time as she will become the new Lady of Castle Black and the wife of Lord Black so her words must be followed like Lord Black's.

We have reached to northern border to the south region "Where are the rest of our men located?" I asked the captain.

"They are located at a village that they said you would no the location of, I'm not sure where the location is that they speak of though My Lord"

I become very upset knowing those creature's have trapped my men in my old village and everyone around me can feel the pressure from me at this point, "I know the way and we must get there quickly" I say as I start to move in the direction of my old home.

"Everyone move out and quickly follow Lord Black he knows the way to where the rest of the men are" The captain shouted the orders to the rest of the men and they started to March in a hastened movement, All of them could feel Lord Black's anger at this moment so they all knew that there was going to be destruction once he had arrived.

We rush in the direction of my old village my concerne is that my men are fighting for their lives and that my family farm is destroyed, If either of those things have happened I will destroy everything in my wake, Those creatures will know fear once I arrive.

We have arrived at the out skirts of my old village and I can see fire and destruction everywhere, I can see my men fighting off the creature's trying to keep them out of the village and can see a few injured men but no one has died that I can see at this time.

"CHARGE MEN" I shout at the top of my lungs and started charging towards the village.

"AAAAHHHHHH" The men start yelling as they charge towards the village at a very high speed.

"Lord Black has come with reinforcements, Everyone push these creature's out of the village" The high Knight shouted to his men and everyone seemed to gain Immense strength at this time and started to push back.

"Destroy them all" I yelled as I ran my blade through and killed one of the bigger creature's killing it in one hit.

"Understood My Lord" Everyone yelled at once and cheered as they watched me kill one of the creature's.

Everyone around me fought with such vigor and ferocity that they were able to slay the other creature's with some effort, We have eliminated the creature's for the time being and were able to check on the wounded and get prepared to head back to the castle.

It has been five days since we have left the castle I am missing my home and my future wife, As we finish getting the injured troops ready to move the head knight comes up to report, "Everyone is prepared to head out My Lord we had rid the area of those creatures".

"That's good, How many men had we lost to those creature's during this attack?"

"Not a single one My Lord, We have several who are badly injured but they will survive their wounds and will be able to return to duty after they recover" The captain of the army replied.

"That is great news to hear, Let us head back to Castle Black so the men can rest, I have my wedding to attend in a few days and my future wife to see who must be missing me terribly"

"Right away My Lord and from everyone here in the army and the Elite knights thank you for personally leading us, We haven't had the Lord of the Black family lead us in a long while it definitely boosted the moral of the knights"

I give a warm smile "Thank you men, For your loyal support and dedication to seeing this fight through we will celebrate once we have returned" I shouted to the men before we headed back home.