
Vampire and Slime Back in Time [Tensura: Rimuru x Luminous]

While fighting with Chronoa, Rimuru asks Luminous to hold her down as he has figured out how to stop her rampage. while Luminas held Chronoa down, Rimuru, or more accurately, Raphael, started to entire her consciousness. but a fatal error happens, which leads both Remuru and Luminous to go back in time and in a state weaker than they were. Note: This is my fanfic which is originally on Wattpad. It's still there, and it will be uploaded there before here (a few minutes difference at most). I would probably be more active there, but I will still be active as all heck! I do not own any of the characters (unless I make an OC) ok, so this's basically a Rimuru x Luminous story. with a lot of wholesomeness. I wanted one, but I couldn't find any good ones, so I chose to do it myself. unlike just about every other 'Rimuru goes back in time' fanfic (actually most tensura fanfics, even the nontime travel ones), where Rimuru is hella strong and is a god. or that he went to another world and is almost at top of the power chain (most other world ones are after the end or after he became demon lord) this one would have both Rimuru and Luminous very weak, like way weaker than in the original. aka they are hardcore. and despite me wanting wholesome, it will be hella dark, compared to most other ones at least. why? cuz my mind is too fucked to make a wholesome thing. there must be pain and suffering. so deal with it.

M_Swedgy · アニメ&漫画
20 Chs

CH 2| On Death's bed

A.N\ ok so I already posted this, but who reads the post? so I will make it a quick A.N here.

due to the way I write, most of the things that happen are made on the spot, and that's the reason why Rimuru's deal with [Great Sage] felt so rushed and unplanned, cuz I didn't have this in mind when I started writing. it just suddenly came to my mind and it happened.

and there might also be some weird things like Luminous's having [Universal Perception] despite her having only [Magic Sense]. I made that error because I thought that all demon lords would have the evolved version, which is [Universal Perception] ah well, she does (did) in this story since it would add more into her shock and desperation.

on the mention of shock and desperation, my portration of her reaction, or more like lack of reaction. I noticed that even when I was writing, but I was low on time and very sleep deprived. I might re write it if people wanted to (assuming that more than 5 people would read this.) anyway, you came to see Rimuru x Luminous cuteness not me ranting.



as I opened my eyes, waking up I saw that Rimuru is still between my hands, while the inside of his body is moving to generate heat. because of that I was able to sleep without fearing freezing to death.

A.N\ yes, you could die from hypothermia if you were in their scenario, plus I'm making Veldora's cave extra cold and damp. so you would most likely die there.

he didn't just give warmth, he was also very soft. 'now I understand why they always fought to hold him' I stayed in my position, hugging him while being covered by a blanket. why did I stay in that position? because it felt too damn comfortable and warm! especially compared to the rest of this damned, cold and moist cave.

I wanted to stay like that longer, at least until Rimuru woke up. but the dry feeling in my throat overpowered me. so, I got up and went to the pond close to where I was sleeping. I was still holding Rimuru in my hands, again he's both soft and warm which make me more comfortable having him with me than not.

as I was on my way to drink some water, I also got a new feeling in my body. hunger.

'I have already experienced so much new feelings, I guess my old live was very easy compared to this one despite the fact that it just started.' if not for Rimuru, I would have died. now that I think about it, how many times did he save me without me noticing? like stopping me from being erased from time and trying to save Chronoa...

I held him up to be closer to may face.. "Thank you Rimuru" I said in a quite voice. after that I bend down to drink water with my hand. as I was drinking Rimuru woke up.

"hm... Good morning Luminous. I didn't know that vampires needed to drink water."

"They don't, but it seems that this new spice [Lesser Vampire] which looks to be even weaker than the weakest type of Vampires, a [Fledgling Vampire] needs water, and am also guessing food since am feeling hunger. and I hunger for normal food, not just blood. but I can manage"(vampires not needing water is a rule made by me and nothing similar is mentioned in all of tensura)

I say that with a small smile, trying not to worry him.

"ah, well we should look for something for you to eat. and I will take some water with me since it would help us defeat the monsters and could be useful later" he said as he extended a part of his body to the water and starter.. drinking it? no, absorbing it would be a better term.

