
Vampire king and his key

In the dimly lit chambers of the ancient vampire kingdom, a mysterious figure emerged. His dark eyes glowed with malevolence as he addressed the assembled vampires. "I need this child," he declared, his voice commanding attention. "Only the child with the key on her back can grant us immeasurable power, making us invulnerable to sunlight and unstoppable in our quest for dominion." A vampire dared to question the prophecy, cautioning the leader about a potential hindrance. But the king of vampires, driven by ambition, dismissed it with anger, refusing to let anything stand in his way. The prophecy spoke of a unique being—a boy existing between vampire, human, and zombie. The very existence of such a being threatened the king's plans, and he vowed to eliminate any potential obstacle. "Enough with the prophecy!" the king growled, his voice dripping with malice. "If this 'door' ever crosses our path, I'll destroy him before he becomes a threat to my key." According to the prophecy, a girl would be born with the key, destined to assist vampires in their quest for global supremacy. However, there was also a warning about an existence that should never come to be—a force that could bring ruin to the vampire kingdom. As the room fell into an eerie silence, the king's sinister plan to secure the key and conquer the world began to take shape. Little did he know that destiny had already set its course, intertwining the lives of two unsuspecting souls—Ambrose Ravencroft Sanguisaffron and Clara Mitchell Milson—who would hold the key to unforeseen consequences and a fate beyond the darkness that surrounded them. In 18th-century Europe, fate entangles Ambrose Ravencroft Sanguisaffron, a vampire outcast longing for acceptance, and Clara Mitchell Milson, a disguised princess in servitude. As they uncover palace secrets, their paths unite in an unlikely alliance. Amidst conspiracies and forbidden love, they rewrite their destinies, challenging societal norms in pursuit of freedom and redemption.

Prosperity_forms · ファンタジー
17 Chs

A mysterious new born

In the darkest corners of the vampire realm, the towering Easter Head House stood, a mansion ruled by the enigmatic head servant, Lord Reginald knife Blackwood". On a chilling evening, an inexplicable occurrence took place. A newborn baby was abandoned at the mansion's grand entrance, wrapped in tattered cloth, and accompanied only by a mysterious slip of parchment.

The head servant, an imposing figure with eyes that seemed to pierce through the souls of those who dared meet his gaze, approached the door with a sense of caution. As he unfolded the slip, a sense of dread washed over him. His eyes widened in astonishment and fear as he read its contents, and in a swift motion, he crushed the parchment in his iron-clad fist, reducing it to mere ashes that scattered through the air like ethereal whispers.

The cryptic message left no room for doubts; its secrets were meant to be concealed from all but the head servant himself. His dark, sinister aura intensified as he clenched his fist, banishing the ashes with an imperious wave of his hand. The air seemed to crackle with tension as he turned to find a human lady, her features a mix of fear and curiosity, standing right behind him.

With an eerie calmness, the head servant ordered the lady Sofia, a human servant, take the infant inside, declaring that from that moment forward, the child shall be known as Raven. As the lady hesitantly embraced the tiny bundle in her arms, she couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness for this innocent soul.

The head servant, whose motives and intentions remained a mystery, left them with a solemn parting, placing both hands on his back as he retreated into the shadows. His every move exuded an air of authority, leaving those who witnessed him with an undeniable sense of dread and awe.

Inside the mansion, the flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the stone walls as the lady cradled Raven in her arms. Her heart swelled with compassion for the child, yet she couldn't shake the feeling that his presence in the mansion held deeper significance beyond her understanding.

Whispers among the vampire servants echoed throughout the corridors, speculating on the origins of the mysterious child and the implications of his arrival. Their hushed conversations reverberated with fear and suspicion, unsure of how this enigmatic presence would affect their lives.

As the days passed, the lady's resolve to protect Raven grew stronger, despite the growing animosity from her fellow human servants and the mocking remarks of the vampire residents. She shielded Raven from the prying eyes of the mansion's inhabitants, determined to shield him from any harm.

Amidst the labyrinthine halls of the Easter Head House, secrets and uncertainties lurked in every corner. The head servant's motives remained shrouded in darkness.

In the quiet solitude of her chamber, the lady cradled little Raven in her arms, feeling an inexplicable connection with the child that stirred memories of her own lost child. The tenderness of her touch and the warmth of her embrace calmed the baby's cries, and a spark of familiarity seemed to pass between them.

As the days passed, the bond between the lady and Raven deepened. She couldn't help but see her own child in his innocent eyes and cherubic smile. Her heart ached for the pain he must have endured, abandoned at the doorstep of the vampire slaves' mansion. Determined to shield him from any harm, she vowed to protect him with every ounce of strength she had left, even if she considered herself weak.

