

So i spent the rest of the time lazing around and enjoying life, it was good because i got rid of all the stress i had and made me clear headed and more focused on what's to come.

Finally the day of the horde is here and you can feel the tension through the air , the quiet and the mood is like the calm before the storm.

" Hey everyone so the day of the truth is here , we did all we could to fight back and i'm sure we'll win because that's what we always did we always survive and adapt no matter what the world throw at us we overcome it and today will be the same today we'll overcome this horde and we'll crash it So we'll meet at 6 pm in front of the main entrance to the territory , i'll see you there"

i sent the annoncement and went to play with Aïcha i needed to convince her that we're pretty strong and those weaklings can't hurt us.

Finally it's 5.50 pm we went our way we don't want to be late for the meeting , when we arrived there it was full of people like there is 5k persons at least armed and prepared to fight.

" So here we are 2 hours before the big fight , we don't know which direction they'll come from but my best guess is they'll come from everywhere all you guys have to do is to keep firing arrows from the top of the wall and me and the girls will take care of the ground , please don't ask why only us because the change that happened to the world made us way stronger then you guys are and zombies can't kill us "

as i was talking to them i heard a motor sound outside and someone calling or better say ordering to open the door, so i went on top of the wall to find the military outside pointing their guns at us.

" hello can we help you ?"~ me

" open the door this general Denver and this is my territory "~ general

" wait what ? your territory ? but the system said it belongs to a girl named Lilith , you're Lilith ?~ me

" no i'm not but this is my territory and Lilith better hands it to me or else..."~ general

" or else what?" ~me

" or else i'll take it by force "~ general

" or really ? and what about us the girls who will feed us and take care of us?"~ me

" yes really as for you girls we'll take special care of you won't we boys?!"~ me

and i saw the lust gaze they throw at me so i checked for whom to keep alive and i found only 2 girls looking at their camrades with the same disgust i felt for them well girls you're lucky you're gonna survive.

" i'm sorry but Lilith forbid us from allowing boys inside if you want you can send tbose two girls to negociate with her about giving you the territory" ~me

" Just open the damn door "~ general

" i'm sorry but i really can't . so will you send them or wait until it's night for her to come here"~ me

" you and you go and tell this bitch i want her to be here in 30 minutes begging for forgiveness for making me wait."~ general

So we throw a rope to the girls as soon as they got inside i covered their arms disarmed them and told them they were lucky they didn't agree with the general plan or they would have died with the rest .

I spent an hour deviding the fighters on zones to defend then went back to the general.

" Hello general sorry i didn't introduce myself earlier my name is Lilith i own this territory and i'm giving you a chance to apologise "~ me

" So you're that Lilith bitch not only did you make a fool of me but also wasted my time. if you want to live come here get on your knees and apologise and if you can pleasure me later i'll keep your life"~ general

" ughhh try to be less arrogant in your next life"~ i said then i teleported behind him took his head of and went back on top of the wall.

" to the rest of you , you are not welcome here go away or you'll die "~ me

well i wish they heard my advice because after 15 minutes i could see zombies coming from far away.

" Well you missed your chance to survive because if you look behind you you'll see a horde of zombies attacking us , if you survive i'll let you in "~me

and i sent an annoncement telling people to get ready and they are here.....