"...I guess. and we have nothing else to do anyway."

after that, he ate some more grass and jumped into my arms. "I know that you might not like it, but it's better for us so that we won't freeze" he said as his inside started to move again, generating heat.

"...fine. surviving is what's important right now" despite saying that, I didn't acctualy mind holding him. in fact, I quite liked it especially when he started to generate heat.... it all feels very comfortable, warm (I knew I repeated that a lot but my vocabulary is a bit small) and in way, both caring and protective.

I didn't notice that at the time, but I held Rimuru closer to me and blushed a bit.


"Thank you Rimuru" I heard that. I only pretended to be asleep, I woke up a while before her. the reason why I pretended to be asleep is to not disturb her sleep, and kept pretending to be asleep even when she woke up so I won't discomfort her.

I know that if she knew that I was awake, she would move without me being close to her, leading to her to get cold. she will say that she's fine and she doesn't need my help, but she would only be hurting her self.

"Hm.... Good morning Luminous. I didn't know that vampires needed to drink water" I say pretending to have just woken up. (reason it doesn't sound like how a real person who just woke up: Rimuru is bad at lying)

<<...Master needs to work on his acting skills>>

'Hey! am don't like lying, I think it leads to bad relations. anyway it was good enough I think.'

"They don't, but it seems that this new spice [Lesser Vampire] which looks to be even weaker than a [Fledgling Vampire] needs water, and am also guessing food since am feeling hunger. and I hunger for normal food, not just blood."

I already knew all of that, how? Great sage told me. and that's also the reason I woke up.

~Flash Back~

<<Master, wake up. I have just discovered somethings. you must know them.>>

'*yawn* why are you waking me?... am tired.. let me sleep a bit more..' (see? that's how actual people act when they wake up)

<<This is very important! you must hear, otherwise you might die!>> when she said that I might die, I jolted up... well, not really since I didn't want to wake up Luminous.

'what is it? and why I might die if I didn't hear it? and pleas don't scare me like this again!'

<<I have done a deep analysis on both Luminous and Master, and found out that their spices - which I was only able to know the name of before- need both food and water. which is due being not completely 'monster', in other words, not completely made out off magicule. hence needing food and water to survive>>

she said to, which surprised me a lot. 'I might understand it if it was just Luminous, but me as well? and why did it take you that long to make a complete analysis? usually it would at most take you few minutes to complete an analysis, not a few hours'

<<Slimes usually don't need to eat because they absorb the energy needed to survive from their surroundings. but it looks like [Lesser Slimes] have a very weak and slow absorption rate, which forces them to eat and drink. it's similar for Luminous.

As for the slow analysis. as I said before, I needed to sacrifice both Master's and Luminous's power to save them from being erased from time. but I was barely able to save myself and [Predator]. but I also needed to sacrifice most of our power as well. that's why despite being Unique skill, we have power comparable to that of weak/mediocre Extra skills.>>

A.N/so one of you asked before why didn't great sage use the data to recreate the skills. and the answer is the above. when she sacrificed her self and [Predator], ALL of the items and in his [Imaginary space] got destroyed and just about all of the data they had got destroyed as well.

(I know it's bad explaining that in A.Ns but I will added when I remake chapter 1)

as she said that I felt something, very deep within my soul, very, very weakly moves. as if feeling sad and down.

'what was that feeling? hmm.... probably my imagination. that's aside. what you said explains why you where so urgent. soo, I need to eat? what can I survive off here? grass?'

<<Yes. while it's not the best, it's magicule rich enough to help Master survive>>

'that as a joke! well, I guess I can eat something to survive. and I don't have a sense of taste so it doesn't matter anyway.'

~Flash back (more like exposition dumb) over~

after Luminous finished drinking (every time I write the word 'drinking' I think that they're drinking alcohol) she rotated to look at me.

"They don't, but it seems that this new spice [Lesser Vampire] which looks to be even weaker than the weakest type of Vampires, a [Fledgling Vampire] needs water, and am also guessing food since am feeling hunger. and I hunger for normal food, not just blood. but I can mange"

A.N/ should I not copy-past their dialogue but make it like this: '(person) said' and then give the core of what they said?

like saying "she said that due to her being a [Lesser Vampire] which is weaker than the weakest Vampire, she need to drink and eat, and not just blood that is. and I that she can mange it" ok now that I made it it's wayyy better. but I will leave the choice to ye all.

after she said that, she smiled to me. I know that smile. I have seen it and made it many times. a fake smile. just to not worry the person you're facing.

