
Vampire's Son ( Heriditary Vampire ; falling in love with a vampire )

faleti_racheal · 歴史
3 Chs

Met A Vampire

My parents have been warning me to stop visiting the Vampire ,everyone knows him to be sucking human blood via the neck ,they keep running away from him ,and yet the both of us are close ,he doesn't hurt me or do anything bad to me ,I enjoyed his company , I love being with him and anytime I am less busy I visit him ,my parents and everyone in the community keep warning me and told me I would be very surprised when he will hurt me, but yet I do not believe them , I saw all of those coming to tell me that as a lier .

If the vampire doesn't see me a day , he wouldn't be himself , he will keep passing in front of my house , and when I eventually saw him passing , he will show me a signal that he misses me ,. I gave him a name that is 'Companion' , he knows a lot of things because he has been living for long , and yeah I do learn much things from him , I always want to be with him likewise him but my parents doesn't want me to be with him , one day the community of the elders called me , I was eager to know what they will say , when I eventually heard , they said I should ask for the weakness of the Vampire stylishly and that they want to get rid of him.