Despite the scornful glances and harsh remarks from others in the mansion, the lady remained resolute in her decision to care for Raven. She stood up against those who mocked her, her unwavering gaze a testament to the strength that emanated from within her.

As she interacted with the vampire servants, the lady soon discovered the darker side of their nature. She witnessed their predatory instincts and the cruelty they inflicted upon others. Instinctively, she knew that if she didn't intervene, Raven's life would be in grave danger.

Deep within her heart, the lady knew that her motherly instincts had led her on a path of protection for a reason. She could feel the weight of responsibility, not just for Raven's well-being, but for the sake of the innocent child thrust into this mysterious world.

In the midst of her daily duties, she discreetly gathered information and observed the dynamics of the mansion. With each piece of knowledge, her resolve to shield Raven from the malevolence around them grew stronger.

In a few months The lady's defiance of the head servant's vampiric desires earned her a reputation as the "crazy wench" among both vampire and human servants. Undeterred by the mockery, she stood firm, protecting her precious AB- blood from their hungry fangs.

The mansion's atmosphere crackled with tension as whispers of her unusual behavior spread like wildfire. Some of the human servants pitied her, while others distanced themselves to avoid being associated with her rebellion.

In her quiet determination, the lady made her requests, knowing her unique blood type held a power that no one could ignore. Reluctantly, the head servant complied, for he knew that wasting a single drop of her rare blood would be an irreparable loss.

As she nursed and cared for baby Raven, her heart filled with love and concern for the boy. She knew that her actions were crucial to protect him from the malevolent shadows that lurked within the mansion's walls.

One day, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, the lady gathered the courage to question the head servant about the contents of the mysterious slip. With trepidation in her voice, she asked what secrets it held, fearing the consequences of prying into matters beyond her understanding.

As the lady inquired about the slip's contents, the head servant's eyes filled with a dark intensity, and he lashed out at her with a forceful yell. Suddenly, she found herself lifted off the ground, caught in the grasp of invisible hands that constricted around her throat, suffocating her.

Gasping for breath, she struggled to free herself, but the head servant's hold was unyielding. He warned her that her rarity was what kept her alive, and killing her would be counterproductive to their ambitions of achieving immortality.

Relenting, the head servant released his grip, allowing the lady to breathe once more. Her voice quivering but resolute, she pressed on, insisting that he tell her the truth hidden in the slip.

The head servant seemed puzzled by her unwavering curiosity, but she revealed her reason, mentioning that one day Raven might inquire about his biological parents, and she needed something to provide him with an explanation.

The vampire's demeanour shifted, and he stepped closer, whispering something in the lady's ear. Whatever he said shook her to her core, causing her entire body to tremble, and her eyes darkened with the weight of the secret she now bore.

The lady's heart pounded in her chest as she absorbed the revelation, her mind racing with the implications of what she had learned. She knew that keeping this secret was a burden she could not take lightly, for it held the key to Raven's origins and possibly his future.

Yet, as she looked at the innocent child sleeping peacefully in the basket, she reaffirmed her commitment to protect him at any cost. The head servant's words may have shaken her, but her love for Raven was unwavering, and she vowed to shield him from the shadows that loomed over the mansion.

In the darkness of that moment, the lady became both protector and keeper of a truth that could shape the destiny of the boy she held close to her heart. As she returned to caring for Raven, she knew that the path ahead would be treacherous and filled with uncertainty, but she was determined to face it with the strength of a mother's love and the resolve of a courageous soul.

As the head servant spoke with a cold and unyielding demeanour, he made it clear that the lady's newfound knowledge was to remain a secret, a truth she must take to her grave. Any revelation could spell death for both her and Raven, a heavy burden she now carried.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, she looked at the slumbering child in the basket, torn between the love she had developed for him and the weight of the dark secret that now bound them together.

In her anguish, she dared to question the head servant, asking why he chose to keep Raven despite his apparent indifference towards the child's well-being. The head servant's fists clenched, his emotions hidden behind a stoic facade as he admitted to owing someone, but he remained adamant that he didn't care if the boy lived or died once his favour had been repaid.

With those words, he left the lady to grapple with the truth and the devastating reality that she and Raven were entangled in a web of debts and obligations she could not fully comprehend.

Throughout the long and torturous night, the lady wept in solitude, her heart torn between the love she felt for Raven and the overwhelming fear of the darkness that surrounded them. She knew that her actions had consequences beyond her control, and the weight of this knowledge was suffocating.

A mother love is everything a child need.

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