A.N/ I will edit the ranting and but thesis dialogue stuff there, but what you need to know is italic text is (assuming it's not inside normal text) similar to thinking. but different, ok? (God I need to edit a lot of things. and I swear I will decrease the amount of A.Ns)

'Luminous, I'm sorry for dragging you into this. it's my mistake, so I will take full responsibility and do everything in my power and beyond to protect from anything that might happen and make you're new life as comfortable as possible' that resolve became way stronger after seeing her fake smile.

<<I will also do everything to help you protect Luminous-san Master!>>

'then, we should look for food for her first'

"ah, well we should look for something for you to eat. and I will take some water with me since it would help us defeat the monsters and could be useful later" well, some of the water is for me to drink as well. but I don't want her to worry about me. 'heh, it's funny how both of us are trying to not make each other worry... well, it's my responsibility to look after her so I won't let her know.'

"...I guess. and we have nothing else to do anyway." she said that, looking a bit reluctant.

after that, I noticed that she is slightly shivering, even more so in her legs.

seeing that, I started eating grass. for two reasons.

1. so that I would have surplus of energy, which would be important since we will most likely have to fight a monster.

2. the most thing, is that so I could start heating up my body and warm Luminous up.

after I have done that, I jumped into her arm so that I could warm her effectively.

I know that you might not like it, but it's better for us so that we won't freeze" I said that because know that she won't like to hold me. but her not freezing up is more important.

"...fine. surviving is what's important right now" after she said that as we started to walk out of our safe chamber.

we reached the area where we last saw that giant bat yesterday, but luckily it wasn't here anymore. so we continued forward, until we reached a large expanse with many routes branching out. on one side, under the sticking out of the cavern walls, was a pond.

Close to that pound was a snake, not a black serpent. but a small, not longer than 5 meters. that had no eyes and brown scales. it looked to be drinking water from the pound. 'lucky! we didn't need to look much to find something that we might be able to handle!'

"Luminous-san (feels wrong, will most likely stick with just Luminous. unless readers said otherwise), we might be able to deal with that snake over there if we fought it together!"

she moved to be a bit closer to it, when "hmm.. do you have a plan of how to kill it?" she asked me, probably wandering if am just planning to go and fight without thinking.

"yes. while you grip it and hinder it's movements from behind while deal with it from the front"

"you know what happened when I tried to hold down an enemy from behind, right? and it's scales look smooth, so holding it would be hard" when she said that, I got reminded of my failure. 'the whole reason of why we are in this situation is because of my incompetence. I won't miss up this time!'

"then am going to injure it with a surprise attack. then you would get a good grip by holding him from that injury. does that sound good to you?" after I said that, Luminous looked at me surprised and with wide open eyes

"I... didn't think you would come up with something this cruel. I very surprised." well, that make sense. I would usually just kill it without making it suffer, but...

"Honestly I didn't know I could come up with something like this. but I guess feeling of desperation and responsibility would make anyone do things they didn't imagen they would do"

"Responsibility? Responsibility of what exactly?" Hick! I said that by accident! ahh how should I answer?!

"ah.. um, what do you me-mean? I di-didn't say that!" after saying that, she narrowed her eyes and her left eyebrow moved upwards. 'She's suspicious of me! Great sage, help me! what should I say?'

<<Master say to her 'it's just you're imagination'. it always works for me~>>

'wait, what do you mean it always works for you? ahh whatever, I will ask you about it later..(he won't)'

"It's just you're imagination" I said to her with the most confident voice I could muster. I was quite confident. it came from Great sage after all so I was sure it would work.

<<fufu>> she smirked happily. 'I can feel her smug face' but, I didn't have a problem with it. it was deserved after all.

Luminous looked confused. she opened her mouth to respond back, but before she could say anything I said "I will start now, follow me and hold it the moment the attack reach it. got it?"

she just shrugged her confusion and changed into a serious face.

I jumped from Luminous's hands and stopped my body from generating heat. as I got close enough, I shot off a water blade aimed close to the tip of it's tail. the water blade was weak. but that was expected, but even then it was too weak.

[Acquired skill: Water blade] (when it just says a skill, then it's a common skill) oh right, I forgot about that. maybe now it would be stronger. and I should try to reacquire all the skills that I got last time in the cave.

the water blade that I shot out barely scratched it, but before it could move, I shoot off another one on the same place. this one was much stronger and faster, and it left a big dent on it. 'it's still a bit weak, but much better than the before'

"Now Luminous!" as I said that, she rain from behind me and straight into the snake. she plunged her hands into the injury that I made and griped it with all of her power.

the snake started to fight back, but Luminous, despite being dragged a bit to the sides by the snake's ferocious wriggling, Luminous was able to hold on. barely.

"I can't hold it for long so be quick!" before she even said that, I started hopping as fast as I can (which wasn't that fast) so I could be in front of the snake and make it focus on me. when I was close to its front, it contracted a part of it's body that was a bit front of Luminous.

I sensed danger (not the best term to use but whatever) 'whatever it's planning to do, it's dangerous. I must stop it.' to do that, I activated thought acceleration, which only accelerated thoughts by a factor of 2. then jumped up and shot a water a water blade aimed to the side of its head, at it's eyes specifically.

it connected and made a small injury, but the snake didn't flinch. 'how? how did it not get hurt by it's eye getting sliced?' as internally screamed, I focused at the part that I hit. then, I remembered that I forgot something. 'that's right! it had no eyes!'

then, I helplessly watched in horror as it decontracted its body like a spring. a part of its body lunged at Luminous with great speed. it hit her abdomen and before she could lose her gripe and fall to the ground, the rest of the snake's body decontracted. which thrown off Luminous with leading her to collide with the wall and fell to the ground, coughing up big amounts of blood.

when I saw that, when I saw Luminous get hurt. while I was still in the air, I was struck speechless. then, I felt rage swell in me, similar to that which I felt when I saw Shion's dead body, but it didn't stop "I.. I failed. I failed again. haa-ha.. haaahhahaha! I FAILED AGAIN!! I couldn't protect her!! I failed her and made her suffer because of my incompetence again! I am a failure, I am such a huge failure!! haaahahahaha!!"

I reached the ground "haaahaha- you." my laughter suddenly stopped as I focused on the disgusting abomination of a lizard in front of me. "Your death will be painful" I said in an unchanging, emotionless tone.

it quickly coiled it self and jumped at me. I jumped to the front, into its mouth. it bit around half of my body, but I won't care if it only a speck of my was left if it meant killing it.

As I entered the inside of it's mouth, I shoot a water blade at it. but it barely left a scratch. 'the inside of it's mouth probably evolved to be this hard because a lot of monsters would have tried to kill it from the inside while getting swallowed'.

then it puke its stomach acid on me. but that didn't stop me. I shot off water to my front making something akin to a shield, and when the acid started to surround me, I just shot water from many side of my body, turning the 'shield' into a 'barrier'

when it's puke stopped, and it noticed that I was still alive, it started preparing for another acid puke. but I won't let it do what it want. I collected water into the shape of a sphere and shot it down it's throat. the water sphere and acid slammed into each other, stopping the puke and chocking it at once. 'I told you your death will be painful'

after that. I condensed almost all the remaining water much I could and shot it in a singular, ultra-high pressure line up into it's brain.

[Acquired Skills: Water Bolt (basically water sniper bolt that he just shot). Water Pressure Control. Water Jet. Water Sphere. Water Shield. Water Barrier.]

[Due to high amount of Water based skills. Acquired Skills: Water Magic. Swimming](a few skills are made up, but I think [Swimming] or [Swim] would be the most realistic one of them to be present in tensura)

[Skills: Water Pressure (or was it current?) Control. Water jet. Swimming. combined into Extra Skill: Maneuvering Water Manipulation.] (basically water manipulation but Speed)

[Skills: Water Bolt. Water Blade. Water Sphere. Combined into Extra Skill: Offensive Water Manipulation] (Basically water manipulation but Attack, and it may be using twiter.)

[Skills: Water Shield. Water Barrier. Combined into Extra Skill: Defensive Water Manipulation] (you get the drill, but Protect)

[Extra Skills: Maneuvering Water Manipulation. Offensive Water Manipulation. Defensive Water Manipulation. Water magic. Combined into Extra skill: Water Mastery] (straight up the best Extra-level water skill their Is)

As voice of the world was spitting nonsense, the water bolt that I shot up pierced it's the roof of it's mouth, making a small hole, and pierced from its brain to through its skull. but the attack piercing power was too good and accurate. so much that it almost surgically pierced through it. hence, it lived.

'that's good. it won't just die with no pain.' while its jumping in pain due to asphyxiation. I entered it's skull Cavity through the hole that Water bolt made.

'[Predator]' When I Activated that skill, a very weak disconnected sensation of rage and hatred within me. I just ignored it and I started to oh so very slowly eat up it's brain. "Don't blame me for being so slow and painful~ am just a weak slime so with weakened skills, so it will be slow no matter how hard I try hehehehe.'


after I ate up it's brain, I started digging on back side of it's skull, making me exit its body from it's spine.

A.N/see? I told you! what did I tell you? two things. 1. my brain is fucked up. 2. this is hardcore mode, so there will be pain.

I quickly jumped into the pond that the snake was drinking from, absorbed as fast as I can.

after I got out of the water, there was one thing in my mind.

'Great Sage, use the new skill, [Water Mastery] to propel me as fast as possible and land next to Luminous. and I don't give a damn about consequences'

<<.....>> She then off a high pressure stream of water behind me, at an angle. I flew with astonishing speed towards Luminous. then, before I reached her. Great sage Shot off from above and at an angle (between front and below), which made me fall just in front of her.

I saw Luminous up-close. her eyes are slightly open and her chest is rising and descending with hast. 'She is breathing very heavily. seeing where her cloths are torn of and guessing from it where the snake exactly hit, she probably have a few ribs broken.'

'can you make healing potions?'

<<Yes but because of the low calculating power and the grass not being actual Hipokute grass. I can only make up to 25% healing potion...>>

'Hipokute grass is just grass enriched with magicules, correct? so if we just super charge it, its quality would increase right?'

<<Yes... if Master used all the Magicules he have, he would get it up to 50% b->>

'then Do it.'




as Great sage was making the potion, I jumped on Luminous's chest, but I was careful, making sure not to hurt her anymore.

"I will save you. so just hold on longer...pleas."

"Ri-mu-ru... I.. don't *inhales* want to die yet...*sniff* I don't.. want to die.... I wa-nt to live.... please... sa..ve me.." she said, crying for her life. (don't think Luminous would cry in such situation under normal circumstances, but she isn't in normal circumstances. so it make enough sense.)

"I won't let you die. I won't let you die. I won't let you die...."I repeated while using the blood and flesh of the snake that I dug up, mixing it with a part of my body that I was extending over Luminous's mouth.

as I felt my body empty out of magicules, and my consciousness slipping away, I mixed in the healing potion. "I will do everything to make you survive Luminous!, so please! don't die!!"

I screamed as she moved her hands to hug me, and moved her legs (knees?) closer to her chest.

"I... I-I won't D-Die..." she said as tears where failing down her beautiful (Rimurus thoughts. not mine) heterochromic, blue and red eyes.

then, the mixture that he was making was completed, a mixture of his own body, some flesh and blood from the snake, and the healing potion. all was made to a blob and feel into Luminous's mouth. 'that mixture should have everything I could get that would increase her regeneration speed.' then I added some water one top. just to be sure.

Then, as I was going unconscious, I felt Luminous's cheek on my face as she said. "thank you... for saving me again." before my mind fully shut down...


A.N/ OK so this was a long one. I wanted to make it yesterday, well, more like the day before it. but seeing as how long it took me, I don't think it would have been possible. and here me wanting to add Luminous's POV. it's already over 3600 words without the author notes and it's 4:10 am. I started at 8:20 pm. let alone the 5 hours from the day before. anyway, hope you enjoy this thing, which I think is wayyy better than chapter 1 writing wise. yea I might have made some up a lot of skills with a one word explanation, but that explained it enough. and I think I can make new skills and races. and they would end up stronger than their cannon version. cuz more pain = more power. and I'm a specialist in making pain and suffering. that's why there isn't much wholesome. cuz I suck at imagining cute and wholesome things. anyway, have a good life and give me your comments and suggestions.


Extra note: God writing this made me soo tired that I forgot to name the damn thing.